You know he makes a lot of good points and is right in most cases

you know he makes a lot of good points and is right in most cases

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GR8 B8 M8

the only thing i know about him is that he apparently has autism, thus i have no interest in watching his videos

Also he's autistic so his opinion holds no value

>Has a goatee
He's a coward who can't speak out against the things he hates when it comes to his favourite cartoon show.

I much prefer AVGN and NC who actually know how to express their anger like thirsty whores.

Also you cannot do a review of a 20 minute episode in just 5 minutes, when a normal review takes at least 2x the time of the source material you analyze.

He's the worst kind of autitics with the worst sounding voice ( not just how his voice sounds but the way he talks, you can hear the autism)
Pan is a billion times better, at least he's self aware enough to be likeable and he knows how to edit a video

>Also you cannot do a review of a 20 minute episode in just 5 minutes
sure you can, that's actually pretty easy and way more concise and to the point than most reviews which nostalgia critic style go through the plot and make quips along the way. making a full analysis though or nostalgia critic style review, yeah, that'll take a bit longer.

>He's a coward who can't speak out against the things he hates when it comes to his favourite cartoon show.
You are saying?
He has called shit MLP episodes he didn't like. it's like you wanted to be proven wrong.

this is his latest review, btw, I'd like to know what people find wrong with it.

Enter doesn't edit his video. He hire someone to do so.

Who makes mlp videos in 2018?
Haven't they realized that the joke worn out?

And he reviews it exactly the way everyone hates it. He comes off as too whiny and stupid instead of laidback and intelligent or normal.

His points are correct, but he expresses himself like a 7th grader.

The Virgin Enterfag
The Chad Pizzabro

holy shit, was going to post exactly this.

The problem isn't that his opinions are shitty, it's that it's such a chore to listen to him. Every time a watch a video of his I'm left wondering who's more depressed, him, or me having listened to him.

Here's a good alternative to Mr. Autist
>Sticks to animation intended for his demographic
>Isn't a screaming autist
>Stays fairly topical with new episode reviews every week
>Makes actual valid points about humor, story, animation, and pacing without getting bent out of shape about things being "mean-spirited"

Stop shilling your youtube channel

and not a very likable and intelligent 7th grader either

>his favourite cartoon show.

That's Bojack Horseman, actually.

So I guess literally every other person who watches cartoons as an adult has worthless opinions too.

>He goes to Sup Forums thinking they're exempted from being autistic
that's rich

can you fuck off and die with your retarded fucking youtube celeb bullshit?

That would require Sup Forums to actually want to talk about cartoons and comics

Nice try, Mister. We're on to you

Why do we hate him Sup Forums?

Yes but he’s so autustic all of his points become lost of the shuffle. I wish he never mellowed out so we’d have another lolcow instead of another boring YouTuber