So... about the EPA and climate change, guys...

So... about the EPA and climate change, guys? Why did you vote someone in that thinks it's a hoax despite scientific data (that you will most likely deny like the idiots you are)? Do you hate the environment? I understand not wanting Hillary in since she is shit for it too, but Jesus Christ. A hoaxer?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Thinking carbon which is literaly the basis of life is bad for the environment.


Answer me, you chicken nuggets. How fucking stupid can you be to accept leaders who believe what is literally happening right now is a fucking hoax?

>having that limited of an understanding on man's impact on the climate

>thinking water that you literally need to live is bad for you just hecause it's in excess

Oh wait now you're drowning because it's unregulated.

Bump. Justify your retardation. You can't #MAGA if we're all fucked.

Because it is a hoax, faggot.

It's simply part of the global elites plan to control, regulate, tax, and allocate energy, which is the foundation of all civilization.

If warmists were serious about their cause, they would be for nuclear power, plain and simple. THey'd be tripping over themselves to fast track and open new nuke plants, fund research into nuclear energy, etc.

Instead they throw a token nod to 'green' energy, solar wind, that sort of shit which can't even supply a fraction of today's needs, much less tomorrow. And the rest of their effort is into taxing, trading credits, etc.

If they care about the environment, why is all their efforts put into giving government more power to redistribute wealth instead of actually producing energy without hydrocarbons?

Because it's all a fucking hoax. Yes, we have an impact on the planets climate. We also have an impact on the planets orbit if we jump up and down.

If you think hydrocarbons are destroying the planet, then work on the one non carbon based energy source than is scientifically proven to be able to meet today's and tomorrow's energy needs. Incentivise nuke instead of taxing carbon.

>it is a hoax

Stopped reading there. Idiot.

And this is why your side will continue to lose. Because you refuse to engage.

It's 2016. You faggots have been harping on global warming since the 80's. I'm now 40, and according to your models and chicken little predictions we're all supposed to be dead by now. Of course, like all doomsday cultists who get their prognosticating wrong, you just move the goalposts and hope no one notices.

You fuckers need to separate the science of climatology from the religion of global warming, otherwise no rational person is going to take you seriously.

Engage in what? Retarded denial? Fuck out of here with that. You seriously think it's just "global elites" pushing an agenda and humans don't affect the environment at all?

>cfc's don't affect anything, it's just a fucking can of refrigerant.

I don't care. Does it make your booty itch? I'll be dead anyways so its low priority.

>US hobbles itself to comply with world emissions standards
>meanwhile, BRICS keep on polluting the shit out of the planet AND get to stay economically solvent

We'd have zero impact on the environment because the chinks and poos wouldn't stop polluting just because we did.

China and India together pollute more than us. We might as well derive some economic benefit from scrapping (((climate change))) deals.

Both of these are a problem, yes. It's not only the US that has to deal with this stuff.

So if China and Poo alone outweigh us, why even bother? I'm not saying dump lead in the streams but muh emissions standards is retarded

Humans effect the environment, but are a tiny part of it.

Where did all this carbon come from? It is all sequestered in oil, gas, and coal, but prevailing scientific theory is that all three of those sources were originally biologic.

I.e. a certain amount of the biomatter in the carbon cycle gets sequestered into oil/gas/coal and gets removed from the carbon cycle, and was sequestered for millions of years until humans burned them and returned it to the carbon cycle.

If that's the case, it begs the question, why wasn't all life on earth destroyed when all that carbon was IN the active carbon cycle in the first place? Maybe CO2 doesn't stay CO2 permanently, and ends up in flora or fauna, with a net increase in living bio-matter on the planet instead of atmospheric carbon.

In fact, without humans burning this sequestered carbon and reintroducing it into the carbon cycle, I propose that eventually earth would lack the necessary amount of carbon in the active carbon cycle to support a vibrant and active world wide ecosystem. We would become a dead planet of oil and coal, and ayy lmao's would come by and exploit those resources for their own use.

Liberal here.

I voted Trump because I want SJWs destroyed. If Trump kills every human on earth, that's preferable to allowing SJWs to keep infesting everything.

Climate Change was at the bottom of shit I cared about when I voted for him.

I do care about the environment, but in a "Let me live off-the-grid in terms of electricity, water, and waste management" kind of way.

You come here asking question but refuse to debate?
Let me spell it out for you

Are you positing that carbon dioxide is a catalyst like chlorofluorocarbons are? Ozone depletion and carbon emissions are two different things.

And, since were on the subject. Are you aware that propane is a fantastic refrigerant, and we could have easily run all our air conditioners and refrigerators on it? However, it couldn't be patented, so instead it was outlawed for such a use, and instead we got various patented CFC and HFC compounds instead.

And isn't it doubly odd that they keep seeming to regulate the current preferred refrigerant out of use in favor of a new one just as the patents are expiring on the old one?

Yes, CFC regulation is a profit driven hoax as well.

And before you faggots go on about how propane is too dangerous. Right next to the fridge in every home is gas stove, and right next to the AC in ever car is a gasoline line that goes to the engine.

one of the positive outcomes of Nixon's presidency. it's absolutely important that we work to protect the environment and conditions that we live in.
>Climate change
literally moving the goalposts. First is was warming, then suddenly when temperatures normalize or go in the opposite direction, it's reaffirmation of their points, except that they change the name of the hypothesis.

Reminder that in comparative effect, America has much less likely outcome on human affected carbon emissions that places like China and India, and we're continually making initiatives and technology now that is reducing our effect compared to them.

According to your scientific data, St. Petersburg, Florida should have been underwater at least 20 years ago. Considering that I was just there last month on vacation, maybe you should pick a scientific model that actually fucking works

So I guess the warmists slinked off after getting BTFO.

Unfortunately they'll just start the same thread again tomorrow.

want to see how fucking retarded climate change people are?

read this

Volcanoes have been releasing much more carbon dioxide and other gasses into our atmosphere for thousands of years, much mor than we could ever hope to exude with man-made technologies. The earth is dying and the sun is burning up due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics because it isn't billions of years old.. despite what scientism liberal talking heads like bill nye would want you to believe. How could nothing have created everything in the big bang if matter cannot be created or destroyed? You are no better than leo decaprio coming into alberta and saying its damn hot cause of global warming when they get hot winds every year from the mountains & people knew he was a joke. Why make that fucking cad a leader of the climate change bullshit party anyway? Does leo have a PHD? We are operating on God's time, as the jews of the synagogue of Satan ruin the lives of the whites so that women and children rule over men (ISAIAH & REVELATION)

You've convinced me to do some reading, man.

the far left has lied about so many things the smart money is on man made climate change being bullshit or blown out of proportion

nuclear winter : fake. humanity has never made any where close to enough nukes to do what a astroid can if its big enough

biodiversity needed for humanities survival : wrong easily 80% of all species on earth can die and we will be fine. we dont need natural ecosystems when we have agriculture and domesticated animals. we have tree farms for lumber

the ozone layer isnt replenishable: bullshit it was naturally occurring because of electrical activity in the atmosphere. o3 is easy to make with little current as long as oxygen is present

>climate denialists want me to waste time debating with their stupidity

No thanks, idiots. Get educated.

>E-Educate yourself!

Basically the liberal spin of "I give up". Just stop posting you retard

Do some reading, you stupid denialist nigger retard fucking idiot.

It's a problem I want him to do nothing about.

There are higher priorities than making an infinitesimally small impact, with an astronomically high cost, on 1 degree of warming in the next century.