I can see that happening to be fair. He's said to be very stubborn and hard to work with because of his conservative beliefs
which makes him a pain in the ass in the senate but a great candidate for the supreme court
what do you think?
Lindsey Graham: President Trump Should Consider Ted Cruz For The Supreme Court
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Trump already has a list of his USSC candidates and it includes Mike Lee of Utah, Ted Cruz would be redundant
Dahnald, the appointment.
Nice and aeasy, Dahnald.
Cruz loves the constitution, I hope he gets it
>inb4 rato jokes
fuck off ungrateful faggots, Cruz has protected your 2nd amendment rights more than a few times
Do the supreme court talk among themselves or are all their decisions just made independently?
if lindsey said it, it should be ignored
sorry rat
Mike Lee wouldn't be funny though
Trump should appoint himself to the Supreme Court for life.
>Y-you're alive, Teddy?!
>We thought we lost you...
>How did you -
Easily the best option. He's 45 meaning he can serve for another 40 years; is an originalist conservative. Well experienced and Christian. If you're against Ted Cruz, you're for killing babies, homos and leftist degeneracy.
>Lindsey Graham
Trump thinks hes a complete fruit.
Regardless of if Ted is a good pick, Trump isnt gonna listen to a word Lindsey says.
He puts the bible down, and he LIES
not a good fit for a supreme court judge
Because Lindsey Graham wants another RINO cuck in the senate so they can stonewall Trump.
Don't take the bait, there are plenty of Ted Cruz-like people available that wouldn't remove his needed influence on the Senate.
>not stacking the SCOTUS with originalists
>Yarrgh, I be fightin' for Conservative Values, Yaahhrgg
he made a promise based on a list. next seat is fair game though.
Cruz does his job well where he is at, he'd be a good pick but his empty senate seat will be missed.
Remember your promise dahnald
Those delegates weren't free
I approve. El Rato was a creature of the campaign trail. Ted seems cured now.
>pol insists theres only 2 genders
Graham just wants Cruz out of the senate because he hates him. Now he see his chance.
He should appoint Barron, to age requirement for the Supreme Court.
Youngest God fearing man possible should be appointed.
Sodomites BTFO for decades.
Graham didn't even vote for Trump. He gets no say.
Cruz was lukewarm in his support and should only be considered after proving himself in the 2020 reelection
As much as I dislike Rato this would be a reliable conservative voice on the court, would also probably make stuff so contentious the old an infirm would die or quit giving DJT more picks.
Yep he needs to stay in the Senate.
They all hate him, make them suffer him.
They discuss but I doubt one has ever really been swayed by another.
Except Clarence Thomas, that is a nigger of few words. You thought Ben Carson is pensive and introspective? Thomas puts him to shame.
>not nominating 25 year-old alt-right pepe loving neo-nazis to the court
Potentially 60 years of court domination
We need more of a Clarence Thomas than a Scalia imo; but there will end up being 3 or 4 picks for us to stack the SCOTUS.
A) Fuck Lindsay Graham
B) Cruz on the SCOTUS would be a fantastic idea
is this their way to reward Ted Cruz's father for setting up the patsy?
>that pathetic manlet Lindsey Graham
Faggot Lindsey wants Cruz out of the Senate. Faggot Lindsey should be ignored. Sorry Ted.
Didn't Lindsey Graham say he would vote for Hillary?
Who is the clown now?
Graham voted for egg mcmuffin.
Ya i agree.
However i was thinking. If Lindsey's opinion is an indicator of what not to do.. He could still use his opinion as a means of power. And the rat will.
On the one hand, everyone in the senate and house hates Cruz and wouldn't want to help him.
On the other hand everyone in the senate and house hates Cruz and would want to get rid of him by parking him in the supreme court.
Rato is in terrible shape for 45. 85 ain't happening.
Trump and the new Republican Congress should appoint 10 additional new members to the Supreme Court and ensure a new permanent Trumpian conservative/nationalist majority.
We need a friendly Supreme Court to rule on stripping birthright citizenship from illegals. The number of supreme court justices is decided by legislation, not the constitution. A new Act could add 10 or more new justices for Trump to appoint and stack the court.
dont forget the little Jeb pls he had a rough year
Rato could rile them up so much they die of high blood pressure/strokes. Another appointment for Trump.
I remember people saying that Cruz should be a Justice all the way back in the primaries.
now that i'm hearing it from Lindsey Graham, I think it's gotta be an awful decision.
(N+1)D CHESS! (With N being the dimension of chess Dahnald is playing).
It doesn't sound like a bad idea but if Lindsey Gayham is pushing then it belongs in the trash.
Where did this Dahnald meme start? Did Ted actually do anything other than disappear after the convention?
Can you guys meme Lindsey Graham out of office and get him replaced by a non-cuck?
He should banish Lindsey Graham from the GOP and make Ted a whitehouse janitor.
Best meme of this election desu
He'd be great on the supreme court, but the senate isn't exactly in a situation where it can take him leaving.
I'm in.
Ted would be an excellent choice. He knows the Constitution inside and out.
Ann Coulter is my dream pick.
Yeah but he's a fucking rat.
what movie is that pic from? wanted?
I'd love Ted in the Supreme Court. He ran a dirty campaign but you can't deny that he's a staunch conservative who's going to defend the Constitution and not bend to liberal propaganda and mob rule.
The Republican majority in the Senate is not very strong though and Cruz is one of their safest reelection bets.
Cruz is a fucking Cuban/Leaf
He took banker and Bush money
His wife is an actual banker
He pulled a lot of dirty tricks (Clinton style)
Lyin Ted and go fuck himself
It's from deus ex you mong
Why don't they put in the youngest guys possible? I heard you don't even need to study law to nominated.
Good idea, actually.
What happens to his senate seat if he were appointed to SCOTUS? Aren't the Republicans only a majority by only 1 seat?
We need a meme on the SCOTUS bro. Four generations of Rato on the court would be a dream
idiots, this would be a great thing
This. I would obviously be against him for being president since we have DAHNALD, but he's a conservative christian, exactly what America needs as a Supreme court justice
Dahnald, THE WORLD!
I think this would be worth tying things up. Think long term my man.