Haven't been to comic store in years, kind of want to stop by

>haven't been to comic store in years, kind of want to stop by
>realize there's not a single new comic I'd pay money for
Are comics dead?

Comics aren't dead because they fail to meet your standards

So buy an old one, dummy.

You're dead, but you knew that already.

You should read TPDs dude you can get back into signal issues whenever you want as long as you support the industry in someway you can always come back to issues

>haven't been to home depot in a while
>want to stop by
>realize there's not a single house i'd want to spend 30 years paying off just to die

is housing dead?

that's exactly the definition of death of a medium

>One faggot doesn't like anything

Just lower your standards by several standard deviations and everything in the store will be magical again.

doesn't like anything =/= meet standards

decide which one you're arguing for moron.

By default, if it doesn't meet his standards, it means he doesn't like it

I do not know, I suppose if I go to a pastry shop and nothing of what is there makes me hungry I suppose it is that the cakes are dying.

but how do you know it does not work if you did not even open it and read? I mean, I'm not talking about capeshit, image shit or darkhorse are in this.

If everything was stale and marketed towards homosexuals in every bakery I go to, I'd say cakes were dying.

but not liking it doesn't necessarily means it doesn't meat his standards.

was that too difficult to get?

For the most part. I don't even know of many good franco-belgian comics lately.

I'm not defending OP, retard. I'm pointing out OP is being very judgmental and making an ass out of himself by asking if comics were dead because he can't be bothered to check out a current book

>buying houses at home depot
You stupid motherfucker. It's not literally a depot full of homes.

Are you just trying to argue at this point? Unless your OP, you don't know what he likes, or what his standards are

I don't watch foreign films. Does that mean only the US film industry is profitable?

R.I.P Cakes (1600-When an user decides what is dying)

t. Lowefag

The US film industry isn't profitable though. They operate at a net loss for money laundering and other nefarious purposes.

Don't some people just go over there to play card games and buy merch? Just head on over if you want to be there.

that's the worst analogy in this thread.

I go to a locally owned hardware store, but good try.

>Op reads nothing, but for some reason can't find anything worthwhile.

How does it feel to be autism incarnate?

I don’t eat at Burger King, why do they still have stores open?

>Sup Forums gets triggered when its dying medium loses another source of shekels
Cant' wait till the Comics half of this board falls off.

Yes, I mean, I can not eat seafood because I'm allergic, but how can people still eat them?

>Went to a car dealership and didn't find a single new car I'd pay money for
Are cars dead?


>all this crying
>not a single recommendation of a current run
guess comics really are dead

New Super-Man
Spider-Man and Deadpool
All New Guardians of the Galaxy (Press F)

>New Super-Man
Why is superman a retarded looking chinaman? Why is this written like a cartoon? What is happening?
>Spider-Man and Deadpool
I will check this out.
>All New Guardians of the Galaxy
No thanks.
First page of comic has hero livestreaming from his phone, immediately stopped reading.
Dumb but pretty cool I guess.

I'll eat your share of clam chowder user

shit is so good, especially when you get it in a sour dough bread bowl

I looked at each one of these recs and they are complete shit. They make me want to fucking puke all over my keyboard. Do you eat shit for dinner? Were you in a car accident that left you mentally impaired?

>Why is superman a retarded looking chinaman? Why is this written like a cartoon? What is happening?
is this shit real?

>Doesn't like Chinese Superman
The man with shit taste confirmed
That's not even fucking out, so you, and the guy who recommended it, are fucking retarded

Been wanting to go get the new Mr. Miracle comic, but I've been holding off. Anybody know if its any good?

How do you market baked goods towards gays?

The same way you market against them, but in reverse.

>The man with shit taste confirmed
I read the first few pages and it was written like a nickelodeon tv show.
>That's not even fucking out, so you, and the guy who recommended it, are fucking retarded
Preview is on DC's site, turdlet.

Comics are so broad and so fucking greatwhich means it's just your fault that you only want to read capeshit that was never good to begin with.

this might be one of the funniest posts i've ever read. Because i get what you mean but also its totally retarded.

Claiming there aren't any good comics coming out.

Did any of you dingdongs even read Rock Candy Mountain?

>Rock Candy Mountain
No. Go back to tumblr.

I've been googling around and all I've been finding is weird hipster shit for last year. Where all the Alan Moores, Frank Millers, Grant Morrisons, etc.? Is there a single person with genuine talent that has emerged in the last decade or is it all people scrambling to harvest the wallets of gullible millennials who give absolutely no shits about the medium? Don't give me that 'broad' nonsense.

Hard to go back to a place I've never been Satan
That's right I see your trips you lying snake

>Where all the Alan Moores, Frank Millers, Grant Morrisons, etc.?
Well Grant Morrison is in Heavy Metal, Moore is in Avatar and i think Miller is DC.

Well yeah, those guys are old and don't give a fuck any more. Where are the new young versions of those guys?

comics aren't dead.

I'm a fucking mid-life crisis oldfag and I still find very good comics that still amaze me in several genres.

Comics are even more alive and creative nowadays than cartoons, tv and movies.

It's true that's there is a lot of chaff too, but that doesn't means comics are dead.

Dunno their new version, but there is plenty of comic book authors still consistently putting out good content, like The Hernandez Bros, David B., Ed Brubaker, Jeff Lemiere, Frederik Peeters, Eric Powell, Daniel Clowes, Manu Larcenet, Jason and bunch of others i can't bothered to name.

>are comics dead

capeshit is, for sure. marvel is basically forcing the literary equivalent of having the x-men blow their brains out. dc fans just buy whatever because they have no taste or standards

lol so get this.

businesses end when people don't want a product. are you old enough to know what a newspaper is? do you know what a record player is? a LASER DISC?

LOL user thinks cartoons don't fall off after 1 season all the time, sometimes for no other reason than the network wanted to pull it regardless of how many fans it could get

point and laugh

No one pointed out that considering how diverse comic stories are, op must have a extremely narrow taste to not want to try anything at all.
Because let's face it, even if your jam isn't superheroes (the bread and butter of comics) then there's a huge, and I mean HUGE amount of comics out there for everyone to enjoy. People like op simply blame their own lack of taste into the industry, not too unlike those who listen like 10 albums a year and somehow this is meant to be a sign that there's no new good music anymore.

i think i would pay for some of the recent DC stuff since i have at least some idea of what is going on and i watch all the animated movies, the weird thing is i used to buy and read marvel alot , specially captain america until the end of fear it self but now i have no idea what's going on in marvel i'ts all fucking new all fucking different, last thing i remember was bucky being captain america, then i heard at some point falcon was the new cap, and then i just lost track

comic stores don't often sell good indie comics

you have to find a comic store that sells TPBs, especially used TPBs that you can buy and trade back for value on other TPBs

Out of the whole list the only thing that grabbed your attention was Venom? Yep you're one of those casuals who somehow keep derivative drivel like Venom afloat but never once show up to discuss it.

>lost track

you aren't missing much. trust me. the best thing they've really done in the last 8 years is moon knight

just some recent examples, I'm into sci-fi comics and I find that Brian K vaugham is still making several of the best actual sci-fi comics, specially after he does not write for DC nor Marvel. (Saga, paper girls, we stand on guard, ex machina, the private eye. And those are only his recent projects)

More variegated examples: I loved Jeff Lemire's and Dustin Nguyen's Descender, even if it was a little cliched at some points, Ody-C is very good too, art and story. Image's Monster is stunning, I liked it even when I'm not that much into fantasy, the characterization is great, so the art. Lazarus was ok tho.

And those are just some out of the top of my ideas, and I'm not even that much into comics nowadays.

Also I have a long list of stuff to read that I think it will be great, from reading reviews or looking just over them: Habitat, Prophet, Roche limit, Souther Cross, Space riders, The spire, Arcadia, Tom Strong, ORbiter, east of west, copperhead, fear agent, etc...

New talent goes straight to creator-owned publishers nowadays, they don't want to work on superheroes.

and uncanny x-force

This, capeshit is dying a painful slow dead in comics.

It amazes me how Image comics took the ecosystem niche of what used to be Vertigo's and Dark Horse's turf as a fucking unstoppable juggernaut bitch in recent years.

Or alternatively, buy them online. Not Amazon though, places like MMComics or CheapGraphicNovels carry plenty of new floppies and collected editions as well as old stuff. And the former has even a pull list system of sorts that ships floppies monthly or weekly.


you mean monstress?

OP you need to check out other publishers besides the big two. Image has stepped up by orders of magnitude

>buy them online

yeah, i buy them used and then trade them for other TPBs from a LCS. i've been able to read a fuckton of comics that way. also trading them keeps me from having too many possessions. there's simply not enough room to keep the comics i've read and liked

Well I wouldn't know about any of that because I don't live anywhere near a store and my only choice is buying them online, but I get you because eventually I'm going to run out of space in my shelf, specially given that I've been buying hardcover editions.

>you mean monstress?
Yeah senpai,

It shows that fantasy is not my thing, lel

True but not the full story.

New talent goes to indie to get work published and their name out to people who can give them a larger platform. Once they get noticed by the Big-2 they'll run a few for hire books to create a larger audience and then once they have a known name switch back to indie to reap creator owned profits.

I think comic beat ran an article on this that pointed out readership on a creators indie work doubles after they do a stint at the Big-2.

well monstress is indeed entertaining.

beautiful but cruel

comics are pretty much dead.... they live on in movies and tv series now.

There have been a few great comic book movies. I recommend you see nolan's batman trilogy, Man of Steel and Batman v Superman if you haven't already

>half a billion dollar industry in just brick and mortar sales


>if something sells it must be a useful product

user, have you ever heard the phrase "quality, not quantity"?

That's what captivated me, and as I said, I'm not into fantasy stuff, Monstress could get mistaken as a Berserk's gender-bender western knock off, but if there's even a little of influence of it there (I doubt it), it certainly surpassed it in everything, characterization, art, world-building, story arcs...

So I have this very same conversation with my old guard comic buddies about comics dying, told them to stop having great hopes for new capeshit and to give a chance to Image's actual catalog, also to several other indies.

Except that's not what you said. You said the medium was dead. It rakes in half a billion. That's not dead.


Will check these out. Thanks!

You are welcome F4m, also if the new stuff isn't your cup of tea you can try the old sci-fi classics, many of those are still around in print form: Metabarons, Incal, 2001 nights, airtight garage, ballad of halo jones, Arzak, Pluto, transmetropolitan, Planetes, Akira, Nikopol trilogy, we3, Y the last man, Domu, Hard boiled, almost anything in Heavy Metal...

Okay, most of these have too much SJW shit to be taken seriously

Kinda sad to see this is the case in Burgerland, comics are still doing fine in Europe.

There's still quality, user, probably you got older and Marvel/DC superhero stuff isn't as appealing anymore to you. But comics aren't just superheroes IPs from 2 companies owned by media monopolies.

>GR8 B8 M8
I think you just enjoy complaining, and I think you'll keep doing with or without this thread.

>unironically using that acronym
You should read this one though.

Descender, Monstress and Paper Girls look good enough. The rest are PC trash

So you are judging by the cover, because then you're not even trying.

Do this looks like PC to you, or SJW?

>realize there's not a single new comic I'd pay money for

Why do you need to buy new comics?
I stopped buying new Marvel and DC comics and instead have started to buy the pre-2000's stuff that are being collected (eg Marvel's Epic Line).

Hahahahahahaha Canada defending against America. Nice try leaf

As I said, seems like you only like to complain, prolly this whole thread you are using it to troll Sup Forums into giving you some recomendations then you throw some baits.

Do this looks PC or SJW to you?

Now, is this what would you consider SJW or PC?
Probably, since you are just probably trolling for some cheap lulz.

your trying to logic a Sup Forumsack that is most likely never read a comic in his life. fyi

Looking like SJW and PC the troll said.

Actually you are an idiot, of all those comics, Paper girls and Monstress are probably the most SJW-alike. Because of the now cliched "female-empowering" theme.

You're right. Descender isn't as bad

Absolutely haram PC and SJW stuff.

See? you are just judging by the cover.
Descender has some of those tropes too. Looks like you are just an irrevocable contrarian asshole.

Just go read some pepe memes.

Also, more "PC and SJW" content for your prejudiced taste.

Prophet looks pretty amazing. I take it Issue #21 is a new run?

It's the least bad of much of what's on the market