This wonderful and original show died well too early into its prime, it needs a season 3.
This wonderful and original show died well too early into its prime, it needs a season 3
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There is literally not one original thing about this shitshow. It's nothing more than a hastily cobbled-together collection of "zany cartoon" tropes.
I mean, if it's never going to happen they could at least say what they had planned for it.
You know what could have used a 3rd season? Gravity Falls
But no...that hack Alex Hirsch had to fuckin rush everything so we got an unsatisfactory final 3 episodes
Fuck You Hirsch, YOU HACK!!!!
Dude was ready to quit after the first season, and then only agreed to 10 more episodes but Disney said no, do 20. He literally could not have done more than he actually did.
Throw yourself off a cliff.
He's not even wrong. WoY was nothing but every early 2000s cartoon rolled into one.
How so?
More like every 1970s cartoon rolled into one, or thereabouts. Early 2000s cartoons were actually good.
He could have killed himself
>mfw people have gone full contrarian on this show
Constantly having your pity party threads will do that.
>"zany cartoon" tropes.
Which ones, out of curiosity?
Hater is shit
It died because the shapes weren't simple enough.
>Tv Tropes
I should've known you were one of them
>look those character have a dialog
>it's just one of those "talking cartoons"
He kept teasing three seasons and a movie...but nope!
Hirsch just had to half-ass everything so he could rush out the door because "too much pressure from Disney"
>asks for tropes
Fuck off, witchfag.
Second post isn't mine, retard. I'm not gonna samefag for literally no fucking reason at all.
you either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain
is this for real? cause I remember him saying the story was planned for three seasons (and everything up to season 2 part 2 seemed that way) but I'm always on drugs so I could be remembering wrong. No clue how he could possibly end things with a ten episode second season but I guess I feel a little better knowing it was all doomed from the start. Still, the fact that the last half got botched cause the dude couldn't handle working is pretty dumb. Like shit he could have asked for more time to make the episodes, it's Disney they've got the budget fuck
Linking to that shithole should be a bannable offense desu.