Did S3 kill the fandom? Or at the very least...

Did S3 kill the fandom? Or at the very least, turn off any fan or anyone who liked the show that weren’t PICKLE RICK SCHEUZHAN SAUCE mouth breathers?

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It killed itself.

Wasn't season three the one where Dan Harmon had the most control and brought in diversity hires?

>any fan or anyone who liked the show that weren’t PICKLE RICK SCHEUZHAN SAUCE mouth breathers?
Pretty sure the fandom unironically being the kind of faggots who'd say things like this is what killed the fandom. When your starting point is up your own ass there is literally no where to go except to shit.

All I wanted was a fun sci-fi comedy show. Of course, shitty overly dramatic writing attracts even more people who feel intelligent for watching a cartoon, something that requires like 3% brainpower. I sincerely hope the sexual harrassment stuff gets Harmon canned from the show so it can be good again. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

It turned me, a fan whos been watching since the premiere, into hating the show. The new writers have made the show into ergything bad about it times 10.


S3 fucked up because it started to seep out on how stupid shit was in geneeral. People got too much emotionally connected to Rick and basically wanted more emotion but no fucking interesting scifi shit that made us all love this shit.

I didn't want to know about the divorce as much, they should had just focus on Rick and Morty, how many fucking adventures we missed because the writers decided "OH WELL WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT RICK BEING A PSYCHOPATH SOMETIMES". Then talk about it at the season-finale and then work even further down the line with it. But it just ugh, even my gf whose a fucking sjw liberal thinks that this is shitty.

It wasn't that bad. Well, the finale was a bit meh, but it set up S4 pretty well, I think.

That One Episode Everyone Hated was legitimately bad, though. Protip, Harmon: if you want your softcore SJW bullshit to have any impact, don't make it a B plot.

It sure as shit didn't do it any favors.
Awaiting that in-show reality to be grossly and grotesquely killed off as a pseudo retcon with occasional quips from main characters about how mindnumbingly stupid that was for existing.

Didn't it already kinda do that itself in the finale?

>Was a-okay with focus on story driven drama and promoted more of it
>Writer's idea of more "drama" is more blunt in your face monologues that treats the viewers like morons and condensing all the characters to their most basic traits (Rick is OP God, Beth is just a sociopath, Jerry is just wuss)
>Finale is meta twist of how viewers shouldn't expect much story and just go with the flow, effectively be one middle finger to the season in itself
It's like if someone decided to eat shit and then scold other people that they shouldn't eat shit.

Rick getting his desserts and seeing the fandom rage was funny for a while but the entire season feels not only self-defeating but it's clear that Dan and Justin ran out of good ideas of where they even want the show to go anymore.

>Or at the very least, turn off any fan or anyone who liked the show that weren’t PICKLE RICK SCHEUZHAN SAUCE mouth breathers?
>implying anyone else would like reddit and memey

Trump Derangement Syndrome made Harmon into a basket case and it bled through into the show. Also the fanbase is toxic because it's largely libshits.Pickle Rick is unironically a good episode, it's just been ruined by shitty fans overexposing it as a meme.
Look at how the Berniefags try to appropriate Rick as Bernie just because they both have white hair. Rick hates government, he's an ancap who steals and traffics weapons to assassins. It's like the Imperial Japanese navy trying to appropriate Popeye as a propaganda character.
But the real problem is people trying to make it more than what it is, which is Family Guy for sci fi nerds. It's just a show, written by a depressed fat guy and his harem of work wives. Don't expect too much from it.

I don't really care about the fandom, I like that show.
>Pickle Rick.
While some fans memeing it too hard was kind of ridiculous, people hating that episode make no fucking sense. It was a funny one.

Well, there was a Trump characature in the VR game

They ruined the mood of the show by focusing too much on the characters. Episodes should be fast and spontaneous, not serious and melodramatic.

it started to die in s2. idk why anyone would enjoy s3.

why are there so many faggots trying to unnecessarily politicize things today?

>Trump Derangement Syndrome

He literally continued to make use of his Obama pastiche rather than even referring to Trump in any way shape or form, and then made the Obama pastiche into the villain of the season finale, with Rick pointedly sneering at him for his over-use of drone strikes, which liberals hated him for.

You are seriously reaching here if you're looking for anything Trump-related here.

Season 3 was great. Sucks that I have to share the show with a sub section of morons but i don't go to cons and I don't go in to Hot Topic so it affects me very little.


1. Tales from the Citadel
2. Season Premier
3. Vindicators 3
4. Morty's Mind Blowers
5. The Last Episode
6. Rickmancing The Stone
7. The One With The Toxins
8. The ABC's of Beth
9. Pickle Rick


10. The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy

Waiting for someone dressed up as Rick to actually murder people or go on a shooting spree.

Third seasons are the death knell of most cartoons.

Because tools like you continue to give them (You)s.

Back to Sup Forums, please.

>show that weren’t PICKLE RICK SCHEUZHAN SAUCE mouth breathers?


Being unaware or willingly blinding yourself to the fact that all media is propaganda is retarded, user.

Neckbeards were nearly rioting over a fucking dipping sauce, this can't be too far off.

I honestly can't tell if you're a Sup Forumstard or a marxist.

>goes out of his way to violate private property
Fuck off ancom scum

>hurr durr le horshoe theory nazisaren't that bad xD

>tfw all fandoms are terrible but the ones you're in are the worst
>tfw automatically lumped with them
still not as bad as supernatural's I guess

anyways this season was pretty lukewarm

The concept of fandom in general is poison.

Its going to be really interesting seeing how this show moves forward now that Dan Harmon got outted as a guy who harasses women.

Pickle Rick has a fun first half that devolves into a mindless action sequence.

Honestly I have no idea why there is so much gory action in season 3, its so fucking boring. Do people actually watch this show for the action? It was nice when it wasn't non-stop, like the Purge episode. Now every single episode has a scene of Rick just slaughtering people cuz OH RICK IS SUCH A BADASS!

that too I suppose

>People got too much emotionally connected to Rick
If they didn't want that they shouldn't have ended the second season with "Rick sacrificed himself for his family!" and let people stew in that for ages before blowing it off with a joke about sauce.

Let me put it to you this way, friend:

The supposed Nazis aren't the ones constantly trying to restrict what you can and can't say. Nazis aren't the ones that get you banned from message boards for engaging in wrongthink, inadvertently or otherwise. Nazis aren't the ones who've made it so Dave Chappelle can't even tell the most toothless transgender joke without making headlines, even if he reiterates how much he respects their identity.

In short, Nazis aren't the people who keep nailing down "No Fun Allowed" signs. Thinking that you "stand for the little guy" doesn't give you the license to be insufferable pricks, but for some reason you just aren't getting that so you will continue to lose.

>In short, Nazis aren't the people who keep nailing down "No Fun Allowed" signs.

>"Death to all Jews, niggers are subhuman scum!"
>"Fuck off, Nazi prick."
>"See, no fun allowed anymore!"

That’s just because they don’t have power, that doesn’t make them not terrible.

Point still stands, my dude.
I don't like niggers and Jews enough to want to completely assassinate comedy and entertainment on behalf of their feelings. In the end the people who will get ahead are those who can amuse the masses, I can't say I'm seeing people bust a gut over the same three Trump jokes.

>dude he's orange like a cheeto wtf lamo xD
>bruh is that a wig or what :O silly hair xD
>omg he has tiny hands!

Ironically all of these "jokes" are no-nos by your own playbook, I believe they fall under "body shaming" but he's the bad guy so that means it's alright, right?

Well, be sure to let me know when they kill a couple Jews because until then it sure seems like one group is making all the changes and doing all the bellyaching and the other is purely reactionary.

I like the show but only pickle rick post ironically

>In the end the people who will get ahead are those who can amuse the masses,

Weird how the vast majority of comedians and other entertainers are liberals, then.

To be fair, Sup Forums isn't the real world. Sup Forums shitposters are obnoxious as fuck here but the people LARPing as nazis in real life are far lower than what they (and the media) would have you believe.

S2's finale was where I lost the last glimmer of interest in this shitshow.

>All I wanted was a fun sci-fi comedy show

Season 1 Rick & Morty actually gave me hope that it could eventually be as good as Futurama but then it just took a huge nosedive.

Weird how they're all getting clapped by MeToo, then. I thought these people were virtuous?

Besides, even liberal comedians used to employ in vulgar, insensitive vernacular in their comedy routines.

>That One Episode Everyone Hated was legitimately bad, though.
Which episode is this user talking about?
I've pretty much avoided all discussion about RM this past year on anywhere really (missed out that that pickle shit until I started seeing it spammed everywhere here). Is it the pickle one?

Yea, me. I defended this show up and down to all the fags here, for them to basically fling all character development and plot progress right out the window in the final episode, in addition to promising more episodes than were actually in the season. Definitely won't be watching S4, much less buying it on my Prime Video account like I did the first three.

Not Harmon. I saw fucking articles applauding the guy for apologizing for his treatment of women after he was called out. This is a guy who threatened to kill himself when his wife wanted to get a divorce, so its clearly not just a one-off thing.

Probably. ABCs of Beth was way worse, imo.

I'll take Nazis spouting nonsense over being arrested for hate crime because you offended someone.

By the way, you just committed hate crime under British law.

It isn't like Jews and blacks don't make fun of themselves anyways. Funny is funny and jokes at the expense of minorities can actually do more good in the long run by desensitizing the issue. Look at a character like Archie Bunker who was able to unmask some of the idiocy in prejudice while still being endearing and human. People got to learn to laugh at themselves.

All Harmon had to do was sell his self-respect. He had to grovel about how he evil and monstrous he was for believing he was falling in love with a female co-worker and how he made her feel uncomfortable with his advances. Most of the people who get called out for sexual misconduct don't fall to their knees and beg, Harmon did.

it did for me.

S1 was good cause it dealt with morale and philosophical theories and the collision between Ethos, Pathos and Logos when confronted with a "realistic" representation of them on the wacky adventures Rick and Morty have

S2 was for the memes

S3 was written by people with political agendas and normies. Instead of Rick dropping a bomb to reset the whole world, the family is going to therapy. A monumental decline from ludicrous to mundane.

Idk about anyone else, but I watch tv to get a break from reality. If I wanted to watch a family fall apart I'd visit my parents

>Hey what happened to Rick and Morty?
>[2 hours of rational discussion later]
You people are beyond saving


Nah, Harmon is a fucking sleazeball who never had any self-respect. If you watch his apology you can see his ego still there (try to understand how I feel), and he frames himself as piteous in order to dodge scrutiny.

He only fell to his knees and begged because he KNOWS he fucked up and got caught, and likely has done worse in the past. I'm sure him trying to perv on women is likely why he pushed for more women on staff.

Outside of the political agenda in S3 the problem I had was the reliance on gore instead of humor.

Season 1 and 2 had tons of episodes where no one got bloodily eviscerated onscreen, and when they did it was used tastefully and when needed.

In s3 every fucking episode someones organs go boom. There is not a single episode without any bloodshed.

You're saying you don't watch Rick and Morty for the overly long action scenes of Rick slaughtering random people?

Wow bro time to grow up and get that this is a MATURE cartoon.

It's just such a god damn cop out, it really bums me out. Hey what should do in this scene, I have no good idea of jokes. I know, well animated gore! Boom, thats half the episode done. They could have used that budget elsewhere on lighting or more backgrounds or something.

Fuck off back to your containment board, alt-right trash.

>call me when the Nazis kill someone
In 2017:
-Heather Heyer
-Taliesin Namkai Meche
-Ricky Best
-Richard Collins III
-Timothy Caughman
-Srinivas Kuchibhotla
-Buckley Kuhn-Fricker
-Scott Fricker

This is what happens when you get all your news from Breitbart.

>well-animated gore
I watched all of season 3 and I don't remember any well-animated action. I just remember generic DUH DUH DUH action music while Rick killed people in very dull ways.

I think the only action I enjoyed was Rick fighting toxic Rick because of how ridiculous it was. The stuff in Pickle Rick was just fucking boring. It felt like something you'd see on Newgrounds 10 years ago.

I specifically said Jews, any Jews in there? Also,

>Heather Heyer
Did her mother never tell her not to play in the street?
>Play in the street
>Get run over

The gore of peoples body parts/limbs beign cut off/etc is what I was referring to, its pretty well animated for rigged animation.

I guess I'll trust you, then. I just tuned out after it kept happening so the apparent quality was lost on me.

The jokes on you, I get my news for a combination of Sup Forums and ResetEra. Two sides of the same coin.

Yikes, I'm honestly more embarrassed you visit that dump than Sup Forums. I had a great time on Sup Forums shitposting after Roy Moore lost, I can't imagine there's anything good about a site that was created to cover up how the admins ignored Evilore's history of abusing women.

That's exactly it, dead user. There's nothing good about either of them.

I find the development interesting. Here's a few reasons I've learned from previous threads:
>Fanbase expanded to people who don't regularly watch animated comedies. Otherwise they would've known about Rick and Morty already.
>Writers banking on making stupid meme jokes because memes are stupid. Huge amount of fans don't get the joke.
>Writers starting to run out of clever premises and resorts to 2deep4u rants which makes said fans feel clever.
>Fanbase big and annoying enough that hating the show becomes the hot new thing

There were a bunch more that I can't remember. I still love the show but its Internet presence will never be the same.

Clearly staged. His friend starts filming before he even does anything and he leaves at the end so the staff doesn't have the chance to call the police on him.

Oh im not saying that it makes up for it, just that it was well animated. The episodes still sucked because that alone cant carry this show.

harmon is literally the abusive boyfriend beating up his wife, roiland.

Given how Dan treated his ex-wife it probably comes naturally to him.


Not to mention the writers of the show are obviously SJWs. Now just nod your head and agree with Rick like you're supposed to, sweeties.

Season 3 had it's moments, the premiere, the citadel, were two of the best episodes so far but then you have shit like Vindicators and ABCs of Beth and that finale, and it's like what the fuck were they thinking? I think the main problem with Season 3 is that Season 2 ended on such a cliffhanger, and S3 Premiere had that postcredits stinger, Citadel connected to Season 1, and it seemed that the third season went out of its way at times to tell this story about fucking Jerry and Beth's divorce, and we all know that the family dynamic is, and always has been the weakest part of the show. Season 4 really has to fix shit because 3 was definitely the worst season by far

It's objective fact that they brought in diversity hires. Trying to claim that only Sup Forums believes it just drives more people there.

I know how to save the show, Rick, unarmed vs a Chimpanzee, think about it.

That was likely because Dan was trying to get laid, to be fair.

I'm not alt-right. And that's another hate crime you committed by the way.

In addition, your examples are pretty incorrect and don't address the counter examples of left wing violence and murders either.

That's the story of every male feminist..

Not once in the entirety of history has that ever worked
Why do they keep falling for it?

Season 3's two biggest flaws was not flushing out the relationship with the president before the finale and "you aren't evil, you're smart". That's really it. Everything else was on par with the previous season though there was some noticeable difference due to the shake up in the family dynamic. The Pickle Rick and Mulan sauce memes put the autism in the fandom in the spotlight, as did the shakeup in writing staff which, if not triggered a response from people who are habitually anti-feminist who like to make all things female about feminism, triggered people's autism as autists don't like change. Season 2 is seen as a high point and 3 a low, which can be a sensible opinion, but to drop the show because it can't always have best seasons is having unrealistic expectations.

>A few people get killed during violent political clashes at all sides versus 20+ years of social engineering, 'reform' and changes to the law to clamp down on free speech and impose left wing morals and viewpoints on society.

Sorry, but I'm not in the US and I don't see the right wing as a credible threat at all. Meanwhile left wing ideology has radically transformed my country and made me, a centrist classical liberal a far right winger despite me never having changed my viewpoints. And yes, you are committing a hate offence by the way.

While I mostly agree with you; absolutely no one thinks season 2 was the high point.
Even when it was still airing, people were already calling it a lot worse than season 1.

I thought season 2 was better than season 1. Season 1 had some really shitty episodes (the finale, for one).

>Have so little sexual interaction with women that any interaction makes you pounce on the chance.
We're all on this site, you should be able to relate. Not saying it's a smart move on their side but you know their desperation.

Dunno. I just know it took a nosedive midway through season 1, if anything I found 3 more tolerable than 2.

>Fanbase expanded to people who don't regularly watch animated comedies. Otherwise they would've known about Rick and Morty already.
It was a mistake making the Simpsons intro, opened the doors to a lot of normies

Backwards taste

>I'm now a far right winger
>I've never changed my viewpoints

the level of reasoning one expects from Sup Forums children

It doesn't matter if you "feel" right wingers aren't a problem, because the facts don't back up your rationalization. 8 people were killed by neo-Nazis in 2017.
The "far left" killed... zero
White, conservative extremists accounted for 75% of the mass shootings in the United States last year.

I understand facts and reason have no place in the alt-right ideology, but you dumb fucks are absolutely delusional.

Please stay on your containment board. That's why it's here.
You guys
The pony fuckers
The autists who want to role play as/fuck Pokemon
The retards who love pro wrestling
Those are the containment boards. That's the level people view your dumb-assery on.

I thought 2 was the best so far, but maybe I need to rewatch 1 before coming to that conclusion. It's just that 1 had episodes like the one about the dog, the inception episode, and the weaker finale that, while fun to watch, we're kind of boring low points for the entire series.

Literally none of those people are Nazis. Nazism is based around German supremacism, nation-oriented socialism, and anti-communism. Those people are just random Americans, or in some cases white supremacists.

>""""centrists"""" suck off the right wing yet again
like clockwork


I don't know, I can't recall the last time I've seen a show bust through the guardrail,careen off of a cliff, and go up in a fiery explosion in it's third season the way Rick and Morty has.

This, kinda.

I still like Season 3 overall but the episodes were definitely more hit and miss than ever before, and there was a lot of stupid shit. I don't even mind the divorce, but there was a definite lack of weird adventures. The finale was kinda shit.

>post in thread
>check thread 3 hours later
>it's devolved into a political warzone
Every fucking time. Sup Forums fuck off.

shut up queer

Shit, meant to reply to

i liked all the episodes, i think ill buy the blu ray when i have money