Why did Trump pick this guy as his VP? I mean I like Trump, but this guy is a fucking lunatic

Why did Trump pick this guy as his VP? I mean I like Trump, but this guy is a fucking lunatic.


4D chess, if Trump gets kicked out or killed Pence will give them something to meme about.

Like the cock? Get the shock.

He's to handsome not to have them gay thoughts, deep internal frustration, but he's happily married now and too busy making america gr8 again to hold these polarising ideas against fags

Impeachment insurance, no liberal would impeach Trump for Mike "Shock-the-gay-away" Pence.

Hes offering an olive branch to neocon, christian convervatives and use him as an insurance plan from being assassinated.

Mike "gays get tazed" Pence
Mike "zap every trap" Pence
Mike "electrify every gay guy" Pence
Mike "kilowatts for faggots" Pence
Mike "electrocute every fruit" Pence
Mike "shocker for every docker" Pence
Mike "every flamer gets a taser" Pence
Mike "lightning every drag queen" Pence
Mike "keys on kites for sodomites" Pence
Mike "turns fruits into vegetables" Pence
Mike "shock grenades for pride parades" Pence
Mike "1000 megawatts if you take it in the butt" Pence
Mike "a penis in your derrier gets you the electric chair" Pence

He's basically a walking insurance policy.

He was told to.

A net. Liberals will realize if he gets killed, someone more conservative will be president

Mike "amps through your nipple clamps" Pence


Why do faggots always go for feminine looking men? Kinda defeats the purpose of being gay.

Vice Presidents weren't always crazy. It started in the Cold War and arose out of the doctrine of brinksmanship. Of course, it's irrational for the president to push the button and send the nukes flying. It would doom us all. But that fact strips all the deterrent power from nations with nuclear arsenals.

The solution for this was brinksmanship. You keep the situation right on the brink so that, even if launching nukes is irrational, it just might happen as a result of circumstances.

Enter the crazy Vice President.

By having a crazy VP the president is essentially saying "Well of course, I'd never send the nukes flying. But Cheney... Cheney just might do it."

Of course, it's also assassination insurance, which is why the President and the VP spend as little time together in public as possible. Don't want to give an assassin the chance to take you both out at once.

Nice, I like this one

no matter what you do, "gender roles" are imprinted into our evolution and genes.

Kill yourself insane sodomite freak. We have this exact thread 20 times a day

I like Pence
Also I'm against gay marriage
Hell, there is no gay marriage in Germany

When will the ledditors go home?

Because if anyone of these lefty losers dare to assassinate Trump they'll get something MUCH WORSE


He is so handsome

Pence's nomination helped to encourage the cuckservative/establishment wing to support Trump and it also means Mike "Impure Thoughts? Give Him 100 More Watts" Pence will be the president if anyone tries any funny business with Trump. 7d underwater time traveling chess, fvm.

Life Insurance.