There are mass shootings every day in the U.S. because of your disgusting outdated gun laws. Why don't you guys just ban guns? Morons, I tell ya.

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Wow your memes are as dry as your brain because you don't seem to be using it very well. but what would you expect from a Norm fag leaf

The only other countries where everyone owns guns are those shitty banana republic african ones where every skinny has an ak47. Civilized nations shouldnt have an armed populace. In fact, they dont. So what does that make america, civilized or barbaric?

What if I told you that criminals don't give a fuck about gun laws so by implementing such laws the only people who can't own guns are law abiding citizens?

Yeah 4+ injured happens all the time

I want you to look at the neighborhoods in which these shootings are taking place

No, really, use google street view and plug in them addresses

The places these shootings happen 99% of the time look more like Honduras and Mogadishu than the rest of America, pic very related

america is the greatest country on earth, why care what other nigger countries think

Criminals are going to have weapons regardless of laws, because they're fucking criminals.

It's better that law abiding citizens are allowed to own guns for either recreation or, god forbid, in the event they need to defend themselves.

>> 98365474 exactly making guns illegal just makes everyone else less safe and throws money into the black market

What if I told you, if you base your decisions on what other people think of you, you're gonna have a bad time


id take you a little more seriously if your country wasn't so cucked