Exploring our oceans: Dont you fucking do it

You know how scientists are always clamoring about how we know more about outer space then we do our own oceans?

Maybe there is a fucking reason for that
1. The ocean sucks
2. Who wants to be around some faggy fish
3. Fuck salt

Let me explain to you something Sup Forums
We never need to explore our fucking oceans because theres nothing cool down there
So dont you go looking because your going to waste your time my time and humanities time

I dont understand why anyone would wanna go check out that bullshit

If you wanna get the same experience just go to the deepend of the pool or a pond and its the same exact shit just deeper

I repeat there is nothing cool in our unexplored oceans and aint nobody got time to find out

Other urls found in this thread:


t. alien with undewater base

Fuck off leave me alone
Theres nothing cool down here

The ocean is filled with medicinal value. We use Jellyfish, Plankton, and tons of other things in pharmaceuticals.

And most undiscovered shit is in the ocean, thus we might discover the secret to human immortality or something. (medicinally)

>This is a "fish"

Ya right you fucking hippy
We dont need your smelly hippy asses down here
leave me alone

t. undersea alien

James Cameron is on to you

why do i see this thread weekly
verbatim op ofc

fuck off kike, we know you have underwater bases there!

>Fuck salt
Said no Trump supporter, ever.

>Fuck salt
We have all the salt we need, user.

Keep up the good work, ACTR

Have you ever tried to reflect on things you say or think? This is a slide thread but if you actually have noble goals then why don't you proclaim them?

Dont worry Cthulhu we wont disturb R'lyeh, now go back to sleep.

That's freaky. Anyone actually take a moment to think what salt actually is? Is salt aliens? What is their endgame?

t. squidward


Damn. Haven't seen this thread in a while

t. sea monster

I don't think anyone posts on this board talking about exploring the oceans, except for you once a week.

Is this like reverse bait?

Wtf I love oceans now.

The real reason is because there's a far more ancient civilization that used to be in the Mediterranean basin, and it fucks with modern understanding of ancient human migration.

Pic related: most humans would have used the Italian land bridge to get to Europe, not the long way around the desert hellscape that is the middle east.

Is Kek down there?
Can we escape the shitskins by living there?

Doesn't really seem like a topic for Sup Forums, but I'll bite. I've had a plan for years now. Tell me what you think. Libs claim global warming is real and coasts will go under water someday. California and other places are almost out of drinking water. Nestle is drilling the shit out the inland and sucking the water out of our springs. Solution? Pic related. Coastal areas start building desalination plants. Tons of new jobs. Almost endless supply. Drinking the ocean will slow the rise from global warming. Supply of good sea salt to use, once we kill all the liberals and no longer have their tears to mine.

The regularity of this thread brings me comfort. You are my rock in a rapidly changing world, hatesunderwaterexplorationguy

Desalination requires fucktons of energy, which would contribute to global warming.

t. Cthulhu

nice bait

That's why we do this. Green energy as fuck and also endless supply. Massive output. Big oil and big coal doesn't want us to use this. In spite of being a national capitalist, I am for green energy, but only when it's practical.

These already exist. They're just not used.


Desalination isn't that simple.

The end product is Brine when you distill salt water.

My favorite poster on Sup Forums desu.

C'mon. The fucking Philippines is doing it. How hard could it be?

t. cthulhu

What would this theory imply?
I assume the sahara was steppe at this time too?

You tell me.

If it was commercially viable why isn't someone making bank by selling desalinated drinking water?

When did R'lyeh get an internet connection?

>down here


Fuck off Cthulhu, we're coming to make the oceans great again once shit's back under control up here.

Because right now it is more profitable to just bottle fresh water?

There could be resources of use that we have not even conceived of yet.

Hmmm... maybe because a law hasn't been passed that allows a corporation to own part of the ocean?

m8, fucking gibraltar

>wanting us to explore an endless void as opposed to our own planet
Fuck off we're finding your base space nigger, that's OUR water

For the correct answer.

Anons, we may have awakened KEK and nothing bad happened to us.
But mark my words, If you roll too many descending digits, IE 4321 or 8654 OR EVEN WORSE RISING DIGITS 2345 4567 OR EVEN WORST OF ALL MULTIPLES 2468 369
you will see the wrath of Cthulhu

Top kike

I was here first fuck off

>>Underated under sea user is secrelty a fish

>Keep your tiny hands off my healthcare

Not bad


Considering that the eastern Mediterranean would be mostly fed by freshwater rivers, it would be a series of large lakes, surrounded by exposed minerals along the sides.

It's not too far fetched to think that nomadic people's would converge there, the midpoint between the two landmasses, and plenty of fresh water.

Fresh water is necessary for any civilization. Explains a couple flood myths too.

This is where I get tinfoily.

Assuming a civilization started there 50k years ago, and they had beneficial environmental conditions to help grow quickly, there would have eventually been a flood of saltwater from the western Mediterranean.

The near extinction of these people led to a great migration to other freshwater sources. Ex: Nile delta, Sumeria.

Makes sense in my head.

Plus, I just like the idea of civilization being older than we think.

It was OUR planet first, get off, go back to whatever shitty planet you came from

I was born here
Fuck off
Leave me alone

As above, so below


That's what nuclear power is for

Fuckloads of energy from that, and very little pollution to go with it

Fuck off space nigger


I was told I could crash on the moon

Bullshit show me your papers

We are going to raid your underwater base and build condos where it used to be

Angler fish are the real feminists.

>nuclear power doesn't create heat

Sure thing, leaf.

Came here to post this


I love these threads. I kek audibly everytime I get to "fuck salt"

haha. le epic!!! XDDDDDDDD i #kek'd at the part where u said faggy fish LOOOL. FUck salt??? RANDOM AF!!!

Good glad you hate it
You wont bug me then

For fucks sake, is this now a new thing?

yeah fine but you got to pay us rent

underrated saved

>dont go into the oceans be a god goy theres nothing down there its really lame

idk why (((they))) would keep anyone out of the oceans, but thats what this post sounds like

OP is a fag

(nice digits)

Random fact, according to H.P. Lovecraft himself, Cthulhu is supposed to be pronounced as 'Khlul-hloo", with a deep guttural accent on the 'khlul'.

>''we know more about outer space then we do our own oceans''

That doesn't make any fucking sense since there are most likely billions of other planets with their own oceans.

It does and that is how you create power from it (falling for bait to bump thread)

The ocean is amazing, why is OP being such a killjoy to science?

Ya this thread is bait
The ocean is bait to
Dont fall for it
Leave me alone

i think it's some sort of advanced shill slidery memeage

Are you implying we actually go to out of space, ball earther?

I'm pretty sure that if the Mediterranean was like the pic you posted it wouldn't be fresh water. I think bodies of water become salinic when they reach a certain size.

I get the it though, I like early civilisation theories too. Personally I prefer the notion of hyperborea because reasons.
I think the flood myth is prominent because a lot of civs and lands would have been flooded when the ice caps melted anyway.


>Random fact, according to H.P. Lovecraft himself,
yeah well the creator of GIF wants us to pronounce is jif as in jiffy but I'm not a gay faggot so I don't do that either

ca thu loo

Space is bait so we can't find what schemes you're doing in OUR water you space jew

And because it creates heat, it contributes to global warming. Therefore your suggestion of using nuclear power in response to my saying that desalination requires tons of energy and would contribute to global warming is retarded.

Let me give you vietnam flashbacks Op where you saw your buddies die

salt is a mineral, it's just a rock that is smashed into small pieces for french fries



There's a video on YouTube where this guy who forms part of a group that was initially formed by the protégés of Lovecraft says chtuhlu out loud with proper pronunciation. Apparently Lovecraft taught them that.

I never verified if it was true or not whether they were formed by Lovecraft's circle but it's pretty cool look it up.

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Important new general lads >Important new general lads
Important new general lads >Important new general lads

Enjoy those bitch tits.

methane hydrate could be the powersource of tomorrow.

the idea that civ starts in 4k BC is much more ridiculous than this

all the faggot underwater shills ITT

>being this pleb

I've heard it pronounced by S.T. Joshi, a Lovecraft biographer. Not sure if it's your guy.

Sup Forums tier faggotry


alright guys with the increased frequency of these underwater alien shill threads we can confirm that they have an underwater base. they are plotting against us. which one of you Sup Forumsacks will take one for the team and periscope it and go investigate

That's old copy pasta mate

>James Cameron periscopes while killing underwater avatars with his titanic submarine

except for the nuclear waste that needs to be... shot into space?

You do realize that some organism survive in conditions so harsh that it was once thought impossible for anything to survive in? The deepest and darkest part of the ocean is where we need to search. That's where the cool shit lives.

>>doesnt get the joke

Nothing cool is down there

Remeber to put sage on the options field, fuck sliding threads.

>1. The ocean sucks
>2. Who wants to be around some faggy fish

"Baffled by such accurate empirical argument, the scientific community stopped all their work and turn the attention to other horizons..."