JSA Storytime: Question

Good evening owls,

clowns time

Hey OP.

That cover is fantastic.

I know, right? If I saw this in the bins, not knowing what it was, it'd be mine

Can't have enough clowns

Very classic style cover.


holy shit

this is god-tier stuff

Can't help but read him in Krusty's voice

This makes Krusty the clown look friendly.

Hello, Storyteller.

Does this count as a political comic? The overarching plot does revolve around a mayoral campaign...

So what do you say the odds are your alt-right ideologues trying to get their politics in comics have no idea who Jenette Kahn is?

There were still TV clowns in the 80s?

Like, I know there were human kid-wranglemen on TV (especially here in Canada to fit shorter commercial allotments) but CLOWNS? Didn't that end in like the 50s?

this is 200% a political comic

I wouldn't put having read this past some of the writers

best riposte I saw today was "lol, they bitch about Moon Girl but no one's buying BANE: CONQUEST either"

Man, that's gonna get him so many hits. The "all women are sluts" audience is UGE.

omg that Vic suit

I've not even heard words one way or the other about Bane Conquest outside of a Busiek tweet (in favor) and Comicosity Guy (take a guess) all the way back when #1 came out


This is a deeply political comic, user.

oh hey look, some shit really is eternal

>I've been kissed by worse

What, like someone who straight up raped someone on TV?



Ewing has two marvel books coming up.
>I have two Marvel series currently at various stages of completion. In their own ways, they're both personal big things for me. One of them is probably the furthest I've gone in terms of formal experimentation - it was going to be just a fun thing, but then it spiraled out of control into this deeply creatively and mentally challenging project. Which makes it sound less fun - but for the reader, I can promise that it'll be incredible fun. You'll know what I mean when it gets announced. It's so fun.

>The other thing is... well, it's big. In terms of the property - it's one of the bigger ones - and in terms of what I want to do with it, the level of ambition... I'm pushing this one very hard, and in a different direction from what I usually do. See... when I made my start in UK comics, I started as a horror writer. Not many people know that. The first few stories I was ever paid to tell were horror stories - very dark and very creepy. But I don't think I've ever really done a long-form horror/suspense book for Marvel.

>It's going to be big. And - no false modesty here - it's going to be very, very good. We've got an incredibly talented artist putting their all into it, and we've got me writing a character I've loved since my childhood - and not letting that love stop me.

Guesses on what he's writing?


>fun fun fun lol
He sounds like a retard

Well, then I hate it. Because as we all know, comics should always be brainless FUN and never explore any serious topics or real world issues. Fuckin SJWs ruining MY comics with their agendas. Comics should only ever pander to ME. Why can't an entire genre of fiction just exist solely for ME?

Now that's a tough on crime position that will eventually lead to civic bankruptcy as property owners just leave to avoid the "and burn their house down" tax

So the recent manga vs comics debate made me realize that many people who start off reading manga don't fully realize that shared universe and continuity is what makes capeshit stand out from other forms of media.

>The other thing is... well, it's big. In terms of the property - it's one of the bigger ones

>The first few stories I was ever paid to tell were horror stories - very dark and very creepy. But I don't think I've ever really done a long-form horror/suspense book for Marvel.

>It's going to be big. And - no false modesty here - it's going to be very, very good. We've got an incredibly talented artist putting their all into it, and we've got me writing a character I've loved since my childhood - and not letting that love stop me.

dare to dream?

would they do two mini's that close to each other?

The books we've read together since I joined these threads (circa Retroboot) makes me feel that nothing meaningful has changed since the end of the Cold War, if not earlier.


time for Orlando Furioso

Makes sense given the purchase

not in a good way

>it's another Sup Forums gets angry at Kurt Busiek thread

Al Ewing's Marvel's Dracula.

good news and bad news:

good news: mornings end soon
bad news: that means less storytimes

God I love that mini.
The Telltale Batman tie-in comic solicit seems to be hinting that they're going to make their Deadshot Ostrander-esque as opposed to modern Deadshot which I'm all for.

It's weird how the Telltale Batman is becoming a better else world than White Knight when it comes to empathetic Jokers




And the Madonna/Whore complex rears its ugly head!

>sees an affair
>immediately feels the world is shit
This guy is a fucking idiot. There are many reasons the world is shit, mate. This is nothing.

Dang, and well - congrats on no more mornings!

It's certainly the most unique thing that comics had for years and years, until the MCU managed to transplant it into film.

But idiots whining about continuity being hard has been a thing for decades now.
And their correllary argument, that "manga ends" is utter bullshit, because Mangas end only when they become unpopular enough to get their creator fired.



Don't get your hopes up.

it's hilarious to me that manga talks about comics being impenetrable when the most popular manga is like 100 volumes. you're reading a shit load of comic either way

That is a well structured ad.

Spoken like someone who thinks manga is only battle shonens.



>But idiots whining about continuity being hard has been a thing for decades now.
Can we talk about that for a second? This never made any sense, especially in an age where the Internet is a ubiquitous thing. MAYBE this was an issue back in the day, but now? Just admit you're not that interested in comics and stop making up limp-wristed excuses. Goddamn.

Yeah, that thread. I went in there to see what the deal was and just noped right out when it turned into Sup Forums

The Arkham tie-ins were pretty alright

New readers are unaware of the fact that they can pick up a series any time a new creative team hops on. They also hear the backlash #1's get from old fans so they're reluctant to start there. And there's a HUUUGE difference between starting at isue 1 of a series until you get to issue 800 than it is to read 30 issues from this series, then 30 issues from a different series and then back to the first series for 20 issues and then 10 issues of a third series and then you get to a point where they're in a crossover and then you also have to deal with the fact that you have to go through 10 different writer voices and 50 different art styles...


I think the sheer annoyance of that trope applied to women is why PURE HUSBANDO is weirdly appealing


Holy shit that Rogue-poster has been invading x-threads lately is a perfect example of this

>standing our ground
Oh for fucks sake...

Gotta love those bullshit political buzzwords that don't actually mean anything and can be easily turned against the person using them.

One of the anons said it best in that thread, many new fans think that comics should be read in a linear fashion and need to start at #1 when that isn't the case at all, arcs are designed to get new readers in all the time.

Oh yeah, sure, the harem comedy series only run for a half dozen years each. Good point.

there is a hard-to-replicate pleasure in capeshit of reading forward and then reading backward and re-reading and putting references together

>many new fans think that comics should be read in a linear fashion
And it's a normal thing to assume. For a new reader, all the crossovers and spin offs and the shared universe will seem overwhelming.


My first DC comic was the first appearance of Axel Trickster and then COIE.

It's an eclectic thing

Lemme guess, in terms of comics you only read capes, no?

It's much easier to read 100 volumes of a manga due to being self contained.

With shared universes there are crossovers and tie ins that you have to get to get the full story.


Why is it that people's autism flares with the light of a thousand exploding stars whenever a woman does, well, anything?

there is such sympathy for flawed, oddball humanity in this run of comics

Even if there's a new creative team, many books try incorporate what previous creative teams did.

Like Aquaman has pretty much been one big story since new 52 despite having 4 different creative teams. Even Mera's mini is going back to reference Forever Evil which was 5 years ago.

A huge part of the problem is that sometimes a run can be self contained, no crossovers no nothing, just 30 issues of great. But the thing is, this run will get referenced in other stories and you might get it spoiled if you don't read said 30 issue series first, so you're pretty much forced to read them in a specific order. A good example would be Question too because it crosses over with Green Arrow, even if a reader is interested in reading both series, he'd rather read them at his own pace, not feel pressured into reading said amount of issues from each series until each reach the crossover point.

While there's more events right now, there were plenty of crossovers and comics back in the day dealt a lot more in continuity than today's comics do. I don't think the shared universe scares off that many people, it's one of the attractive points about the MCU and DCTV.

>Forever Evil which was 5 years ago.
jesus fucking christ

time flies

Jim Shooter may have been abrasive.
Jim Shooter may have been intrusive and demanding.
Jim Shooter may have had some dumb ideas.
Jim Shooter may have been a shaved bigfoot.

But he was right about "Every Issue Is Someone's First" even if the impact of writing to accommodate that was sometimes detrimental.

Have you ever read Industrial Gothic? It hits on those themes a bit

And still no omnibus!

>I don't think the shared universe scares off that many people
It does
> it's one of the attractive points about the MCU and DCTV
They're just light fun and people don't care about them that much. I remember when Avengers first came out and a lot of my friends that saw it hadn't seen either Thor or Captain America before it. They just didn't care. They're different forms of media made for different people. The live action stuff is made for people that don't care about fiction and just want to have something running in the background.

hmmm, no

It just struck me that this comic has such astounding grotesquerie but it's humane

>But he was right about "Every Issue Is Someone's First"
No. That shit is terrible.

But that's the thing, you lose part of the appeal of the shared universe when everything is self-contained. Again, part of the appeal of capeshit is the continuity and relationship between the characters of the company.

Should there not be continuity? Should writers not build upon what other writers did? Are you fine with characters acting completely different than how they're usually portrayed in their series because the writer has a great story and they shouldn't be tied down to such restraints such as basic continuity and consistent characterization?


>the appeal
Let's be honest here, in terms of big event type stories, most of the tie ins are not only superfluous to the main story, but often also bad. You're reading through a lot of mediocrity and shit just to "get the full story".

>le snooty indiefag

Eat me. Any and all comics can be good comics, superheroes are what I grew up on because they used to be newsstand books, and superhero shared universes are a genuinely unique phenomena that doesn't really exist elsewhere outside of crossover fanfiction in terms of an experience.

>88 Annuals

FALSE ADVERTISING! They probably only did like 30 at most.

I am continually amazed at what people manage to crossover

crackiest thing I found lately would have to be the Cars/Resident Evilverse

And the Avengers movie wouldn't have happened if all the Avengers characters were completely self-contained in the comics.


I completely agree but I was going for more of different characters showing up in another character's book for an arc that isn't a crossover but that rarely happens.

>I remember when Avengers first came out and a lot of my friends that saw it hadn't seen either Thor or Captain America before it. They just didn't care

You can read crossover comics without reading everything that came before it, user.

Like, that was the default state of comic book reading until like the late 90s when trade collection really started ramping up.


>Are you fine with characters acting completely different than how they're usually portrayed
This happens all the time, cape writers are mostly terrible at character voices.
Besides, if you can use continuity ina clever way then great but a lot of the times you're not building upon it, I don't need a writer to use one panel in which he reminds me of a storyline and spoils the ending for people that have never read it, if said panel is not advancing the story. Grant Morrison's idea is to use past ideas to build upon them, as long as a comic is in your hands and you're reading it, then it's canon. It doesn't matter that this comic is 10 years old and 5 years ago some writer retconed it, the story still happened and while you';re reading it it's canon. You don't have to do your best just tor reference past stuff, just reference the stuff you want to use and elaborate upon. That's the beauty of cape comics and their continuity and shared universe, but 99% of the writers don't get that.


I don't dislike superheroes. I just said you sound like a very close minded person. And your rage kinda confirms it.

>crackiest thing I found lately would have to be the Cars/Resident Evilverse

Please tell me there was a Cars-Tractor Trailer version of a Tyrant.

As much as people say that comics are daunting to get into today, think how it was before LCS' or trades, you literally had to just jump in whenever you wanted.

>You can read crossover comics without reading everything that came before it, user.
The point was that new readers don't know this. So that's why they're overwhelmed.

Man, it'd be fucking weird if he did and that's how we found out Bendis was an owl.

That is a good tagline.

Also, both guys look mid-bite into eating the Shadow's arm. Or each other's arms.