Did we all get tricked?

>The wall will be a fence in spots per his 60 Minutes interview.
>There will be no deportation force per Paul Ryan.
>There will be no focus on term limits per Mitch McConell
>There will be no Congressional probes into Hillary Clinton's activities per Paul Ryan
>Reince Priebus, total establishment insider, is named Chief of Staff

Did the Republican establishment use Trump to distract us from reelecting the same Republican establishment Congressmen and Senators?

I know his term's not even started yet, but so many of my conservative-leaning colleagues assured me that Trump was just saying "those things" to "rally the troops".

Was I being naive in believing Trump was going to drain the swamp?

I'm feeling anxious.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's cooling the protests down.

Bannon was just named his Chief Strategist and Senior Advisor, the CEO of Breitbart who is a huge opponent to cuckservatives. Priebus is an established Republican, but he's come out multiple times warning the RNC would punish Republicans resisting Trump.

The wall will happen
Illegals will be deported
Hillary will be investigated eventually. The dust needs to settle first

Draining the swamp will be the hard one. He will need politicians to support it and they wont support cutting their careers short. Trump exercising power over them is probably as good as you can expect

>per Paul Ryan

You do realize that Paul Ryan is one of the single most outspoken Anti-Trump individuals in the Republican Party right?

Donald Cuck.


This. Even Hitler took a while to consolidate things. Trump will not disappoint us, and you are going to see some real fireworks within the first six months after he takes power.

>Draining the swamp will be the hard one.

True, but it's also the most important one. Without it, Trump's presidency will be just like Obama's: an inconvenient eight years and then completely obliterated the second he leaves office.

Fences at areas that aren't really passable, such as mountains makes sense to me. Walls at high traffic areas.

>Minus 60 days after being inaugurated as president, Donald Trump has still not fulfilled his election promises.

wana drain the swamp?
senate elections in two years. don't re elect anyone. this should be our next target. fuck helping france. we're americans.

if the leftist keep up with the riots, obama can easily enact martial law and stay in office, be very cautious it could easily be an excuse.

The trick is that their trying to tell us trump sold out when he just picked fucking steven bannon, clearly he didnt sell out. steve bannon is as alt-right as it gets

the current MSM tactic:

1. tell trump he needs to "unify"
2. tell people he voted for he is not coming through on his promises

I want a huge wall like the wall of china, with Trumps name on it, thats all i want from him...

And he's not even in office yet.

Priebus is a pick to comfort congress cucks, they need to get along. CoS is a glorified baby sitter. The Bannon pick is yuuuge

Boo hoo go fuck yourself you whiny faggot. Go be a little self-worshiping libtard, you Satan-worshiping piece of worthless shit. You think you're a good guy? You're not. You're a bad person. Everyone is bad except for Jesus. I'm sorry for you, your parents must be complete retards. And you think you can spit on this peaceful and prosperous land built by my people who worshiped Jesus/God since arriving here in the 1600s, and you think you can worship Satan on this land? You should be hanged, faggot. Now that Trump is President, you better be a good little boy. We're a lot less lenient than that faggot nigger Obama. We want a comfy society for people who worship God. If you are unwilling to submit to Jesus, the one true God, we will destroy you. If we were like Jesus, we would let you overcome us, but we are flawed sinners, who want to live in a comfy society. If you want to worship your own power instead of thanking God and repenting, if you want to worship your own strength, I'm sorry for the pain you will feel. We don't give a fuck about the 'sins of our past', nigger. God forgives those who repent. If you think that was bad, our damage output is going to be off the charts after all these years of being held down by the satanic establishment. Try us, little bitch.

He's not in office yet give him a break

Also obamacare isn't going anywhere any time soon.

He may get a couple hundred or thousand illegals with criminal records out of the country. Deportations already went up during the Obama presidency, that will only continue at the same rate under Trump.

Trump will run his presidency largely as a democrat battling with congressional republicans (aka the swamp). He'll find unlikely allies in the democrats to help push though agendas/policies for the working class whites that vote for him.

You've all been bamboozled if you thought he'd run with retarded alt-right/conservative policies. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Just shut the fuck up you mouth-breathing troglodyte.

The Wall is already Confirmed PAIDFOR and designed There will infact be a Maglev system accross the Wall for Border Guards.

The whole thing is already approved.

You are listening to Mainstream media that has no fucking Idea what Trump is saying or Doing unless Trump himself says it.

>Pay attention to Trump's Twitter.

Preemptive meme planning needed for the coming republican witch hunt.

>per Paul Ryan
Wow it's fucking nothing.

I love this pasta

Trump is gonna use the republicans to destroy the Dems and to fix the rougher screwed up parts of america

After he increases the GDP by 3%, end unemployment and decrease the inflation, he is gonna dump the republicans and run for his second turn with Ron Paul in a third party.

He's not even in office yet user. Are you going to start suddenly believing everything that MSNBC tells you again?

The protests will never cool down unless Hillary is given the Presidency one way or the other.

>fencing in spots
who the fuck cares, does it really make a difference?

>no deportation force
It already exists! It's called ICE! Trump can do this by executive order because of Obama's executive amnesty if he justifies it as national security.

>no focus on term limits
wasn't even a big focus of the campaign until the last days to drive up the vote

>no Congressional probes into Hillary Clinton's activities
Rudy Giuliani said the opposite

>Reince Priebus, total establishment insider, is named Chief of Staff
It's good that Trump picked a guy who knows Washington well as his guy to negotiate with Washington. Priebus earns him brownie points with Paul Ryan and Priebus was instrumental in making sure the establishment didn't do a coup against Trump. He gave Trump a fair shot in the primaries and was one of the only members of the establishment to pull so hard for Trump in the general.

>listening to Paul Ryan

CTR please go

No McCain McConnel and Ryan are the only ones who should be cut off, whenever their re-election is up. If we don't re elect reps then the dems will take over and stop trump at every step. And fuck you we're helping france. Your plan sounds like something a shill would want



>Trump got elected a couple of days ago
>Except something to happen instantly
>Except something to be set in stone for his next 8 years of office.

You were used by the shills that shill here. What, you think all of those Trump General posts are organic?

Trump doing all these seemingly contrary things is merely Trump playing mind games against the media. Same as he's done the entire time he was campaigning. These motherfuckers truly never learn.

Trump has confirmed that 1-3 million illegals are going to be deported as soon as possible. Those are just the ones who have committed crimes here. Trump is compromising with the GOP, but should still maintain a level of his original promise.

Priebus has done literally nothing wrong. He was 100% neutral in the primaries and has been a team player ever since. He's a cool-headed guy with good DC connections. A better choice than Bannon for CoS, for sure.

It's okay, we know he won't build the wall or deport illegals
Hell, he probably won't even win the presidency
I doubt he'll even win the republican nomination

lots of people thought those were legit...

lots of dumb-asses on a Cambodian pencil sharpening board... who would have guessed

My man can't build Rome in a day! He's got to get the RNC back together. Some of his opponents are gonna get fucked up. Then he will get to work and it will be like nothing you've seen before.

oh look another "Trump is failing" thread months before he takes power

please kys everyone

words are air, he could be trying to make centrist democrat whites realize hes not LITTARLY HTILAH and make the SJW nigger riots seem even more retarded

counter signaling us to some extent it probably a tactic

just fucking wait, any conversation about what he is going to do or not should wait till at LEAST 6 months in

people like you are fucking huge faggots, you should be deported too

There will inevitably be compromises. That's politics. As powerful as the presidency is, it isn't all-powerful. Clinton was never going to actually be indicted; she's too big, and taking her down would also cause many, many others to go down with her. However, she's done in politics. The CFG will lose value as a result. Bill is going to die soon. Their legacy is finished. It would be nice to see her formally finished, but you'll have to settle for this.

The wall doesn't literally have to be one, though it would be interesting to see it actually occur. Deporting the illegals with criminal recorss is actually more interesting to me, since they're such a fucking waste of money.

It's almost creepy when you consider how dumb people are. It's so obvious 95% of this place is shilled - because no matter what you say or do they shift the goal posts - almost like it's their job.

No critical analysis of Trump is invited. And it's not a coincidence.

Trump literally ran his campaign on compromises. GET FUCKED CTR!


Trump couldn't have won the presidency without us, Sup Forums. Our jobs aren't done here.

Trump has said for months that he thinks it's best to use the existing laws instead of trying to push through some new thing that will cause a lot of drama.

I do however distinctly remember being promised a 525 foot wall.

>Trump hasn't even been sworn in and he's already being badmouthed

First they said no one would vote for him, then they said he wouldn't win the primary, then they said he wouldn't be president. Now they are saying the wall won't be built. Okay buddy.

>Now HE IS saying the wall won't be built.

There's a big difference between the "pundits" on MSNBC saying something and the man himself saying something.

He promised a tall, physical wall. Not some walls and some fences. A fucking wall.

If he doesn't deliver on AT LEAST that, it just drives home the liberal accusation that he just wanted to be President so he could call himself the President but would govern as a rubber stamp for Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan.

>Even hitler hurrdurr *fart
way to make yourself into what the cucks want you to be stormfront faggot

No wall means no 2020, besides...where is your source ?

I read that tonight on 60 minutes he double downs on the wall. Nice try CTR

Also, hitler lost

Trump is about winning

Hitler disarmed the public

We want guns

So again, go away

You can't be serious.

...and I'm ok with this.

you lot voted for the second coming of hitler.

I voted for gun rights...and that's it. fuck term limits, fuck deportations, fuck the wall.

I won. You lot lost. play again next time.

>The wall will be a fence
That's something I can get over with

>He's cooling the protests down.
Trump is not in control of the protests. The left's moneymen and strategists are. It's the same thing they did to Bush to gin up their energy, but in that case it had to wait until the Iraq war debate to get people out into the streets in numbers that were meaningful.

Evidence to support your claim that isn't "just look around you!"?

>where is your source ?


>LESLEY STAHL: So part wall, part fence?
>DONALD TRUMP: –there could be some fencing.

Doesn't there have to be fencing in areas like the Rockies?

Oh it'll happen


I'm OK with fencing if Mexico bans wire clippers.

The wall isn't JUST a means of stopping illegal immigration, it's a symbol. It's a 2000 mile-long stern warning to everyone in the world that if you want to come here, you WILL obey the law and you WILL integrate into our culture.

A fence? That's something squabbling neighbors put up to spite each other.

>Drain the Swamp
>Night of the Long Knives

I see it all

This. There's some areas where physical obstruction is already handled by terrain, so only a moderate level of security is needed.

> There will be no Congressional probes into Hillary Clinton's activities per Paul Ryan

They don't need a congressional probe. Assuming Obama doesn't pardon (in which case all bets are off), the DOJ and FBI are under presidential authority to investigate and bring a prosecution.

Congress only *needs* to be involved if a pardon happens, in which case an impeachment is needed to keep Hillary out of office forever.

>I voted for one thing
You and everyone of your like should just stay out of politics altogether. You do no good by your activities.

>Also obamacare isn't going anywhere any time soon.
People have no conception that the GOPe plan Trump agrees with will have the same effect of Obamacare as it currently structured, only there will be a name change, and the water carrying (alt)-rightist media isn't interested in telling them.

You shills don't fucking get it, do you? It's over! No matter what, y'all can't change shit about WHO becomes president, no matter what the votes say. And these protests you're all starting is only hurting LIBERALS more than Conservatives. I'm not on either sides, but I think you guys need to fucking chill before y'all make things worse than they already are. It's CTR cucks like YOU that are the real problem here. Your only other option here is Mike "slay the gay" Pence, if that's what you really fucking want. Either grow the fuck up or kill yourself like the little cuntbag you are.

how are you going to build a wall on a mountain or through a river or stream?

of course the fucking wall is going to be made of multiple materials.

as long as the rickety plywood and plastic fence is torn down and replaced by something that will keep rats out, then it will be a remarkable improvement.


Bruh. IT'S A FUCKING FENCE. The wall was just a metaphor for higher security measures between the border.

Its my day off and I spend it shitposting. After I come home from work I shitpost. When I wake up before work I shitpost. I could be playing games but this is more entertaining than even spending time with my daughter. This place is addiction. I have trouble reading text on facebook and twitter because I'm so use to this fucking pink/vanilla background. My wife finds me weird for reading on a forum for hours. This place is worse than fucking crack and I can't stop. I probably will never stop until its shut down. God I need some play doh and dog therapy.

I really don't like Priebus as chief of staff.

Implying the military will follow king niggers orders.

R u me?

But seriously, this is fucking scary accurate man. I seem to find myself on Sup Forums anytime I'm on the net (on my own computer of course, doubt they'd like it if I browsed here on my work computer).

I've grown too fond that I can't let go.

Trump will build a massive Israeli wall he is just waiting to get sworn in


>it is just a prank, sergei

perish in a conflagration

Shit is tight as fuck.

>Did the Establishment trick us?


When they attacked Trump 24/7, non-stop attacks on the biased media?

How exactly did they push Trump on us?

They HATED Trump.

>TRUMP appointing nazis left and right
>He's not holding up his part of the bargain
Fuck off CTR.
Shillary lost. It's over.

Oh, look, another shill thread.

forgot pic

You guys just haven't given much thought to the environment in which you spend so much of your time, or the processes at work. Or maybe you have, I don't know, and don't care. That's kinda where I'm at. But really, is shaping the opinions of others really that important to you? That's not what we're doing here. That's not what anyone is doing here.

You think the protesters knows political?

If he drains the swamp it's going to be right before a midterm, mark my words.

Term limits won't be passed unless a politician thinks that they won't get even another term otherwise.

Depending on which estimate of illegals you use that is 5%-25% going back right off the bat confirmed. All the federal protection illegals were receiving from Obama is over. This is the start of a big win on immigration.

Draining the swamp will be a long drawn out fight. We'll see on that shit. Mich McConnell is a chinless obstructionist.

All of the Jesus based shit Trump promised will evaporate. Sorry Evangelicals but we all knew Trump didnt care about your shit and you were useful idiots. Thank you for your service.

Trump will push for those things but we all knew that it might not be enough to actually get them passed dummy.

I'm not trying to convince anyone. I'm giving my opinion on the matter. If that opinion convinces someone then whatever. I don't give a fuck either way.

>build a wall
>leave some areas weaker
>all the mexicans will think they are clever for slipping through the weak points
>it's all a ruse, Trump wants to get them to gather at certain locations
>That's where he deploys extra security
>this actually makes the wall stronger


i can see the headlines now


All too familiar with nervous man laughing as Trump continues to rise in the polls.

>trump elected almost a whole week ago
>hasn't even ushered in the fourth reich yet

chain link fencing with barbed wire works fine if you have armed men with orders to shoot anyone who cuts through it. look at hungary and poland, they're practically "refugee" free

drones will probably be required for the much larger territory along the southern border

Congrats, idiots.
As someone who sits on the sidelines and votes third party, it's been hilarious watching you learn the same lesson liberals learned in 08. A vote for a Dem or Repub is a vote for their establishment regardless of the meme name.

Yall fuckin dumb

Trump The Record has astroturfed Sup Forums into oblivion.

Fuck off Jew.

Did you watch the 60 seconds? or did the shillteam6 send you?

He said it will be a long battle, but he will fight term limits the best he can. He said these lifers, end up becoming lobbyist in the end, and the whole system will need to be fixed.

Am I the only one who doesn't see a conspiracy here?
They are all puppets and his first few actions as president elect are just highlighting how different his masters are from his cucked constituents