Ed,Edd'n Eddy fanfiction

>Ed,Edd'n Eddy fanfiction
>expected a fun story involving the Eds having goofy adventures.
>get instead an anime drama involving Double D being gay and making a hard choice between Eddy and Kevin, which both are gays too.

Stop reading fanfiction written by Rebecca Sugar.

>reading Ed,Edd'n Eddy fanfiction at all


Sup Forums fanfiction thread?
>It's a fanfic with a highschool AU

>expected a fun story involving the Eds having goofy adventures.
You can’t exactly write slapstick in fan fiction well

>reading fanfiction
>not expecting gay shit

It's almost always written by women

it was already like this before you learn Rebecca Sugar's existence.

>and then Eddy shouted, "subaluwa!" as Kevin ran over him with his bike

why do they make everything gay? I expected something written by womens about their self inserting having romance with their favorite character.

Because 2 dicks is better than 1

Which is better? 2 of thing you like or just the 1?

Because women don't like to admit it, but lesbians scare them. So they try to force their persona on say, Bella from Twilight. That doesn't work well because, Bella is fucking trash and useless, so they build on that, and discover a more complete person in their imagination, than themselves.

Confronted with this, these fanfic'ers often scrap the project in horror, and default to knowing what dicks feel and taste like.

Two dudes fucking is super easy, just throw in girly emotions between the.. however many dicks are involved, and poof, gay fanfic. Most of modern day cartoons display a metrosexual male, or a male of effeminate background/thinking.

Well, not everything they make is gay, they DO actually have stories about shitty self inserts having romance with their favorite characters, which is often of the opposite sex.
It's just, uh, that kinda fanfiction is where you get high-grade Mary Sue.
So, to recap, your choices for fanfiction are:
>Self Insert figuratively fucks the series's story and literally fucks the series's protagonist.
>Two male characters, no matter how much they dispise each other/show no interest in men at all, have gay relationship drama.
>Forcibly shut down Deviantart, Fanfiction.net, Tumblr, AO3, and as many other similar sites as you can by any means necessary to save us all from this cancer.

As someone who’s actually an expert in Rule 34 And has a doctorate in FanFictionology I can say the reason is that they just like jerking off too. But to porn. GAY porn. But, gay porn as written by a women with emphasis on emotion and stuff.

Have you actually compared gay porn as written by (and for) other gay men to, say, gay porn as written by a female?

There’s actual, significant consistent theme of expression between and unique the two.

I don't really agree. I don't self-insert, I just like gay shit because the I enjoy seeing cute boys being lewd with each other and vaginas are gross

Mhm, sure.
When I read them, I find that they're often driving toward porn, obviously, but I feel the escapism in their words and how they structure their drama.

They push their desire for this particular conflict onto the characters, be they applicable or otherwise..

The author is often trying to experience an emotional conflict, but as I said, in the female version, there is a more complete human, than the author themselves.

In the next female written one, just lean back and read between the lines a little, they're angling for emotional conflict, and along the way discover that two dudes fucking helps them get off.

>Because women don't like to admit it, but lesbians scare them.

this is some extreme projecting, almost all homophobia is men being insecure about other men being gay or trans (rarely lesbians or transmen), men get extremely uncomfortable if someone assumes they're gay or a gay man hits on them and are terrified of getting raped by gay men in prison, meanwhile women don't care if another woman is gay at all, even the cuntiest woman would be glad another woman is gay because that's less competition for male attention

Yeah, it's pretty tricky. A good writer can do some zany visuals, but the everything about impacts is out of domain

Uh-huh. None of you finds it's way into your porn huh? Weird. Must be strange having this alien relationship with characters you've described as ejaculating on one another. Such an intimate act, just.. tossed to the wind?

Watching/Reading porn, is much different from writing it.

How does one write, become aroused, but isn't invested personally in the acts and motivations of the characters?

>it's A/B/O


Your corner of the world may have that, but I can promise you, the majority of women in the country are not comfortable with lesbianism if it isn't their brand.

Men fear this because sodomy was a form of punishment/torture/death. "Muh friends don't think that way." Yup, and that's called a personal experience.

No one can explain a trend without generalization.

Move along.

>Gay shit everywhere

Nothing new tbqh