Weak chin, weak government


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My gaydar says that guy is gay.

Ugh what poor genetics

>tfw weak chin
the rest of my bone structure I'm told is good. Still don't have a gf

>implying anyone else ever could have done what he just did
They're good genes now, you fuck.

Dude, Tillman was great and all, but why the fuck are you spamming him all over the place?

You are right, I suppose the United States is full of bad genes.
So bad genes voting for bad genes. At least we Dutch are growing in length not with.


That's one of the greatest heroes of modern American history Achmed. Watch your filthy Muslim mouth.

To counter the sight of those incredibly weak inbred Trump family chins that we are going to see more than enough in the next years.

Didn't this retard run off by himself and manage to get killed by friendly fire?

Running off by themselves is what commandos do.

And this is your average german


There's even more to the story. He was probably murdered by his comrades for becoming an anti-war spokesperson.

>Weak chin
Ahmeds have no chins.

this guy was kicked out though...

chins are for chads and normies anyway

>strong chin
>good jaw

>still manlet

Dat growth hormone chin

So why did Tillman die?

Rangers aren't Commandos and no, that's not what they do.

Hmm interesting, time to go digging.

Honestly Tillman is being falsely celebrated because they needed a Veterans Day piece for the NFL. He was a huge asshole who was killed by his fellow American troops.

>tfw strong chin

>huge asshole
>citation needed

Did someone call for a chin thread?

You have, but he was exposing hero win traffick king by the Army

>ivanka will never look at u like that
why even live

In my opinon, he was murdered.

"As both wars droned on, Tillman, the picture perfect recruiting poster boy, evolved into somewhat of a wild card. With a Chomsky meeting on the horizon, there existed a very real possibility that Tillman might go public with his anti-war anti-Bush stance in the weeks leading up to the 2004 presidential election, dealing a fatal blow to the very foundation of the Bush administration's propaganda pyramid. That day, however, never came. On April 22nd, 2004, Tillman was killed on patrol in Afghanistan by three American bullets to the head."

She would actually look good if her face wasn't that long and just a little bit rounder.

What the fuck


>shot in the back of the head from 3 feet away by his own guy

Doesn't sound like he was that popular desu

I guess I'm in luck

Let's revive this guy as a meme. He's the hero we actually needed.

Girls love weak chin I'm always told I'm cute

The military is full of assholes though, you don't see them being killed

His chin isn't weak

Totally down with that. Pat Tillman was a hero that was betrayed and murderous by an illegal necon administration of chickenhawks. I wonder why there's still no movie about his story.


And then they tell you they see you more like a brother?

So you're saying that weebs have a chance now?

I heard that he was a douche. Often boasting about how he gave up life in the NFL for life in the army.And that his peers shot him in the head because they had enough. But its all hearsay.

lol i was 8 years when that came out xD

delet this

>gave up his life in the NFL

he literally did

2d:4d ratio is more important imho.

>mexico mad again



>if only Herr Merkel built a wall


In Munich some of the germans had to build a wall to keep themselfs safe.



I heard you guys are good at building walls.


So you believe the official government smear tactics to ruin his reputation after he spoke out against an illegal war...

Us Micks?
Yeah upnorth the proddies and catholics were building them. Walls do work

to this day I don't think I've seen a better jawline than this

reminder he was murdered for being against the iraq war lmao

I was thinking more like these but peace lines are more modern.


We need more Alpha males in governmet, because they are smart enough to avoid being deceived by women, and rothschild.

how about this?
>dat dalo-faelid skull

Are things not like that all over the place? Are we the only ones to wall around our land?

>what is shoot, move, and communicate?

No I believe that his fellow ranger pals got fed up with him and his constant boasting about his life. Its nothing I condone, but I guess they must have gotten tired of him and his shit talking.

>He was a huge asshole who was killed by his fellow American troops.

>Doesn't sound like he was that popular desu

>The military is full of assholes though, you don't see them being killed

Tillman dared to talk shit about Bush invading Iraq. He was a intelligent college educated individual who knew invading Iraq was bullshit and was teh wrong move. The Army does not appreciate charismatic individuals speaking their minds outside of the group think.

t. echelons beyond reality HQfaggot

There are a few other places but it's pretty iconic.

Find a flaw in this chin. Pro tip: You can't.



I never knew that. Never really noticed it either but there is walls around all the fields I know

>thinks chins are teh manly

anyone who gives that much of a fuck must be sexually attracted to big chins whatever they got between their legs
OP is a faggot

>appreciating male aesthetics is gay
not everyone gets an uncomfortable boner when looking at males mate, get your homosexuality checked

From the official inquiry:

Baer said Tillman was popular among his fellow soldiers and had no enemies. “The guys who killed Pat were his biggest fans,” he said. “They were really wrecked afterward.” He called Tillman “this amazing positive force who really brought our whole platoon together.

Tucked chin and strong neck dude.. that's what keeps you standing when the punches are pouring in. Ask any fighter.
You don't mess with the trump train




>not knowing Tillman was fragged

Fucking plebs need to lurk more.

Weak chins? I don't see any.

It has a cuck attached to it.

>Strong chin
>Strong jawline
>Not a manlet
>Full head of hair, no receeded temples yet at 25

>A Pajeet