Clinton supporter here.
Just a question: how do you feel about the fact that Trump lost the popular vote?
Not trying to start a flame war, I'm actually genuinely curious.
Pic unrelated.
Clinton supporter here
Absentee ballots that don't number enough to affect outcomes in various states will never be counted. Most such ballots are from military. As such, the actual popular vote is never known with absolute specificity. Beyond that, people choose to vote or not to vote based on current circumstances. We can't know how many people choose not to vote, from either party, precisely because of the EC system. This is a non-issue being trumped up by manipulative liars like Michael Moore.
remove the millions of mexicans and their kids who voted for hilcli and trump would have won the popular vote.
she lost
This too. Democrats are in the business of importing voters.
I wish he would have won the popular vote, but the fact that the coasts are full of blatantly anti-american cucks and other welfare niggers shouldn't thwart the will of the people that matter.
Do you think that everyone in the country would have voted the exact same way if the election was based on the popular vote?
>won the popular vote
Given what we know about how the DNC operates it wouldn't surprise me she won that via voter fraud.
No one likes that bitch.
True about the fact that there is uncertainty, but I don't think it's much of a non issue. This is the second time in 16 years that a democratic candidate got more votes but still lost the election.