Is earth really flat? Why Jews are hiding the truth from us?

Is earth really flat? Why Jews are hiding the truth from us?

I really hate this meme


yes it is flat as fuck

The globe is the meme
>what the earth actuslly is I have no idea
>but the globe is proven wrong
>instead of addressing the proofs tho
>cucked will point out random ((((theories))))) aka: paradoxes they themselves don't understand which just confuse ppl not answer the problem

Skull and Bones
>created 1830s around
>dinosaurs """hypothesized""" same time
>two S&Bs members go around showing crowds """dinosaurs"""
>30 years later the first bones are (((((discovered)))))
>out of the original 80 something more than half were proven frauds
>book entitled: make your own dinosaurs out of plaster casts
>tfw dinosaurs are just molds and random bones found
>not lizards anymore

But who was scale?


You're all faggots, the earth is spherical. I've been in orbit before.

>doctor images so it looks flat


To an ant, the surface of a basketball would appear as flat. To us, it appears round.

To compare a small bridge that makes up a minuscule portion of the Earth is to compare humans to ants.

2/10 made me reply seriously because I also hate this meme

google "view from airplane window" and your entire theory is debunked

so, basically, most workers of airline industry, professsional geographers, geologists, physicists, astropsysicists, staff of every space agency in the world, cartographers, people who program gps systems and google maps and even fucking PhD students in many fields are all part of gigantic conspiracy, and nobody of that millions of people that would have had to be a part of the conpiracy never spilled the beans for decades?
and why for example China wouldn't show everyone proof of flat earth? they'd loose nothing, and would prove that western science is inferior to theirs. why wouln't USSR out it to show people that moon landing was a ruse and destroy propaganda effect of that event?

Is this another meme Sup Forums ironically kickstarted (like Trump or My Little Pony)? How do people come up with this shit?

Lay a straightedge across that image and you can see it's not a flat surface you fucking moron

Uh no. The Earth could be a plane and also have a slight curve.
>but first you'd have to check the lens as some cause a curve to appear
>most "proof" of globe use this false illusion
>learn it
>it's a 1000ft drop for 40 miles and grows exponentially
>so print off that picture a dozen times or so, cut it out leaving the edge until it's a sphere/circle
>tell us if the worlds land mass fits in
>I'll wait

Not flat =/= to sphere
>can be slightly mound shaped and would still be considered "flat"
>tfw the "curve" u see is never the right degree to form a sphere or contain all the landmass.

Maybe when pictures like this are deleted off cuckbook
>after being posted by dumb millennial at NASA
>physically impossible on a globe

I'll wait while no one responds
>because they are either too dumb to assess the implications
>or smart enough to realize there's no defense to what's going on in this pic

I see this thread with the same image atleast once a day.

Tell me why (((they))) would lie about earth being round.

>inb4 muh religon

The world land mass does fit in.
The change in angle from the left of that image to the right is a tiny fraction of a degree; thousands of that image would be required to circumnavigate the Earth, and that image looks about 10km across to me.

>>or smart enough to realize there's no defense to what's going on in this pic

What is going on in the pic? You mean the visible horizon curvature?

My favorite thing about flat-earthers is that they always manage to think of an explanation for something, but it only works for that specific thing. None of their solutions are ever consistent.

>Why is the moon upside-down in the Southern Hemisphere?

Flat earth is a feint. The reason the water level tests, horizon tests, canal tests, elevation tests et cetera all fail to test for the (((curvature))) is because the earth is slightly larger than they have disclosed. This explains all of the test results a flat earther experiences. Even Admiral Byrd said there were new continents beyond antarctica. Antarctica is a ring, just like in flat earth theory, but is merely a belt with more ocean and continents before the south pole. The earth is much larger than they say, this is the secret and ancient knowledge. We know the earth is a sphere because the shadow cast on the moon by the earth during a lunar eclipse is a circle.

how do you explain moon eclipse?
how do you explain different star constelations in different places on earth?
how do you explain timezones and the fact that it is night in here and still daytime in LA, which I can confirm by picking up a fucking phone and calling somebody there?
how do you explain the fact that moon does not change it's size while moving through the sky?
how do you explain observations made by Eratosthenes in his experiment?
why didn't Chinese or Indians, which own space agencies as well, outed this conspiracy to show their superiority in science?

Not this stupid shit again.

The earth has always has, and always will be, round. Assuming we don't nuke it into oblivion of course.

The earth is a sphere, like every other planet around us which you can see yourself with a telescope, you retarded bong.

It still would be round(ish).

yeah, yeah,
the earth is flat unlike your mother we know it

fuck off

Why would millions of people cover up the shape of the earth?

On behalf of everyone from the UK i deeply apologise for this morons post. When we find him we'll feed him to Boris.

these trips speak true leaf

Even the ancient Greeks would be laughing at you dumb cunts

This at least proves the Earth is not flat and there is indeed a curve to it.

>go to city with big building
>wait until sun sets
>immediately ride elevator to top
>watch as sun sets again

This wouldn't be possible in a flat earth scenario.

your trips will be deposited into the bank of kek, thank you kindly

ah fuck, not mine too

First: obviously fish eye lens, look at the sun and cloud distribution ffs.
Second: cloud horizon
Third: it's the ocean...

Have you honestly never been on a plane before?

>Either you can see why pic related proves the globe or you are stupid

The Earth appears flat to us because we have never been to space. To those who have been to space, the earth is round. They have a personal proof that you can never have, just as I have a personal proof that God exists that I can never share with you. They know the earth is round, but many know it is flat. The only way to come to the truth of it being round is to go into space, which you will never do.

Kikes and CTR are in full force today. Your lie won't last long.

Flat earthers can't debunk this.

hello OP
would you kindy dispel my doubts laid out in these posts?

>just as I have personal proof that God exists
That's a completely different thing than the personal proof of a round Earth an astronaut obtains

Tell us about God my dude

yes it is as flat as the tranny you call a gf

fuck all of you who believe in this dumb meme

This is how retarded the holocaust denial looks like.

That's not true. The Astronaut can never share their experience just the same. For all I know they are fabricating the whole thing.

FOV, nigger. Learn how literally anything works and you'll figure this shit out yourself.

>Which souds more logical?
Worst argument ever even if it was spelled correctly. Hate it when the retard comes out on the correct side of the argument for retard reasons.

I sought him out with a pure intention and sincere desire to find him, and he revealed himself to me on multiple occasions. It is impossible for me to prove this to you or anyone else, just as the astronauts can never prove the earth is round but it is.

Why do Army snipers have to factor in the curvature of the Earth when taking long distance shots?

Aaand the kike is back. Got too distracted shilling for CTR for free over the past year have you

Earth is round. Confirmed.

Not flat =/= flat
fucking lunatic

If the earth was flat then we couldnt go around it, like it has been done million of times

>Horizon always at eye level is only possible on a flat plane
Except that when you're in a plane, it's not really eye level is it? It's fucking plane level isn't it?

how did you seek him and how did he show himself to you? I know people who have said similar things actually, but i've asked and asked since someone i love took their own life and i dont think ive had an answer ;(

how did you sought him out? you prayed or did something else?

Thank you. After my friend killed himself my home was haunted for 4-5 months, a few people saw minor stuff but I saw full apparitions I suppose that's similar

> I've been in orbit before.
Fuck that the earth is flat I'm high as FUCK right now!

Fuck off kike. Day of the rope is coming for you.

or basically any sunset that leaves a tall building last

Note that the tops of the buildings are in full sun.

> Kill this meme, it makes the rest of us look bad.

>Pictures of Earth taken from space literally exist.

>Opportunity for you to personally see it yourself could legitimately happen in your lifetime.

Not the same at all, you complete fucking moron

It's not the same at all.

Ad hominem.

In order to avoid the point you attack his character. I put it to you, that as you backed out of the argument, you are retarded.

There is literally a camera strapped to the International Space Station that streams 24/7 you mongoloid

Which is more likely, every astronomer, scientist, photographer and astronaut all covered up the conspiracy of flat planets

Or you're wrong?

I only ever see the claim of a flat earth. Never a flat sun, moon, Mars, Pluto

Why is distance squared? The drop due to curvature is found through basic geometry and no square units arise, anywhere.

lmaoing at your life sheep.

Its called

(Insert question here)
(youtube) (google) (you)

Nobody's obligated to spoonfeed you, if you were actually genuinely curious you would look this shit up yourself.

Personal Incredulity

You don't actually make an argument for someone to address.

I put it to you that you are a total fool, and do not understand that he attacked the argument despite the fact that he agrees that the earth is round. Further, pointing out that an argument is bad/not sound is the opposite of ad hominem.

>Britain in charge of not being fucking retarded.

what this man says is true, you can't just say "ad hominem" at everything goddammit >:'(

(le angry face man)

Fish bowl window

ah yes, this is the kind of thread why I never consider anything that Sup Forums believes seriously. don't get me wrong, i love shitposting and baiting the fuck out of you dumbcunts, probably the highlight of my life tbqh

Two of my friends killed themselves, and after the first I was haunted. He was able to answer yes-no questions using colours. It sounds batshit crazy, and i wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it, and others saw similar things, I even had photo and video proof which I deleted in a failed attempt to appease them. What he revealed was that those who take their own lives are usually cast into punishment (not hell as the bible says) but those who were good remain on earth. Demons are absolutely real, and manifest by terrorizing the weak. Hope this answers a bit for you

I have a pothead friend that actually believes this shit. All because some faggot on jewtube named something dubay.

Stand in a room with four walls and draw a curved horizon line that connects.

What about from the windscreen?

OP, I want you to listen to me very carefully.

You need to go into the kitchen, get the sharpest knife you can find and proceed to slice both your wrists. Make sure it's deep because we absolutely do not want you surviving. You are an embarrassment to science and to the human speices. Nobody wants you on this earth. Do it.

I had always asked God for proof, or evidence of his existence but it was always with a self-serving doubtful attitude, "ok if you exist prove it" and I had proof all around me from my birth until now, but I never saw it because I sought wrong. One day as my suicidal meltdown was increasing, I became very sincere, and in a heart-felt plea begged God to prove there is a God of some kind, regardless of what religion might be true. I asked to see the symbol of infinity on that day. If you exist show me a symbol of infinity which is the sideways 8. Immediately after this request I looked into the sky and there was the symbol of infinity. From there on, the symbol and other symbols popped up almost daily and I was able to trace it back to my birth. He was always there, I never really saw him until I truly needed to and wanted to with all my heart. He answers me in numbers, shapes, colors and guides me every day.

let me clarify, the symbol of infinity was shaped by the clouds. this doesn't happen often, go look right now and you will likely not see that shape. I have since seen connections and synchronicity beyond the possibility of mere chance, I know for myself there is a God. again it is nothing i can prove to anyone else.

When will the christianity meme die

When you die, Then it becomes real.

Earth curvature is (on average) 8 inches per mile.

Asume average monitor ppi (pixel per inch) is 72, or in other words 63360*72= 4561920 pixels per mile.

Your image is 500 pixels from the left border to the right border, so the curvature is

(8/4561920)/500 = 0.00000000035 inches per pixel

Gee i wonder why you can't see it.

They don't. They also do not have to take the earth's rotation into account.

They do take the Coriolis effect into account which flat earth cannot explain.

Yeah, it's flat and this photo of Pluto is FAKE!!!


The Jews have us quarantined and trapped under a flooded dome sealed with a ring of ice. The earth is much bigger than we are led to believe.

the world really is only three-dimensional when you touch it, faggot

your own picture disproves your arguement your showing a fucking sphere in it.

everyone is ignoring SOL Sol is in Op's picture and disproves the arguement.

Also Using an Underwater Flashlight proves we are on an oblique spheroid.

Anybody who's ever been on a plane knows the horizon is not always at eye level.

I flew on a 12 hour flight from the UK to Hong Kong over Russia at 40,000ft and it was very obvious where the horizon was and it wasn't in the fucking air with me.

Reminder that we have known the earth is a sphere for 2000 years which means that modern day evangelicals are even more retarded than the ancient greeks.

Also how thick is the 'flat earth'?
What's underneath it?
Why have none of these flat earthers not devoted their life to find out the truth and traveled to the edge of the earth?

How did it appear in the sky? Clouds or just vivid and you could see it? That's pretty amazing

I don't believe they get punished after killing themselves, it was actually my girlfriend and it was so unexpected and I love her very much and it's killing me every day. It was such a brave thing to do really I feel like the only way to be with her is to kill myself too often.

Oh look, a conspiracytard is faces with questions he can't answer and just tells them to google it. This happens literally every time. Why do you even make these threads if you're not going to "spoonfeed" people (aka back up your claims with sources)

I genuinely believe the person who made that picture believes the >circumference< of a circle to be c=pi*r^2.


dumbest shit ive seen for a while


unless you go all the way AROUND it.

Which SouNds more logical is a fucking stupid idea though.

Plenty of counter intuitive, illogical things are true, it's also subjective as one person might find something logical that another person finds to be crazy. It's not based on fact but feeling and it's retarded. I'm not a flat earther but you're making the rest of us look retarded.

Is that SpaceX? It's pretty impressive