I'm a hypocrite!

During the campaign I wanted Hillary Clinton to be prosecuted for the e-mails, Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation. I believed that it was because I wanted her to pay for her crimes and putting national security at risk, but now that it is all over I don't really care that much, and I'd probably feel bad for her if she's in jail.

It turns out that I just wanted that an investigation so Trump could win

Anyone else feels the same?

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Yeah, kinda. Shillary is just a cog in the libshit machine. Her career is over and rather than focus on her it's time to start shitting on their future.

Hillary was there so trump would win. She just didn't know it.

Soros or someone behind the scenes has engineeered this.

Then pardon Bernie Madoff, commute every conviction from the drug war, compensate people unjustly imprisoned for long terms as superpredators. Pay to rebuild Libya and Syria. Compensate Libyans and Syrians and Ukrainians for the war damage. This woman will be the symbol of white trash corruption run rampant. She will also be the poster child for American cowardice in the face of confronting corruption. She sucks.

nope. purge the rest of the crooks and elites and jail or deport them (lol)

damn global capitalist immigrants

No, the DNC deliberately started violence against us and the clintons built it for the last 20 years.

They are traitors and should pay the oldest price.

Yup. Time to let it go and get on with MAGAing.

Fuck off shill you forgot your vpn

Mexico can have her.

no. the blood of the whole middle east is on this woman's hands, along with the refugee crisis that is turning europe into shit
either she walks them out of europe holding their hands one by one or she hangs

Trump won, has no need to put her behind bars because the FBI will do that for him. Either that or he made everything up to show the mainstream media he can play dirty too

No, she still lied. Oh and she also effectively mindfucked half of America with her campaign against Trump.

No. She should be strung up for treason. Willfully mishandling classified material, some of which she wasn't even cleared to have access to is serious business. And Never forget the Clinton body count. Vince foster, Ron brown, Antonio Scania confirmed



Honestly, her political career is over, she no longer has any sway or power so she won't be recieving any donations any more.
Trump has bigger fish to fry, going after her now would just further divide the country as it would piss off her supporters.

>Anyone else feels the same?

I don't want to hurt her either. But she scammed and skimmed hundreds of millions of dollars as a public servant. For the sake of society she should be prosecuted and audited.

Having their political enemies audited was a favorite tactic during the clinton administration, BTW.

Concern trolling

No she should be hanged for treason


Nobody gives a fuck what you think. Your opinion is literally a wasted thread slot. Like you mum's rotten twat.

There are those who have an will follow her example.

I know what you mean. Clintons are slippery shits, and what I really wanted was for her to go away and be disgraced. Her career's over, and she failed at her life ambition, after everybody told her she had it nailed. Staffers popping champagne on Tuesday morning, the media universally were calling the election before it even started. She got BTFO, and it's all over for her.

Shit sticks to the Clintons, but they never face any real consequences, and they're unlikely to start now. She's going to go away, leave us alone, and "remember Hillary" is going to be said to warn people about the dangers of running a shitty candidate or being overconfident. Good enough for me, I guess.

I'd rather never read about her again. She won't go to jail, and the most painful punishment for someone like her is obscurity. Let her have it.

I do want her to be prosecuted. For treason. And executed. I mean that literally. I believe that is the fate she deserves for betraying her country. But that's idealistic. The reality is, she'd become a victim and it could hurt Trump politically for little reward.

>she failed at her life ambition

She walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars.

When I heard she cried, I felt bad for 30 seconds.
Now, I couldn't give a shit what happens to her. 🦇

If you were guilty of the same crimes she is and you wanted her prosecuted for them and not yourself, you'd be a hypocrite.

Nothing you've written there makes you a hypocrite. What you are basically saying is that you wanted to build a skyscraper so you started mixing concrete. Oh my god such hypocrisy.

Learn the definitions of these fucking words before you start throwing them around.
Not only do you make yourself look stupid, you teach other stupid people how to use words incorrectly.

meh, fuck her. Her greed got her here. I want a REAL investigation into the e-mails and the Clinton foundation and the former AGs and I want them all punished accordingly.


I'm looking forward to building of the Great Trump Wall and the deportation of millions of illegal spics. It really does give me a reason to get up in the morning.

Nope, she's still an evil bitch.
Her crimes aren't just obstruction of justice, conspiracy, that kinda shit.

She sold out our nation for her own gains. She did things anyone else would be facing life in prison for.

And she actively sought to destroy us, gaining herself more power, by fucking up the middle east even more and acting like some enforcer "nice country you got there".

Some murders your wife. You don't stop wanting justice as soon as the guy gets caught, you still want him to go to trial and pay for it.

I wanted her arrest not just because I liked Trump, I wanted it because it was a battle of good vs evil. She is an evil bitch and has to go down, she could not be allowed to fully destroy the world by gaining the presidency. Trump is just an added bonus.

I'd have been not as happy, but ok with Yeb!, Robo,etc as long as she was stopped, and faced at least some form of justice.

Even though most people jumped ship, she still has enough dirt, leverage, and connections to continue to fuck things up.

Would you be fine with soros and his shit if he just got on TV and said "Oops, my bad, I'm sorry I made a few mistakes" and then got back to actively funding and seeking the destruction of western civilization?

A little bit. I have the "poor grandma" feeling. But if she betrayed, that shouldn't matter, no pardon so no one tries. Not even grandmas.

>Anyone else feels the same?
Not I.

She risked national security in order to keep her secrets from the FOIA. She is a servant of the people as SOS. She deserves much worse than she will get.

I hope to see her in jail, but I know it won't happen. I don't think it is enough that she is beaten. I don't think stopping now is fair to the populace that elevated Trump to the highest seat in the land. I think she will get her day of the rope. Patience is key.

>i didnt even want Trump to keep his campaign promises anyway!

If 4 star generals can face prison time for doing what equates to the same thing, so can she.

Here's the thing, people are going to keep saying "Trump is LITERAL HITLER while Hillary just sent some EMAILS!" but they are totally ignoring the emails contain evidence of treason, pay for play, utter corruption. Her crimes need to be exposed so the people who voted for her will realize duh it is not racism and hatred propelling Trump it's the fact the media worked night and day to convince us to elect an absolute traitor and criminal to our highest office to do literally untold damage on our country.
I'm getting furious just thinking about it.
That hit man climbing up Assange's embassy? Fucking Seth Rich killed during a mugging but nothing stolen? The men women and children killed in the bombing of civilians in Yugoslavia?! FUCK. PUT THIS BITCH BEHIND BARS ALREADY.

Examples must be made.
Her corrupt foundation must be destroyed.

Fuck off CTR, i would pay half my shekels just to see her locked up for all that she's done!

What are you doing in Mexico Hillary?

Nah senpai, some of us were actually interested in justice. I wanted Trump to win on policy. I want Hillary in from of a judge answering for her treason.

To be honest I thought she was a criminal mastermind who committed murder, espionage, blackmail, theft, assassination-for-hire, vote rigging and all manner of other crimes and was too politically powerful and smart to get caught.

But now I think she's just an old lady who's rectum doesn't work every well anymore and who just got lucky.

She still needs to get locked up though.

she should go to jail but half the country believes she dindu nothing. if we jail her they'll make a fuss about it for the next 8 years. but if we don't what message does that send? i'll let the master decide.

she is the damn tip of the iceburg of actual elitist corruption

that energy and discovery of her corruption should lead to the downfall of the entire gig of elitist culture that could give a fuck less about the common individual

Pretty Much. I don't give a shit about Hillary anymore. Maybe in 4 years if the bitch hasn't seized herself to death by then.

She should be hung. So should you.

No man deserves to be above the law, thus I do want her to be prosecuted.

The Clinton Foundation should fall into ruin.
I don't care if Hillary goes to prison or not she's way too old to be in jail and that is pretty cruel.
Granted she's a cruel bitch, she's going to die anyway from old age.
Putting Grandma in jail is just wrong, though forcing her to live on medicaid and lose her entire legacy is okay. The States do that to old women ALL THE TIME. Let her taste the system she helped prop up.

Checked and strangely I kind of do feel the same, but at the same time I don't want her to be free to work with her satanist pedo rings plotting Donald's downfall. I trust Trump's judgement on this his people probably know a lot more than this Indonesian sandal repair enthusiast forum does

Reminder that Trump now shapes Sup Forums opinion rather than the other way around

Is (((Soros))) our guy?

>It turns out that I just wanted that an investigation so Trump could win
Comey knew this so he restarted it. He also knew that you would feel bad once it was all over, he he let her go -- again. Comey doesn't deserve the bad rep he gets


I'm pretty irritated by him not holding on to his word of locking her up.
No deal that they could have made is acceptable. She and her whole family and partners in crime need to go to prison.
They are a grave threat to national security and their whole machine needs to be unearthed and destroyed.

I don't know what sounds better.
watching as the floor drops out from beneath her, or watching her rot for the next 8 years behind bars.

After Trump had won I felt the same. The Clintons are finished anyway. What do they have? One daughter?

Oh no he said he puts hillery in to jail he better keeps his word.

She needs to be jailed at the very least

If she's guilty she should be punished, that's how it works for everyone else. Appoint the special prosecutor and give her a fair trial.

he hasnt sworn into the presidency yet. literally cannot do anything


theres hope, but its dim.

Why feel bad for her? She's more corrupt than your typical corrupt political. She probably helps Bill cover up much of his cocaine smuggling, hookups, etc.

also you're fucking stupid as shit, millenials will never find truth.

If she actually goes to prison I highly doubt she will make it 8 years.
The pressure is probably already giving her an ulcer.

You have literally no proof for this statement it's just speculation.

The way the MSM was shilling for Hillary all day every day there is no fucking way the establishment didn't want her to win.

I don't want her running in 2020, so no i still want her jailed.

It puts king O'nigger in a bad spot.

His base will crucify him if he doesn't pardon her and she gets locked up. But if he does, the right will further destroy his legacy.

But if the she-boon tranny nigger want to enter politics, he will not pardon hill-a-cunt.

Okay, so Secretary of State's job description includes keeping American citizens safe and their interests in foreign affairs. Libya warned of us an attack on diplomats three days before it happened. The emails Hilary deleted might have had information about this that she deleted? Is that all it was? It sounds highly suspicious but I'm just now taking an interest in all this shit so I feel like I'm missing some key facts here.

I wanted a Trump win so Hillary would get arrested. Didn't care who she lost to.

nice try CTR

3 things:

obama told trump he's gonna pardon so trump is saving face to the hillary supporters (55% chance)

trump is laying low hoping obama trusts him enough to not pardon (35%)

trump made a deal with obama to hurt others instead of clinton (5%)

trump was in on it all along (5%)

im not setting the last 2 high since he literally put his entire brand on the line to go for president.

People will worry about this email crap while they're being robbed blind by bigger crooks in the meantime. And now a clown is president. It's a tragicomedy.

That's so funny, OP. I didn't give a shit about the emails or Benghazi, I just believed that she was qualified for the job, and all politics are dirty, and she was just playing the game.

Now that she has lost, I don't give a shit if they put her in jail. She made it too personal. She wanted it too much. Bernie had a better chance of beating President Elect Cheeto, and if she had put her ego aside maybe things would be different.

So lock her the fuck up, I say.

No, she's a traitor and must pay for her crimes.

She needs to face the gallows.

when has a secretary of state ever run for president? it's usually the vice president that runs

>I'd probably feel bad for her

Wow, the shills are still getting paid? Now to try to force her way to evade jail? Sorry, but she needs to go to jail, and probably not come back from there in her lifetime.

Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Martin Van Buren
James Buchanan

She will never pay for her crimes. The Clintons and CF are too deeply entrenched in America. Removing the cancer would kill the country.

She should go to trial and be charged with what is known, for certain, that she did (that's plenty, and her suspected crimes are even more plentiful but not germane to this) and if she comes away a free-woman then so be it, but if she goes down then she deserves it.

fuck your psyop. all globalist will shoa up in fema camps.