Should he have just told her the truth?

Should he have just told her the truth?

Other urls found in this thread:

She knew the truth

Ready the torture chamber, we have two fresh ones here

How is a mother unable to recognize her own son?

Agnes knew Armin wasn't Seymour. She just badly wanted her son to be alive and he was willing to play the role. Pretty obvious when she "reminds" him of where his room is.

"Boys will be boys" your honor?

Why is this episode horrible again?

Because it's far fetched for no real reason?

I just want to know why this episode was so terrible?

Because it ruined the continuity in a show that didn't have one

Punishes people for paying attention by unnecessarily complicating things. It wasn't enough to just ignore continuity as usual, they had to get one over on fans to prove how much better they were. It really demonstrates what kind of Harvard psueds were writing this show.

He should have fucked her

wait a sec... how did he find his way there in spite of the directions?

Isn't this Don Draper's origin?

Yeah he probably shouldn't have lied about the house being on fire

There's a difference between ignoring details and doing a drastic change to a character, though.

And let Chalmers find out that his house was burning down?

Considering she always knew because of how desperate Agnes was to have her son back, and that since that day she has used Armin as her personal mat and punching sack, yes he should had (for his own sake).

Well Agnes I made it despite your directions.

If Skinner is a fake what the fuck is this supposed to be?

I hope a retcon.

>the simpsons have no continui-

Young Skinner just happened to look a lot like Young Tamzarian, just like Snowball 6 looked a lot like Snowball 2.

>The Truth

What, that he ruined the roast?

Why did he get married to Bart's teacher just before she was killed off in the show because her voice actress died?

It made no sense whatsoever.

They needed a gimmick to keep the last few million viewers they have.

>Because it ruined the continuity in a show that didn't have one
They literally go back to normality in the end and don't address it any more times except one time with the snowball 2 to 4 episode

The conflict in this episode has nothing to do with any of the characters based on their personalities. Nobody has a goal, nobody has a need, nothing happens because of any character in Springfield or their unique lives.

A third party steps in (the real Skinner) to manufacture a dramatic scenario in order to have a story to tell. It's far fetched at BEST.

Continuity isn't the same as characterization, and we've known Skinner's character for YEARS at this point. He's been a do-right veteran who watched most of his friends die in bizarre ways, he's an up-tight mama's boy and he's had an on-again off-again crush on Ms. Crandall for years. Principle Skinner could be sharpening pencils to exactly the same length on his desk and you would recognize that as a neurosis of his well-written and established character.

TL;DR it introduces something convoluted to make synthetic conflict, instead of something derived from established characters. Bad writing.

>And you call yourself my son despite the fact that this is the first time I have ever met you

>Madam your son is no more!
>Than back from war.


This episode was made in response to people bitching about how badly Hurricane Neddy changed Ned Flanders' character.

>Portal doesn't open on Homer's ass
3/5 good try.

I believe he was joking, user.

Unlike Tamzarian, the real Skinner was familiar with the neighborhood and was able to give good directions.

How was Armen able to lie about being Seymour Skinner for all those years yet still struggle to tell Chalmbers the truth about their unforgettable luncheon?

Sit there and even try to make up something, anything about steamed hams and the answer is obvious. Lying about your identity is one thing but steamed hams are a whole new ballgame.

Probably. Aurora borealis is no laughing matter

>I thought your name was Armin
>Oh no, I said the Army. That's what they called me in Vietnam

Almost the entire staff except like three writers disowned it.

They disowned the film festival episode too, what's your point?
