Captain Gwen

Captain Gwen.

Other urls found in this thread:

It has to be said: any version of cap without wings on his head looks retarded

for a second I thought this was from some sort of JL8 for Marvel characters

I know that's a gwenpoole recolor, but
>femboy cap
hggnn muh dik




I want to facefuck captain america


Gwen makes good lewds because she doesn't look like a fucking pornstar with fake breasts.

oh ma gawd sauce!

Gwen thread

So we are okay with sameface, as long as it caters to waifufags, correct?

what? they are all the same person.

>Posting edits of a template = same face

where's the template?


>on the same person

You know, just when I thought Sup Forums couldn't get any stupider

it means that she looks like any other generic anime character and most of the female cast in her comic looks just like her unless they are old


But she doesn't, and they don't. There is a reason this template is immediately recognizable as Gwen.

>inb4 Gwen's dad tries to attack Stephen in a courtroom

Requesting MODOK Gwen


why is she so perfect?

That real world Gwenpool page where she's angsting about job will be studied by future scholars as the embodiment on early XXI zeitgeist.

Isn't she legal?

This page?

This image, I remember some cringey Gwenpool faggot requesting this edit so he could jerk off to it.
That's a new low for virgins, jerking off to porn or hentai, I get that, but jerking it to a dialogue edit? Fuck, that's sad to say the least.

And you can tell is the same retard that makes these threads because he is always talking about ''Gwen should do lewd things and butt stuff!!''

>jerking it to a dialogue edit
I'd say that's some cultured fetish.

>I'd say that's some cultured fetish.

t. the person that made the edit and doesn't even know how it feels to hug a girl.

>mfw she actually has a nice toned body, instead of over-detailed musclefag body

This. Those realistic tits are a treat.

>>mfw she actually has a nice toned body

Have you ever touched a girl with such a body? Best feeling ever, specially around the belly buttom area.

Shouldn't you be happy about somebody does not hugging girls? Less competition for you.

No because I have to hide the fact that I like cartoons or comics at first because I would be compared to losers like the person that made this If beta cucks weren't so pathetic about their ''waifu'' bs then comic book and cartoon fags wouldn't be considered lesser men to date.

Flick's Gwepool is best Gwenpool.

This style in particular.

Stop caring what other people think fag

Wow, it says that having a sexual life making you calm and positive, but, judging by your example, it turns you into an agressive asshole.
More reasons for me to stay virgin.

>Wow, it says that having a sexual life making you calm and positive

It also makes you notice beta faggots more easy.
Because jerking it to a character written by a dude its so much healthier.

Its not about caring about what other people think, its about not being able to use a cartoon t-shir without that being a vagina repelent.


Would it go to shit like jl8 did.

the fandom has fuckall to do with it
I've been wearing nerd shirts for years and girls approach me plenty

because I take care of myself. I work out, I keep my hair trimmed, clothes clean, and don't hide in the corner blaming the fandom for why greasy hair and neckbeard scare away girls

most if the time the geek shirt is a conversation starter. a shitton of girls are huge nerds AND hot as fuck

Oh, that's great.
Now I can't just relax and be a subhuman garbage even on Sup Forums of all places.
Some caustic Casanova appearing out of nowhere and throwing tantrums about how he is unable to get laid because of me.
Is this fucking real?

No, the other one. Where she rants how she can't get a job.

Patrician ship

I don't believe you, I can tell that you are the same ''Gwen doing butt stuff teehee'' poster. you wouldn't be a waifu faggot if you actually got girls.
Waifufaggots were never liked over here, doesn't help the fact that you keep spamming this shit character while not even attempting to have a comic book discussion.
Too many ''Gwen is for ______'' threads

I mean, at least do it MCU style with the stripped lines

I will post a few pics to refresh her story a little bit. The one you need will be the last.




Here it is.

Dude, calm down. I'm afraid next time you will attack some luckless fatboi in colored horses shirt IRL - for noospherically cockblocking you or something.

>Waifufaggots were never liked over here
Didn't this board used to be a no stop onslaught of Gwen and Penny threads like 10 years ago?