What does Sup Forums think of Moon Knight?

He seems like a pretty compelling cape character to me: brutal fight scenes, cool gimmicks, willing to fight in a team yet mostly working solo... But the most interesting part is his fucked up psyche with the multiple personalities as well as an Egyptian god/Eldritch monster all wanting different things in life (which OOC takes away one of my main problems with solo capes that is they may lack meaninglful interaction with a cast of characters). It gets to the point where I'm not sure whether he is actually a god's champion or he is just that insane and has such a big placebo effect that he just wills his body to act as he wants it.

What does Sup Forums think about him? Is he cool or just an edgier Batman?

He is very looney.

His current run sucks, Vengeance of the Moon Knight stunk, the later half of Marc Spektor: Moon Knight was lame (except for Scarlet Redemption, #50 and the successor search), High Strangeness blew and Shadowland was an ice cold turd.

Avoid those and you'll enjoy some very entertaining and pulpy comics that're grossly underrated and thankfully underexposed. Pick up the omnibus books asap and thank me later.

I haven't read the volume immediately before the current one, so i don't have an opinion on it yet.

>implying the current run is worse than Bendis'

Oh fuck me i had blocked that run completely out of my mind.

Avoid that one like a plague too, OP.

Lemire's run was great and Smallwoods art elevated it even further.

OP here, thanks guys! What were your thoughts on Warren's run?

>Hurr Durr never had a bad run
He's a reddit meme.

>Scarlet Redemption
My nigga. I remember getting through sea of mediocrity that is Marc Spector: Moon Knight and finding that gem.

Who the fuck has said that? More importantly, does the opinion of one group of morons make a character shit or even have any influence? No. You are literally judging a character by the things others say about it; you are a fucking sheep, the only difference between you and plebbit is that you're a contrarían sheep.

Best one issue, one adventure pulp.

I kinda fell in love with Moon Knight with the self titled series from the 2000s, and since then have slowly fell out of love by the time we got to the story where he thought he was Wolverine and Spider-Man and Cap, can't even be bothered to read the current one, I got through like half an issue and gave up

That was Bendis Moon Knight, this was his worst series. HIs appearences in Secret Avengers and his following series by WArren Ellis were great. Lemire was good if a bit too long. And his new series seems promising, has a more comedic, Coen brothers tone though.

MK is one of those characters that Sup Forums somehow doesn’t hate.

MK is fucking awesome. People will tell you to avoid Bendises run, but it’s not that bad. It’s not completely terrible. Maleeva art is one of the redeeming qualities

The psychosis and cool art seem to really strike a cord in a lot of readers.

I think the reason why people like MK, especially Sup Forums, is because he's essentially a NEET. Nobody respects him, and that's canon. His parents were always disappointed in him. He has no extreme skills, he's just a good enough fighter and marksman. He hates himself more than anything. He's not some super-model. He doesn't have fanatics. He's just some crazy guy who made up an imaginary friend because he was so alone, and then dressed up in a quasi-KKK Ghost outfit, even though he's a self-hating Jew, and went to punch people and werewolves. The best years of Marc's life were when he was parading as Steven Grant, but that didn't last long. I know recent retcons have made Khonshu "real", but it works best if he's literally a figment of his imagination.

I like him, need to read more

He's a great character and most of his comics are decent to great. Plus a likeable guy with cool villains and great outfits. Waifu is great, side characters are interesting...And an Egyptian god too. It's everything I want in a comic.

Bendis' run was cancer shit but what do you expect.

user is just an idiot.
If there is a cape character with "no bad runs" being a meme, it's Daredevil.

This is some heavy projecting, user.

Refute this then. It's literally his characterization from 2006 and onward.

Khonshu is a dead god and figment of Spector's imagination. It depends on the lunar phase.

Yeah, I remember WCA too. But ever since 2006, he's toed the line.

You're the one claiming shit, bucko, you get to bring some facts of your own. But sure, let's play. For starters, Marc is at best ambiguously Jewish (I honestly don't remember the last time he followed a Jewish custom as an adult), where did you get the impression that he hates that aspect of himself anyway? Not that it matters much ever since Khonshu became his sugar daddy. Secondly, when has MK ever targeted someone specifically because of their race? The cowl is actually originated from that Egyptian garment that nomads used to protect against sandstorms. However, the main argument against your Sup ForumsJew argument is that the dude has multiple personalities; the main one is the maniac wearing the mask in the name of an Egyptian god. Marc (the personality) is much more guided by his past in the military and his work as a Merc than his Jewish upbringing.

I do agree with you that it's best if Marc's entirely insane rather than having a god live in his head, but being unpopular+mental issues ≠ NEET, simply because he actually has a higher purpose in life than becoming a wizard. The insanity is the main draw, not his "I'm a brooding powerless antihero who has no friends"; loads of capes have that shtick.

He is a friendly dude, only a bit unhinged.

Lemire had him wearing that little Jewish Cap. His father was a Rabbi. In the story that established Randall Spector it shows his father being disappointed in them for playing war and being violent. This made Marc go deeper into his violent rabbit hole, and he started resenting his father, and his faith, for being so passive and peaceful. In Lemire's run it's established he didn't make amends before his father died. Plus, he kinda sorta denied the Hebrew God an pledged himself to an Egyptian God. Do you not see the connection there?

>Sup Forums
Jesus fuck man, I only said the costume like a KKK Ghost, calm down.In the Moench run he was taking down gangs of Neo-Nazis. Relax you autist, please. As for the rest

>sure, he's a lonely, friendless man who's ever been with one woman
>sure, he lives in a mansion full of cobwebs that's ready to fall down; or he takes refuge in abandoned hotels
>sure, he's got no other qualities beyond "being goodat hurting people"
>sure, he's crazy, thinks he talks to a God and has multiple personalities
>but he's not a NEET!
Fine, he's just a equally fucked up human being with no social interaction who gets his kicks by beating up people. Happy now?

Moon Knight has some friends, Crowley, Frenchie and Frank. He is a good team player as long as you don't insult him. Spider-Man and The Punisher worked with him without any problem. He is quite sociable, problem is, he knows he is crazy so he tries to get away from others, so he might not hurt him.
And of course there is Khonshu, who did take control of him sometimes and got busy with Tigra. Moon Knight does not have the most reliable personality.

Homeless Bozo who's disappeared since the 2006 run.

Wants absolutely nothing to do with him, has lost his legs and is a waiter.

Apparently she was cucking Marc with Jake and now they have a daughter.

I'm not saying he's a complete fuck-up, but compared to most other characters, he's on the same level as Constantine.

>Moon Knight is cucking himself with himself.
That's advanced cucking.

I like the current run, if only for being such a whiplash in tone compared to previous runs that it's pretty funny.

Yeah... I might have gone way too far for my own good with my post. Rereading it and your original post more calmly makes things a lot clearer and rational, who would have guessed? Sorry, man.

Anyway, I now understand what you meant by NEET, which is funny because that's one of the reasons that I enjoy reading his struggles; as for his father, to me it read more about estranged family rather than losing his religion. I just jumped to Sup Forumsscreeching because I thought you were advocating him as an alt-right hero, what with the KKK costume and self-hating minorities. My bad, obviously.

Nah, don't worry, we all make mistakes user.

Whats your favorite Moon Knight run?

Moench for me.

Lemire's run sucked and was carried by Smallwood.


Lemire's run is super-overrated.

The arc lasted 8 more issues than it should have, and as a "Battle Inside the Mind" it was really boring

Also, lol... Bemis pretty much retconned the biggest thing that happened in the Lemire run right off the bat.

I wish at this point writers would stop with the "muh Looney mooney " shit and actually flesh out a good rouge gallery. I appreciate the daily battle he has with mental illness and that can still be a vital part of his story, but he is a cape, he needs rougues. It's heartbreaking how many top flight artists he has got. Plus the commitment from marvel to make it work, and it's the same story constantly.

The problem is that they would end up in a Punisher situation where MK has the chance to break a superpowered serial killer's neck, he would do so, while being super lenient, by their third confrontation. It's not like what happened with Bats and Spidey where both adhere to a moral code that includes never killing, so their villains only end up in a shitty jail they'll be out.of within the month.