Is this the worst 5 president streak in history?
Is this the worst 5 president streak in history?
Robert Sullivan
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Alexander Allen
4 president, Obama was good
Levi Baker
Clinton wasn't that bad.
Nicholas Roberts
The streak of 12 right after Jefferson
Now that I think of it why isn't there an official term for those dozen unmemorable fuckers? You never ever ever see them discussed even in academia.
Nolan Russell
Wait nevermind disregard this post I thought #7 was Andrew Johnson instead of Jackson
Justin Thompson
he and his bitch wife killed 73 innocent people at waco and his policies caused the housing market crash in 2007
Jayden Williams
HW wasn't so terrible.
Kevin Moore
Jackson was goat
Owen Hughes
because academia promotes the idea that all our founding fathers and pre-lincoln presidents were omg raciss
Lucas Davis
George W bush's 1st term was good, 2nd not so much.