How did you contribute to the meme war, user? Show off your OC

How did you contribute to the meme war, user? Show off your OC.

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mind if i save?


Just keep it responsibly.

I made about 30 fake twitter accounts and helped vote brigade polls back before trump was the nomination


I only made one. Got a congressman to retweet me once though...

i shitposted a lot, tough irl my shilling for trump would be autistic as fuck



Meant to post this when Trump won, but then I forgot...



I seriously think that we made a big difference early on helping trump get the nomination. Early, early polls were really good for donald and we did make a measurable effect in them.

I'm pretty sure we won him the primary, yeah. Maybe even made a dent in the actual election





I was the one who came up with the Jeb meme

Also spent a bunch of time scouring wikileaks...
This election has been time consuming.

I think this was my best.

Every little bit helps. I heard the last SP ep was all fucked up due to Trumps win.


Not related to the election per se, but this was my most successful creation.



Hey! It's Ben "unloading my 9 in the welfare line" Garrison! Hi Ben!


Well that's just about it for me, election wise anyway.

Fun shit. Can't wait to do it again in another 4 years (though who knows if we'll still have the high energy to do it).


I don't have any OC but helped in propagating.
If Pepe is a frog, millions of Pepe is a plague.
So, does that mean that Libs was the Pharaoh and Pepe was one of the Plague sent by Lord Kek?

So, what's next? River of blood? Lice? Skin disease? Grasshopper? Pestilence?





My oc


Ripe material

I bumped threads, like this.

im not really good with photoshop and stuff. i mostly contribute to the MemeDistributionUnits instead of the MemeCreationDivision. Ocassionally I help out at the Intelligence and Documentation Bureau or help shielding us from their Areal Propaganda Weapons by cooperating with the canadian and australlien allies from the Counterintelligence and Chaos Agency.
However this is one of my Tactical Redpills everyone is free to use

I like to imagine that they actually meant regular pizza in the emails, like the food, and just go "wtf?" when they see this

also note the memewar isnt over, nor has it just begun. its going on for milenia already, and probably will. the pharaos memed that they have power and controll and cant be harmed because they are gods chosen and thus protected. the kings memed power over everything. todays government memes the nsa knows everything about you, the cia can off you any second, military can overtake everything. but all those are just memes if people find that out, all the power would be gone because the believe in the power is gone. most people only support the system because they think they dont have another choice because of the meme, but if they stop working it will sudenly about 6,9 billion agains a few ten thousands.

The only thing that is different now is that we know how the war is fought. we know that the battlefield is our mind. and we know we are better than them because we to it with heart and commitment, while for them its just a desperate act to try and stay in power.

war has changed


my digits








I put so many fucking hats on jpgs this summer I couldn't possibly dump them all, I see them to this day in President TrumpGen

that was shit

I did meme magic research.

I was quite disappointed that I found pic related only after Trump won.



I found some fucked shit in the Podesta leaks. I also meme'd #SpiritCooking

I present to you a failed attack used in the great meme war. Although promising, It had been too long since the harlem shake so it was scrapped

>patreon watermark

>make oc for Sup Forums
>ask for a dollar in return to help with my poverty
>got told to fuck off