Oh shit

Oh shit.

Looks like DC is about to fire an artist

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They should hire Chris Chan. I would pay money to see him interact with them.

>I know who Jordan Peterson is, I googled him!
Holy fucking shit, people like this actually exist.

Don't knock it. This is how I learned to bleach my sister's anus.

This thread scares me because if this is how comic creators in the INDUSTRY act, how can one survive?

All it takes is one bad day...

So what you’re saying is that Peterson is a nazi.

>"I'm trans best friends, look my avatar is even sucking on a dick"

Excuse me?

>alienating diverse readers

I used google to learn how to bleach my sister's anus.

I'm surprised how easy it is to get fired in the USA for being called a creep, BUT making such an embarassing show in the name of your companie on social media won't get any of them even the slightest warning.

It actually takes multiple and repeated bad days if we're talking EVS. Dude generally keeps his politics to social media and outside of work though so I doubt he'll be fired. But he absolutely does do this kind of fake moderate platforming of people whose views he agrees with, but doesn't want to publicly own up to.

Were the first results that your sister was a nazi?

Is that why you bleached her anus?

So is this it then?

SJWs have taken over the industry because the minute you say something they don't like, all hell breaks lose and they'll throw everything at you until you lose your job, but they get to keep their jobs.

How is this fair?

Wait, what exactly did Ethan do with Jordan Peterson?

Well, now that you mentioned it she was ashamed of the dark skin on her anus and wanted to make it white. She might be a nazi.

>risk alienating diverse readers
They aren’t going to buy the books anyway this has been proven over and over again. Alienating middle aged white men is what would be the real risk, they are the core customers. And yet marvel took that risk anyway

EVS I think has too much weight at DC right now, for one thing he has his fans.

I have no idea why I should be angry at this Jordan Peterson Guy, I mean he wrote a book?
>Alienating Diverse Readers
I think he's severely over estimating the impact of that. EVS is aligned with shitty people but ever since that blow-up on him telling a guy to kill himself and people being offended he posted Pepes he's been trying to be less discriminatory in his words.

I want to fuck your sister in the ass while you watch

Sound good?

>alienating diverse readers

did some drawings for his book.

I hope you like bleach.

Jordan Peterson is an alt righter like Trump

Just dog whistles racism and sexism and tells poor old privileged white men how oppressed they are because they don’t get to spit on blacks and rape women anymore

By "diverse readers" he means "hipsters who would never pick up a comic book in their lives unless it was pirated".

>diverse readers

Jordan Peterson teach at my school. One day he came at work with a gas tank. My jewish history professor walked toward him to talk about his latest appearance on Joe Rogan Experience and Jordan Peterson gassed him there and then.

Which one?

>fake moderating
You only can’t see him as a moderate because you have been radicalized

but what does that have to do with comics?

What the fuck does any of this has to do with comics? One fag refuse to buy a book, so want, the industry is gonna tank?

I want to live in a world where EVS is fired for bringing Barry back, not his voting patterns.

What do you expect from a guy whose sucking dick in his pic?

EVS is a white trash dweeb but Doyle is a SJW parody.

Never thought id say it but siding with EVS

not really a Kubo fan

I don’t want to google him

Who is Jordan Peterson, and why does this dude care that an artist worked with him

>You can never ever work with someone I don't like
What a loser, I hate this fucking attitude that you can't like someone or associate with them despite having different beliefs. And the guy didn't even say anything about what he thinks about Peterson. He accepted a job, money is money.

DC isn't going to do shit btw, they don't fucking care.

>Who is Jordan Peterson, and why does this dude care that an artist worked with him
That guy that told other guys to clean their room. And he advocates free speech. So he's literally worse than Hitler

Jordan Peterson is a guy who practices wrongthink, so everything he does and says should always be interpreted in the way that makes him look like a clone of Hitler.

Peterson believes transexuals are mentally ill. And some people think that is transphobic.

What the fuck is happening?

Hey, Jim Shooter thinks the same.

Who isn't upset that they can't puch people they disagree with without repercutions?

And now he’s posted a video about him talking about diversity in comics...


>screaming HARASSMENT online
That is not a DChad attitude, EVS.

He's one of the a little too enthusiastic allies. Like, he's got some skeletons in his closet.

Hell yeah. This has been a long time coming.

I'm sick of this faggot's constant whining

The Last Jedi was dogshit, clearly this guy is mentally ill

If anything gets EVS fired, I think it's gonna be this channel. Between this, the Malin incident, and every other stream, EVS might be pushing it too much.

Wasnt he just art on that?

>the Malin incident

The what now?

he's a little to enthusiastic for the phallus in his mouth

EVS thinks he's a martyr when in actuality he's the definition of a snowflake.

He should tweet less and make more Cyberfrog.

shit another toronto nigga

Yeah user its totally crazy that advocating for the genocide of all non-whites gets you fired

Ethan did this?

>That specific popsicle

Is ol' Tim trying to tell us something?

Like a week ago or so Malin went on EVS's stream and went full ham on it regarding SJWs and Marvel. He basically burnt all bridges in the industry and probably won't be seen on another book that isn't self published.

HEY!! I remember those, I think I still have the first couple issues...

What happened? Did someone committed the worst kind of harassment by disagreeing with him?

Tim likes dark dicks, I don't think he is shy about it.

The glass, the beard, the cock hungry mouth. He's a convert, he's not hiding it.

So SJWs DO rule the industry.

Otherwise, whining about SJWs would do nothing to his career.

I have genuinely never heard of EVS before all this bullshit.
Has he always been this whiney and pedantic?

Oh, so when SJWs attack him, it's disagreement. But when he fires back, it's harassment?

What kind of rules are these?

>being this new

EVS is a genuine psychopath who has ruined lives with his “army” for petty reasons before. He bans people from his Facebook, and then sics his goons after them so they can’t defend themselves.

He’s been pulling shit for almost decades, and I’m surprised DC is keeping him, just as much as Berganza.

>We live in an age where alt-liters and alt-righters have become pathetic, whiny professional victims as big as SJWs
Wew lad
I'm glad I don't live dramerica, I just hope that shit doesn't get here in a few years
Your politics and medias are a fucking disaster

I mean, science says that's incorrect but I guess it's ok to ignore actual facts if they don't line up with your agenda, true for both sides really

He’s right you know

Doesn't Europe have something similar?

>dude this is so scary, anyone can get you!
how about you just keep your fucking politics to yourself?

What happened to the days where common sense dictated that you didn't talk about your political opinions and religious opinions to people who knew where you worked? If you're a figure that works on stuff that has your name pasted on it, then you shut the fuck up.

>b-but liberals don't get the same treatment
oh wow that's crazy huh? the world totally isn't fair, what a new development. I'm sure if you told everyone you worked with that you were a communist in the 70s, everyone was fine with it.

Is the person who's writing this having a stroke or a seizure?

>using trolls and banning people from Facebook
>”he’s been doing this for decades”

Yes, yes. Just like when Sup Forums told me that Jontron is a goose stepping Nazi who wants to gas black people and A Hat in Time is run by nazi bigots who need to be punched.

I'm not saying he's wrong, far from it. I just think the way he went about it was the worst way for him to do so. He went full retard

Didn’t science say women had hysteria that required lobotomies not that long ago?

are you illiterate

I supposed you're going to pontificate if someone makes a comic depicting SJWs as the villains just like how SJWs depict them as the villains?

>he’s a genuine psychopath because he disagrees with me
Nice victim blaming there Zeke

what the fuck are you even saying, have you ever worked a job in your life? Go ahead and tell everyone you work with all your political opinions. Im sure that will go over well.

No sorry, my mistake. I don’t know why I thought it was Doyle’s twitter.

>how about you just keep your fucking politics to yourself?

I'm a comics pro myself but I never talk politics on Twitter or anywhere that would archive my posts. Comics - both within the industry and the readership - is a fucking small world, there's no point in jeopardizing yourself. ESPECIALLY if your politics don't align with the extreme left that most comics folks adhere to

I was trying to give you a nuanced answer, but yeah pretty much.

Oh you're not wrong about that part. I'm more referring to the "life's not fair" bit.

Not really, most EU countries are used to resolve matters through civilized discussion rather than chimping out on social media and rallying people with outrage culture.

I mean, I don't stigmatize mental illness like you seem to if you think it's a problem.

>your religion
>your politics
>your genitals
All things to keep to yourself at work

>boohoo why can’t I be a shitlord without consequences

Fuck off

Fuck, it's not even comics, it's in every field. If you've got an opinion that doesn't agree 100% with the current groupthink, prepare to be chastised for it until the next target comes along.

but transportable gas chambers do not work like that. you have to set them up. the jewish professor would have to be either standing or let himself be carried by prof Peterson to a car or bus.

>Comparing moderate conservatives to people who legitimately think society should be overthrown
NIce try hun

His “I’m totally not mad or worried” is pretty funny

I wonder how Doug TeNapel kept his cool back in the day?

well hitler was vegan and Peterson eats meat, so it is obvious Hitler is better, then Peterson.

Sup Forumsmblr never ceses to amaze me. If EVS gets fired for a job he did in which he wasn’t even stating a political opinion it proves that this form of media should have died in the 90s

Social media happened. They're a platform where people broadcast to the whole world their relationship issues, medical issues, work schedule, even bowel movements, ... it's no surprise that politics would make the cut.

Why are comics dominated by the far left?

Like, it’s not even just left wingers. It’s the “fuck white men, we need to erase any stain of the patriarchy from here” kind of left wingers

You’re literally a sociopath

>Literally transphobic
>Sucking black dick in his picture
When will the mental illness end

>I'm a comics pro myself
Who are you?