The Salt Never Ends

I don't think that anybody will hear about "Popular Vote" any more. The tears will be quite salty tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw


I've been off Sup Forums and moving and can't be bothered to research it myself

Please give us more senpai senpai.

A picture with numbers isn't enough.

Have some vulva for the work you are about to do.

>wordpress blogs

Just Google it faggots! The Dems have sat on the full vote count all week to build up a narrative and undermine the legitimacy of our MAGA.

They just wanted to shit the place up like a bunch of niggers on the way out.

Not true, just looked it up. Why would you get my hopes up like this?

you really think someone would do that? just go on the internet and make up lies?

You're obviously the faggot.

I posted vulva for you and you didn't even like it.


Shitty vulva but vulva nonetheless. OP is, as always, a confirmed faggot. Also checked.^tfw
this is the source, OP you're a faggot get your shit together