So we had a thread yesterday about french comics, more specifically Ankama and what everyone thought of them

So we had a thread yesterday about french comics, more specifically Ankama and what everyone thought of them.

An user from France went to Angouleme this year and had stories about authors and editors and the industry as a whole. Care to have another discussion?

Fire away.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not going to give any names but

>get contacted by two editors for the same project
>editor from the big publisher looks at my stuff and says "yeah it's nice but due to this and that page or panel it's not yet at the level I want. i'll keep on watching your progress, so let's keep in touch and maybe hit you up for a future project when you get better"
>editor from smaller publisher calls me and says "I want it. It's got room for improvement so how about we meet and work on it together?"

It happened the same day, and the difference in their respective reactions was interesting to me.
I wanted to work with the smaller in the first place, so great.

Here's a comic by a french author that got sidelined many times due to his conservative views (according to him). An interesting read if you can read french

>Fuck's wrong with you, why aren't you reading eurocomics?
>I only speak one language.
>LOL kill yourself, capeshitter!
Every time.

And don't tell me there's translations, cause that's a blatant lie.

kill yourself

Well i mean you could learn the language if you want to read them bad enough.

I did.

>learning a whole other language just to read comics
No work of fiction is worth that kind of effort.

You expect people to congratulate you for being a lazy whiner or something?

I pity you. For your disdain for culture and your lack of motivation, and for the fact that you'll remain a mediocre individual your entire life due to those.

I mean. I understand and agree with the idea that history i smore complicated than "they were all bad". But he's also acting like poiting out the mistakes and horrible shit done by previous generations is wrong.

France is goign through a phase of trying to deal with the shit they've done. It's hastily done, and often generalizations ensue, but his take on it either much better.

It's like Malin and his "I don't see what the problem is with the comic industry, it's all good and you're wasting it with your sjw shit!"

Smaller publishers can afford to take more risks and put more time into editorial work.

As an example of the big publisher mindset, take the company I work for, a nationally distributed craft brewery. Each product is a much smaller share of revenue and the cost of rolling it out is high. If something isn't on par with the rest of our catalog, it isn't worth the time to develop into something that is. We can't afford risk because everything is heavily profit based and marketing focused and the company is so big we're no longer mobile.

Any of our smaller competitors can (and do) double their lineup from 2 to 4 beers, get a good response from one of them, improve the recipe over multiple batches, and have more growth in profit from a single product than we do from entire lines. And it costs them a whole lot less to do this.

In publishing, I'm going to assume that royalties, rights, and licensing are involved, which also makes those responses interesting. If something is a success, a smaller publisher stands to make a lot of fucking money because of lower overhead. A larger publisher expects that from the start.

I also watch movies in two languages, converse in two languages, read books, learn abot history from twwo perspectives (three even considering I come from a country that doesn't speak my mother tongue).

Languages are an open door to more culture and more knowledge, more experiences, more opportunities. I work with people in three different countries, and I get a better understanding of the world.

But eh. Suit yourself.

The only people in any quantity who speak something other than english in the US are illiterate day laborers. It's 4 days by rail to go talk to some uppity french nationalists in a bastard dialect. I can drive for 5 hours and not make it over to the next state. We have a barrier to even learning a language because there is almost no use for it other than entertainment. It's a shitty situation, but that's how it is.

More eurofags need to come to the US and take a roadtrip to see just how fucking huge this place is.

Oh yeah, if only there was a thing that allowed people from all over the world to talk, exchange and discover while staying at home. We'd call it the world wide web. That's a catchy name!

There was no native english speaker around me. My grandma taught me the basics, I used them in high school and only my motivation and the internet made it into an actual language for me.

Your excuse is poor. Just say you don't want to. It's fine.

It's all about will.

>a better understanding of the world
Yes, I'm sure learning French or German will totally open up a more nuanced understanding of how everyone on Earth is a total cunt. You idiots who speak of "culture" are living in a delusional candyland in which there exist cultures worth exploring.

No, I want you to stop nagging me to read euro comics. Nobody gives a shit, so knock it off.

lol what a loser
I learned english for browsing the web

Thanks for proving the point that you're ignorant

>implying I'm even french

No shitposting, fag. I know 4 languages, write and speak in them fluently, and going to learn chinese or japanese soon. I want to learn Kanji and hiragana to read mangas. If you're a lazy piece of shiet you better get your ass off off Sup Forums and make some good contribution to your own life.

It's a problem when one PoV is the only one allowed. Especially when it comes from people supposedly valuing freedom of speech.
Dimitri got fucking destroyed for being a former panzergrenadier (as an alsacian, he got drafted in the german army during ww2), despite writing his memoirs under a pen-name and never promoting nazism.
Meanwhile, former viet-mihn torturer Boudarel retained his french medals and taught at the university.
The french intellectual milieu is definitely leftist, but sadly it doesn't result in a more virtous conduct on their part. They'd rather be "wrong with sartre than right with aron".

This pisses me off, because if I'd expect neo-nazis to be deluded bastards, I'd like to see the left apply the values it promotes, instead of reducing the debate to a choice between a giant douche and a shit sandwich. Encouraging demagogy, no matter where it comes from, isn't doing France (or anybody, really) a favor.

I usually read spanish translations of eurocomics when they have them and the little danish I know covers scandinavia. My point is that I don't need to for any other reason and it doesn't really benefit me at all. I have to fight to keep what I do know because there is almost no opportunity to use any of it conversationally. Everyone on the internet speaks fucking english. We have a hegemony going on.

I don't need to learn a foreign language to browse the web unless I'm looking for nasty japanese porn. It's all in english.

I don't give a fuck what you are. Your culture is fucking trash, same as everyone else's. The idea that learning more about other people's various excuses to be assholes to each other is going to somehow enrich my life, is frankly offense. So stop going around shilling your cheap swill all the damn time, because it doesn't matter what country a comic comes from, it's a comic, so there's a 99.9% chance it's utter garbage. Annoying cunt.

>hurr i'm a brainlet

>hurr i'm a brainlet too!

honestly getting mad because someone tells you to learn another language is a new low.

Agreed on all accounts.

Hell, I come from a west african family, my dad married a french, and my african grand father fought for his independence. And yet he has great french friends, and will (just as an example) gladly talk about what he admires, and hates regarding, say, De Gaulle. And god knows west africa has a lot it can complain about regarding how it was treated.

I guess my point is, joining yours : history is messy and nuanced. And its easier for them to simplify it than accept those areas of grey.

>I won't learn another language because that would put on the level of illiterate day labourers.
Oh my, that's hilarious. You're too precious to wipe your own ass, too?

>there is no use in learning smth
Opposed to spending time posting on Sup Forums? You can make excuses all you want, the real reason you won't is because you're way lazy.

there actually are a metric fuckton of translations

You..;realize you're just proving my point and digging your grave of short-sightedness and ignorance, here, right?

all you have to do is leave the EuroComic thread and presto. . . no nagging about EuroComics. Its that easy Im sure even a lazy cunt can manage

Why should I put forth such an absurd amount of effort just to read a fucking comic book? That's fucking retarded.

Whoreshit, I checked, and what few translations I could find were for pandering trash like Skydoll. You're all a bunch of lying pieces of shit with godawaful tastes.


Hell, he entered it and antagonized people right away.

>Why should I put forth such an absurd amount of effort just to read a fucking comic book
It's already been established that there are other reasons beyond comics

>translations don't count if it's something that I don't like!

now i'm just making fun of your retardation.
Dance, little monkey, keep screaming about comics in a language you cannot hope to understand

He mustn't be here. He's a friggin normal. a great deal of comics are in foreign languages. English is foreign language for me, and i could've made the sam statement as he did for english, or any language, even computer languages. So any complaint about languages makes no sense at all. We must put on him THIS mark, for his shame (image related), the black mark...

obviously you looked as hard as you learn
this is starting to sound like trolling, only boring

Kek. i love it. Agreed.

He's also strangely defensive about it too.

>It's already been established that there are other reasons beyond comics
From the point of a native english speaker, there really isn't unless you go into international business or have a fetish for a certain country.

And he's being ignorant again.

This is the type of behavior that makes everyone else in the world make fun of america for its cultural insensitivty, ignorance, and refusal to learn about other places and expand their perspective. It's supposedly a cliche, but between this and Logan Paul, i'm starting to wonder...

Fortunately I met americans who aren't like that.

This fucking kid again, christ.
He has never read a comic, if you enjoy arguing with this moron more power to you, but y'all are getting trolled.

Come to think fo it, those americans specifically mentionned this issue as being a reason they left the country. Too self-centered.

One of them was even from San Francisco, which hels itself as a pinnacle of cultural openness.

>"You should make an effort to learn more about people who find any excuse to hate you."
... Yeah, because that's productive. Retard.

I'm the one reading comics in 3 languages other than my own. It is you that need to expand your perspective. Let's go on a little drive, it should only take a month or two to do the loop.

Aaah so he does see the benefits of learning languages after all.

I'm a different user, I just happen to agree for different reasons. The only time I use any of these languages is for entertainment and masturbation. I've never met a native speaker of anything but spanish and none of them were cute lispy manlets, so it didn't benefit me at all. Most people would consider this a waste of time.

Watch in amazement as it derides other people for lack of productivity while posting on fucking Sup Forums about how it isn't smart enough to get eurocomix.
I am laffin

>use any of these languages is for entertainment and masturbation
That's on you for not making better use of it though.

>the little danish

Really? I don't think I've ever met a non-native Danish speaker, excepting those who live in Denmark and actively want to keep doing so.
You an exchange student?

I was bored on duolingo. Depressing crime dramas are fun.

The matter isn't that they simplify it, it's that they get out of their way to promote their views, even when it doesn't benefit the story.
For example, "This machine kills fachists", a (shitty) comic about an IS-2 tank during ww2 and african toyota wars later.
Every, and I say EVERY, german soldier we see defending Berlin is sporting french flag patches.
Now, the SS. Division Charlemagne was indeed composed of french soldiers, and took part in the battle of Berlin. But to reduce the whole german army (and population) to fanatized frenchmen? Meh. And it isn't even there to make a point, it's simply sitting there. Like a small "up yours". And there's no historical value to it, contrary to a comic centered on the SS. Charlemagne and exposing them as the assholes that the vast majority of them were.

Do that on every comic, and it becomes tiresome. Very similar, in fact, to the cheese eating surrender monkey jokes in US comics after 2004.


Apart from Bamse and local Donald Duck stories we don't really have anything that isn't newspaper strips here as far as I know.

It's almost like he doesn't care about the discussed topic and just wants someone to acknowledge his existence in the form of (You)s, to drive away his crushing loneliness and make him able to go another day without becoming an hero.

>comes into Eurocomics thread to say "I want people to stop nagging me about Eurocomics"
Go fuck yourself, you're literally creating a situation to be mad at. What a fucking douchebag.

>trash like Skydoll
talking shit about Barbucci, confirmed for lame troll