Why aren't you married yet, Sup Forums?

Sup Forums likes to talk big about saving "muh race;" so why don't you have a loving, same-race wife and at least 2 kids yet?

Is there anything else you could ever really want or need?

Because I'm 21 in first year of uni and I want to end my life.

I'd love a wife but I can't seem to find one. Oh well.

because the girls I want to marry are illegal

I'm unlovable.

Because I'm ugly and socially awkward


>same-race wife
About that, halfbloods like me aren't a race.
>saving a thumbnail

no fault divorce laws and divorce rape creates moral hazards like a girl knows that she can take everything away from her husband so she has all the power and no responsibilities ore duties.
girls want to wait until after they hit the wall before they consider getting married. by that time they are too old to bear you a lot of healthy children. and she'll be all used up and worn out.

because i'm 12

pls no ban

This, I am not marrying in America unless trump changes the divorce laws to benefit the family, not women.