So it's finally happened. Donald J. Trump, a man whos entire campaign was based on open racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia and bigotry, has been elected as the President of the United States of America. I get all the memes and stuff but you guys aren't serious happy about this right? Please tell me this is all satire.
It's terrifying. I know there's been a lot of hyperbole in political discussion for the last few decades, but seriously: when I realized this a few days ago and had to actually imagine a Trump presidency, I experienced a frisson of legitimate fear for my safety/life. And I thought, "is this normal? is this feeling even a thing in the modern Western world??" Because as much noise as conservatives and racists made when Obamapocalypse "happened," I find it hard to believe they ever seriously considered, even fleetingly, that they might be in actual danger because he was President. Whether via his supporters or his actual policies. But this Trump thing…? Jesus.
My mom lives in America and let's just say my next thought was "oh my fucking god I need to get her out of there right now." Because I don't know what is gonna happen.
I'm trying to be rational, but in the back of my mind… I'm officially scared. What the fuck is happening?