What did Sup Forums's favorite widower mean by this?
Really makes you think
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Because there's no evidence that any of them happened.
>violent, racist incidents
you mean the riots by anti-trump "protesters"?
Soooo, 5 days of DNC / Soros paid false flags and Trump STILL won't denounce? Like I can't even, why?
these faggots and denunciation
they want people going around all day declaring in loud voices the things they do not approve of
i've really come to hate liberalism in the past few weeks
I'm getting tired of liberals making shit up.
Is the left really doubling down on this "racism is the only reason Trump happened" thing? I can't believe I ever thought they might actually do some soul-searching after the election.
>America is so racist they elected the black guy twice and voted against the white women
this is what liberals ACTUALLY believe