Why such things like "50% less fat"/"less salt", "without added preservatives", "no artificial flavors", "cancerogen free", "non-MSG", "0g trans fat" etc even exist? What's the point of selling and buying food that is unhealthy?
What this basically tells me is that food producers are like: "you don't have enough money to buy our cancer-free food? no problem! here's some colon cancer"
Why not just stop producing and throw out/burn all that garbage, save a couple of billion $ that way, and sell only healthy food?
And what is up with all the "organic" food? I see these "natural food" stores and they have all these products that are double or triple the price. Is it a buzzword to charge more or are organic foods more expensive to produce for real?
But if they only produces quality food that is worth more wouldn't they make more money since people wouldn't have the option to buy cheap and bad food. Outlaw shit food.
Jeremiah Wright
Profits. People will buy shit based off whatever popular buzzword is on it.
Asher Diaz
It's just a label user, like nigger, beaner, chink, fag, it's what's on the inside that counts :)
Ryder Lewis
>What's the point of selling and buying food that is unhealthy?
Is sodium unhealthy or is it just a heath issue for some people? What's unhealthy about artificial flavors? No food is carcinogen free. MSG causes some issue for some people but isn't bad for people in general. Transfats are however terrible without any redeeming qualities.
Organic food is a scam for people with more money than sense. Other than a few niggers eating dirt all food is organic.
I hate to spew more babbies first economics but supply and demand, there's a demand for dirt cheap food so by whatever means possible someone will produce it.
> Coz profit
Ryder Scott
If only grocery stores sold uncooked meat and vegetables... if only
Eli Scott
Because it's cheaper to make root beer flavor in a lab than to go dig-up sarsaparilla roots.