>mfw trump wins 2020 with even more electoral college voters
>mfw trump wins 2020 with even more electoral college voters
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Only a matter of time till we start hunting liberals.
They've learned absolutely nothing.
>Booker, Warren, or Harris will be the 2020 Democrat nominee
its over
the democratic party is dead, and all those smug libturds said it would be the republicans who died
NYTimes sounds pretty confident about a Warren/Booker ticket... which even they predict Trump will dominate "easy win"
Race traitor.
Good. The more they blame white people about literally everything the more votes he'll get.
Also this woman must be retarded. I could debunk literally everything she said.
Is she a jew?
The loud, arrogant, confrontation leftist don't understand that THEY are the problem. THEY are the bad guys.
>republicans get to gerrymander in 2020 and rewrite the constitution
what an ugly pig
Holy shit this is literally the best possible outcome. We deport as many of these fucking spics as possible while the Democrats drive more and more regular people into our camp. In 2018 we score an easy win as people are still pissed from their meltdown in the wake of the elections and Republicans always dominate the midterms anyway.
By 2020 Trump will have entrenched so far while driving them to such an extreme because of their echo chamber that McAffee will get more votes than Warren.
nah, not even the Libertardians are dumb enough to run a joke candidate again. Johnson and that RINO fucked them into irrelevance.
Keep going liberals. Keep pushing white people away and see what happens.
You're welcome for Samantha Bee, America.
yesss yesss keep calling all white people racist yessss gooooood
A lot of this around lately. Not just on twatter or the idiot-box, either. Some (((Democrats))) are saying they need to rebuild their party focused on "fighting intolerance," which we all know just means "hating whitey."
I hope they go for it, honestly.
Wonderful news, their stuborness will be their undoing.
The left has fallen into a babbling recursive madness. It is over. The paradigm is shifting. I hope the modern left fades and the new political divide can be over how to respond to emerging technologies.
they will learn nothing.
but what did she mean by this?
>B-b-but WE'RE the ones who are right
Holy fuck, would you look at those digits. Kek, you really outdid yourself this time--i will always praise you.
fucking kek'd lad
Older women did well this election, however my generation, the under 30's are completely degenerate.
I don't say this in jest, our women have been corrupted by the Jew.
>tfw Leibniz was right
This is the best of all possible worlds.
The only reason Trump didn't win in an even larger blowout is that tons of people have been tricked by the media into thinking he's an absolute maniac who will start WW3 or whatever the fuck.
But now that he's president, his actions will be able to speak for themselves. They can bitch and moan abut racism and sexism all they want, but it'll fall on deaf ears since they'll have been screaming about that for 5 whole years by then.
With GOP majorities in the senate/house, a GOP president, a conservative-stacked SCOTUS, and a GOP supermajority in the states' governors and legislatures, we'll be able to get whatever the fuck we want done. After the deportations and enforcement of strict voter ID laws across the country, imagine how fucking RED it will look.
Whoever they run in 2020, it'll have to be a nigger. That's the only way they'll be able to ever win again, because it's the only way to get nonwhites and white-guilt libcucks to turn out in droves.
It'll probably be Cory Booker.
But in the mean time, they're doubling down on their hatred of whites. That now includes hatred of white FEMALES. And the more they hate us, the more of us flock to the GOP and start voting as an identity bloc, similar to how all blacks vote democrat.
And there are a hell of a lot more whites. Right now, whites vote 60% GOP. If we can get that number to 65-70% or higher, we can do anything.
The left became a party of outrage over the last ten years--truelly culminating over the past two years.
Raging against others gives one a euphoric and superior sensation, verily an unbelievable feeling. One gets to feel as if they have a moralistic meaning and understanding greater than the masses. One gets to tap in to raw emotion and let it flow. One gets to be the victim. One gets to hate.
(((They))) know how powerful this it--how great it feels to tap into outrage. It backfired on (((them))), but now the masses are hooked to a very accessible drug.
>Hmmm, really makes you think
The good thing about the left's indoctrination is that it was a double edged sword. These people will learn nothing from their defeat and will merely make their ideology even more unpalatable to normal people.
If liberals keep this shit up, the meltdown of 2020 is going to be spectacular, disgusting, and the downright funniest shit ever.
Praise Kek
Trump 2020
You're forgetting the part where we meme Jefferson into existence and get Chicago and NYC's votes separated from the rest of the state Nebraska style.
They're going to be running around the streets with mensural blood body paint pooping on the ground and rolling in it while chanting I'M PROUD OF WHO I AM LOVE THE HATE by that point
They're overt racists that are incapable of seeing themselves in any realistic light.
>Democrats run an even more socialist sjw type who hates white people and only panders to minorities and faggots, runs on a campaign of reinstating abortions, fag marriage, interracial marriage and tranny operations
>America is more white (no illegals plus the mass exodus of minorities and liberals) Trump also deported anchor babies
>Repealing of the 1965 immigration act
>The big beautiful wall ahead of schedule and under budget
>More European immigration
>Trump solves the south African problem by allowing all Boers refugee status in america- full citizenship granted as well
>Trump ends gerrymandering but establishes permanent districts that favor conservatives
>Trump ends the two party system and boosts the green party which takes votes away from Dems
>Trump breaks up the media monopoly and bank monopolies, jails those who started them and contributed to the rigging
>Jails George Soros and declares blm a terrorist organization and jails them
>Trump begins sterilization programs and passes national stand your ground and open carry laws
>Trump promotes higher birthrates among whites
>PC culture completely destroyed
>Makes education local so there's no more liberal indoctrination of the youth
>America is made great once again
Oh man. This makes me glad i'm already Orthodox. It makes it much easier to move to Greece and join a monastery.
Well Democrats didn't realize that America intended itself to be white European. Because in that situation voters will vote on issues. Once you have a mishmash of competing ethnic groups, people will vote for their identity in-group. This has happened in just about every amazing and inclusive diverse society that has ever existed (until they Balkanized).
But yes the harder they push the harder whites will dig in. The fucking bitch int he video went on a rant shaming and hating whites with no realization that she was the racist.
You haven't looked into the past have you? What happens is the republicans drag us all further right and a new center-right "left wing" party forms like the neolibs did. They'll be considered left and adopt the politics of the pre-GOP right, but tailored to their own voting blocks. By being nominally left, they'll attract actual left-wing ideologues into their camp, until around 203X when they've shifted too far left of where they started and another schiscm occurs. It's been going on for almost a century in neat little cycles. Look at Eisenhowers policies and rhetoric, he would be considered a leftist by todays standards
The winner is always the businesses who are apolitical and just want policy pushed past the population while they squabble over bathrooms
>most people in US are white
>most Trump voters were proletariat disillusioned by entrenched bourgeoisie
>Turning economic issue into a race issue
>muh wymen prez
>White people are evil
Fuck me lads, am I getting pilled here?
The best part is everything they're doing is their own fault.
Protesters get confronted by National Guard, start screaming 'muh fascist state'
>they thought they could marginalize whites and still win, and they still think that
The gift that just keeps on giving.
>After the deportations and enforcement of strict voter ID laws across the country, imagine how fucking RED it will look.
Gonna be very unfortunate if they turn on you. You understand what happens after a coup right? They need you right now, but gettig rid of the opposition is getting rid of your insurance policy in hopes of benign rulers remaining so
We like to mock the socialists for failing to learn from history, yet we are no better. Cheering on policies and rhetoric that could be turned against us in an instant. Note, I said cheering it on, Trump hasn't done anything and I'm not speculating on his actions, but rather the attitudes of some supporting him. We always need to question what happens if we become thr outgroup targetted by the political atmosphere we create
honestly they have the winning hand. unless the Republicans do something drastic we're the ones that will have to change.
Even worse, a leaf
>Trump ends gerrymandering but establishes permanent districts that favor conservatives
Terrible idea. The right would splinter into all the different groups its formed of pretty fast. There are a ton of different voting blocks on the right who band together out of necessity, removing that won't magically keep them unified
Once Trump deport all immigrants isn't he sure to win 2020?
They only fuel or cause.
Way to go Samantha Bitch
You're handing us another election
How does this cunt manage to look 15 and 45 at the same time
Trump hopefully deports up to 4 million illegals, which can't vote for the democrats anymore
>How many times do we expect black people to build our country for us?
>muh people of color being victimized!
It's been said, but why don't leftist cunts understand how condescending it sounds to talk about an entire group of people like they're toddlers? That "bless their hearts" tone is fucking disgusting and a good reason why Clinton's black turnout was down overall.
video related
She's actually Canadian kek
a man can dream
We really should meme Jefferson into existence. California realizing wanting to break away from governments that don't represent you is natural means their more open to it than ever.
This is fucking brilliant.
Yep. The bourgeoisie left keeps thinking they can switcheroo "I am poor, jobless, and starving" with "KILL WHITEY"
>white people ruined America again
I don't get it, white people created America though?
>how many times do we expect black people to build our country for us?
0 times because they never built America. The early economy was built on slavery, but the slaves being black was completely irrelevant to the job they did. They could have used indentured servants or workers from Europe, which would have made the super rich plantation owners a lot less rich but would have made America as a whole richer.
Guys, now let's not be too cruel.
These people have been indoctrinated for 20 years about how evil the Right is, and how good always wins.
This is all they know.
who is that semen demon?
Mercy kill is the wave of the future.
Bump for liberal tears
>The working class/ The middle class have been getting buttfucked for the last 15+ years
>They vote for the candidate that has been talking about their pain since the day he announced he was running
Michael Moore said it best (even though he's a liberal) "It doesn't matter what he does..... All that matters is he is speaking to the people who are hurting."
They are so brainwashed they cannot understand logical arguments. You show them black and they will swear it is white. It will take years to reverse this.
>Don't become the hate
These people are so dense
abigail ratchford i think
reminder, don't go on social media an present evidence how trump is not a racist. they're gonna be even more cancerous in the next 4 years, let them destroy themselves. this is amazing to watch.
Jesus christ that's hilarious.
Why Trump looks pretty old in that pic? It happend fast ;_;
She'll be first to go on the day of the rake
>I'm so smart I just watched CGP Grey's latest piece of shit video.
That theory is just as bullshit as when he tried to shill (((Jared Diamond's))) GG&S bullshit. And the people who came up with the ideas you're talking about are also kikes. Into the trash it goes.
This sums it up, that fat transitioning fuck even called WI, MI, OH, and PA for Trump months ago.
The real path for the GOP to get a permanent majority is white hispanics
>inb4 lul """white""" spics
All spics WANT to be white. They want it more than anything in the world. Look at their media, how many shitskins do you see? Even in their home countries, blacks and abos are treated like the sacks of shit they are.
If we could do what we did with the Cuban-Americans to the light skinned spics, and civilized darkies, especially using the religiosity of the evangelicals to appeal to the super catholics. 30% while the media painted him as a racist is amazing. And remember, legal spics HATE illegal spics.
Make Native Born Light Skinned Spics Loyal to America Again
You are pretty well versed in multi-culti politics
Tl;dr everybody is ethnocentric/ racist, no exceptions
How do elite white liberals forget that half of women in this country are conservative and will not vote for a person because they have a vagina?
If anything, this is a triumph for feminism as it shows they care more about the policies of a person more then the genitals between their legs.
Reminder that the Democrats will double down on the SJW, anti-white agenda. Kamala Harris will be the nominee in 2020. Screencap this.
Id vote for a strong woman if she was not completely disgusting both body and mind, like Hillary. Id vote for Jill Stien if she were on the republican ticket.
People say this stuff on Twitter on purpose because acting dumb does gain alot of attention(they gain by acheiving more followers, retweets, or likes after they posted it). Why else would they post it behind an Ariana Grande profile picture? That tweet is litterally a copypasta.
This. Shillary being female was never the issue, her being a satanist crook is what did her in.
>I'm leaving america
>hello hawaii
>damn white people always going out to vote
>we need to make a law forcing everyone to vote
I'd much prefer those who care to vote do so rather then forcing a mass populace to do so when they can't be bothered.
6 more state legislatures, and the GOP could put pussy grabbing into the constitution.
Liberals don't even know there are state legislatures.
Please take the valley with you. Don't leave us alone to get BTFO even harder by an even larger liberal majority. :^(
What's more, if just ONE state legislature flips to GOP controlled during the 2018 midterms, the GOP will have a state-level supermajority and will be able to call a constitutional convention to propose and ratify whatever amendments we want.
End to birthright citizenship? Check
Strict nationwide voter ID laws? Check
The Dems took an L of legendary proportions but they are far from dead. But they can be killed but Trump for his sake and all of ours has to Make America Great Again, or at the very least take visible and profound steps to make it so.
The Dems story is that they flew close to the sun. They thought the world could be powered by big-heartedness and inclusiveness with alternative energy. Reality cock smacked them in the face and they couldn't spin it any other way. The Dems "learning their lesson" isn't going to look like the left leaning comedians, let alone Samantha Bee who implied in her drunken depression on Stephen Colbert's live election show that abortion can be a recreational activity, admitting that they stopping thinking (something they pride themselves on) and started being smug and divorced from reality. It going to look like new new democrats coming our of the wood work who are more careful with what they say or how they say it and lean more right compared to these psychos. Centrism is going to be the song of the next generation. Watch.
Many of these "pollsters" are uni graduates who think in terms of identity politics. Demographics is destiny to them. They still think they have the Hispanic vote locked up, even though 1/3rd of Hispanics voted for Trump. Although they can expect Blacks to come out for them, more and more are coming to see that Dems don't care about them because they have their vote locked up. They should take a clue from Hispanics in that regard.
Illegal Hispanics in this country don't want to compete with even more illegal (possibly legal) Hispanics.
fixed it
demographics is destiny though. 30-70 is about what the hispanic support always looks like. And those are probably the hispanics who are actually white or castizo
they've never do that
she's a basket case, a goofus
But, we need the first native american president user. :^)
>the left doubles down on identity politics
>simply agitates white voters even more
>the left loses again
It's like pottery
>how many times do we expect black people to build OUR COUNTRY for US
good god they've fucked up now
they aren't even pretending to care anymore
Yeah, I don't think there will be many more leftists for a while. They're gonna have to work with what they already have.
Remember how we were told it was the GOP that was crumbling? Falling apart at the seams? Never going to win ever again?
Fuck I didn't even vote this election but I will definitely vote against the left in 2020 if this how they act. Fucking worthless cunt vilifying whites who vote in their best interest. Leftists know no shame.
>I didn't even vote this election
Fuck off France neither did you.
>Booker, Warren, or Harris w
First names?