Romanian Legislative Elections Thread Number V

On the 11th of December Romania is hosting it's Legislative Elections:

The system: Romania is a Semi Presidential Nation with a Bi-Cameral Parliment.
For a party to get in it requires 5% of the vote and for a coalition 8-10%

The parties:

PSD(Socialists, though less Europhile and less cucky, they do have some politicians that are nationalists) 40% projected
PNL(Liberal EU puppets that should be hanged for treason, went so far to add the EU starts to their party symbol) 25-30% projected
ALDE(Libertarian and Conservative parties made a coalition and will coalition with PSD, they are nothing more than a party people make a coalition with to win) 5-8% projected
UDMR(Hungarian party that will coalition with PNL) 5% projected
PMP(Populist party led by a corrupt Politican that though has come out against the media and Soros) 5-7% projected
PRU(Nationalist Party) 4-5% projected
USR(Bernie Sanders Socialists with ties to Soros) 5-8% projected

The coalitions:

PMP+UNPR(Center left non party)

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The situation in Romania:

On the 30th of October there was a great, little disaster in Romania where 64 people died during a fire, blame lays on the club owner where the fire is and those that gave him the permit for the club.
Naturaly this incidents evolves into a mass protest then a colored revolution that takes out the governament. Coincidentaly the goverment at the time wanted to build an anti migrant wall in Greece.

The government installed following the colored revolution was an EU educated (((technocrat))) government. Which coincidently has a lot of PNL politicians, and considering our president is part of the PNL, they have it easy with ruling, so far.
But just because they hold the power it doesn't mean they know how to use it, the economy has stagnated and they have created a prison crisis and a healthcare crisis. Which they blame it all on the former government though everything was fine before them and they have the power to change everything.

To add insult to injury the current government has stopped the possibility of an anti faggot marriage referendum though the petition of 3 million meets the constitutional requirements.

So the Romanian people are mad and are learning to be more eurosceptic, so much so that 2 nationalist parties are going to get in by the looks of it.

What can you do?

Not much if you are not Romanian, currently we are trying to organize a meme division to make sure we get the nationalist parties in and cock block the Pozzed Cucks.

hopefully no bozgors this time

dacian discussion only, huns need not apply


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We wuz Transylvania n shieet

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