I thought i'd just share one of the experiences i've had with globalist kikes
>be 18 >live in an area where there are almost no jews(NT) >never met a jew before >already redpilled >at work one day >start flirting with some chick >tease her the entire 8 hour shift and she flirts back >ask her what her name is >mutters some word that i've never heard before, i assume it's scandinavian or something, she has beautiful blue eyes >somehow we get into a conversation about geography >asks me what the capital of israel is >say tel aviv >She says no, it's jerusalem. I ask her how she knows.. tells me she's a israeli jew... >wot.jpg >shift ends >Start thinking to myself "i know i shouldn't pursue her because she's a kike, but then again i want pussy and i'd thought it would be cool to cuck the jews.
>Go on a date, get closer, start rubbing and touching her, obvious chemistry >second date we kiss and i finger her in the back of her car. >tells me that she's a virgin(i think she lied desu senpai) >score.jpeg >hook up a couple of times over the next month > cute face,c cup boobs, meh ass, skinny with wide hips. cute jew nose, although it's not big. 6/10 overall >She's really intelligent, although a sterotypical jew, likes business, has a rich family, etc. >start getting feelings for her >Ask her if i could come around just to hang up and maybe even meet her family. >Just laughs, says no meh >after about a month or so, she tells me that she wants to lose her virginity. >fuck yes >take her virginity >Starts acting withdrawn after i cum >sucks my dick dry(not my wallet) and swallows >leaves almost straight away afterwards >i'm kinda pissed but atleast i had sex >we don't talk for a week >confront her, she obviously isn't interested anymore. I just tell her that we shouldn't talk anymore
Michael Rivera
Did she bleed? If no >you have aids If yes >She was probably sexually abused as a kid
Ryder Rivera
we drunk text each other every so often.
>she messages me one night >i'm already drunk >i'm really pissed off for some reason >start teasing her about being jewish, say anti-semetic stuff, but don't say kike >I say that I'm a neo-nazi >doesn't believe me >whatever lmao >fake an apology in the mornining >she thinks i was just joking anyway >lmao
i have a more recent story, different jewess this time.
Bentley Rivera
>Did she bleed? SHE WILL
Aiden Price
>>tells me that she's a virgin(i think she lied desu senpai) I don't think she lied it's seems she don't have accent so you know she was a little different in Israel, whent to private school and been some years out of the country and some years here so no time for long term relations
>also mfw OP is going to marry here and convert to Judaism
Gabriel Green
This is a dumb story about a loser who works retail and lives with his parents
Has sex with an ugly girl from work who stops talking to him afterwards because he has a tiny duck and doesn't know how to use it.
We are all dumber for having read it.
Hudson Gutierrez
>go to Boston University (also known as B Jew) >sophomore year, girl I fuck is jewish >have 8 inch uncut cock >she touches it >"user, I didn't know you were uncut" >"i'm fucking european you dumb cunt" >she gets weird about it >literally the first girl ever who's been like this >fuck her throat >tell her to leave afterwards >"break up" with her the following week >she tries to make me jealous, i brush it off >call her a kike when i'm drunk, make fun of jews >she stills sends me messages on snapchat 4 years later, i ignore them all
Bentley Roberts
I couldn't read all your shit because I'm on a bus about to get off at the next stop.
But kikes need to be removed from western nations, while we #FreePalestine.
Kikes can go live in Madagascar.
They're filth.
Hudson Brown
So i'm talking to an israeli jew who lives in Israel. She's like 5 years older than me. She said that almost the all the guys there try way too hard, are creepy and half of them are too short for her, she's 5 ft 7" lmao. She wants to fuck me for some reason??? idk maybe she just prefers shaygetz... I told her that one of ex's was jewish and now she keeps asking if i bave a fetish for jews...
Sebastian Scott
Ryder Lee
Next time you fuck her tel her "Bat Zona"
Tyler Carter
Didn't you already shill in another thread today?
Isaac Morales
Christopher Howard
no accent, been in this country for over 10 years.
stfu diaspora scum How's that intermarriage rate going 4 u?
Matthew Fisher
All older women are like that, the older they are the worse the men they have to settle for.
Leo Turner
Evan Gonzalez
Kill yourself, you lowly maggot.
Nolan Perez
>tfw you fuck a jewish girl and you can still smell the zyklon b the next day
Josiah Allen
Could I skneak into israeli citizenship by fucking and marrying an israeli jewess?
Asher Campbell
yeah except for the fact that she's still a virgin. Even though she is like 22... which i find hard to believe. but unlike the first girl, she has actually moved around a lot, so maybe that's why
Dominic Perry
Should've nutted her bruh.
Eli Jenkins
The best root i've ever had was with a jew girl in a club. Spent over $250 on shots for my table and she started eyeing me, came up rubbed my leg and led me to the toilets for the greatest quickie of my life. Asked her afterwards what made her so wet for me and ill never forget the cute little smirk followed by "im jewish"
Ryan Thompson
>>"user, I didn't know you were uncut" >>"i'm fucking european you dumb cunt" s-save yourselves
Kayden Bennett
>mfw only jewish girl I've fucked is asian What a world we live in
Jason Cox
oath cunt, although i feel like she would have no guilt in aborting, especially since genetically they would be half jewish
unlucky man, i spent $0 on the first jew. I think for the majority of them, you just have to come off as intelligent but not autistic.
doesn't count cunt, you fucked a gook, not a jew.
Levi King
OP I know this is standard Australian shitposting fare, but I need a clarifications.
How can you "hook up a couple of times" and then take her virginity down the line? Thought the former meant fucking but maybe I'm an uninformed NEET.
Zachary Ramirez
he's a fag and probably thinks kissing girls over the age of 16 is a big deal lol
Isaac Williams
Pretty sure that's histrionic personality disorder. Great in bed but too bad you'll never meet her.
Brandon Diaz
>asks me what the capital of israel is >say tel aviv
Ryan Williams
yeah idk, maybe I used the wrong terminology
nekkit. jew kissed this dick
Jayden Johnson
Asher Reed
>be me 3 years ago >19 >going to uni other side of the country >redpilled as fuck >reveal my power level when I get drunk at a part >some sjw reports me for holocaust denial >get in heat with ((( diversity ))) councilor >Lie to diversity officer tell him I am jewish >buys it instantly >go to temple a few times around the high holidays to convince Jewish professors >even the rabbi believes im Jewish >befriend old jewish ladies >talk about isreali politics with the old jewish guys >literally out jew the jews >still hardcore antisemite >old jewish ladies try and set me up with their grandaughters and always bring me brisket and good jew food >even get a scholarship because of this mfw feels good to be a fake jew
Isaiah Allen
yeah idk man, I think she was suprised that I knew that tel aviv existed anyway
Owen Long
I believe everything except the diversity counselour. That I refuse to believe
Blake Taylor
Is it weird that i feel bad when cute girls like pic related lose their virginity like whores
Jose Phillips
they are mostly dumb dindus and wagon burners that are quota hires if you cant trick them I feel bad
Alexander Green
James Mitchell
But what is their purpose? How does a unversity need such a position?
Justin Rogers
>be in Spain >wake up everyday >no jews feelsgood.jpg
Cooper Allen
But a fuck load of Niggers and Muslims.
Luke Adams
You are sounding like hitler right now user.
Levi Smith
Joshua Perez
>How does a unversity need such a position?
don't you worry, Hans, your diversity counselor will start his job next semester.
Jacob Lopez
basically to make life hard for people that dont fall inline with the Marxist bullshit
Aaron Morales
Fucking roastie cunt it's not fair I didn't choose to be 5'6"!!
Jason Phillips
not in university anymore
so they really investigate and brainwash you to be more tolerant?
Luis Roberts
holy fuck is winona a jew? Fuck my love for jews just keeps getting better and better
Robert Foster
Ja Hans
Sebastian Flores
>not in university anymore >implying your cuck gobernment wouldn't enforce diversity counselors at all work places, for all Germans
yeah, no
Christopher Baker
>the irony when my work is to decide asylum applications