Is this cartoon accurate ?

Is this cartoon accurate ?

Could this explain why millenials who travel the world are not racist while basement dwellers NEETs often are ?

Is travelling the true redpill ? Go out user, travel the world, see other peoples.
Only having Sup Forums as a window on the world gives you a distorted vision of reality

I've been in plenty of places and your version of cartoon is accurate, but doesn't shows how it is in real life.
3rd world shitholes are not so multicultural but they give you a great way to see that shitskins are inferior to whites in every possible aspect.

>go to bestgore
>search "brazil"
>164 pages of results
>search "africa"
>29 pages
>search "finland"
>2 pages

nah, brah. I'm good.

only half true

he goes around the world, has a great time but learns how smelly the poor countries are.

doesn't throw out his nazi memorabilia, but adds his other treasures as well.

Millenials go to "disneyland" destinations like Paris, London, Rome, etc. They grow up into "cultured" open-borders activists without an actual grasp of other cultures.

Real travelers see so much negative shit around the world, that it hardens them, but they respect it. The world is by no means a kind place, but it is filled with so much wonder and mysteries, that it is not worth it to treat cities like "shopping malls" instead, it is crucial to speak with the people and trek of the crowded paths of others. That is the only way to truly understand the world.
t. I've been everywhere.

Interacting with people from other cultures (or just learning about other cultural heritages and histories) shows you that all people are capable of good and evil. It'll cure you of your delusions of genocide. I'm convinced that if you interact with enough people of different races and cultural backgrounds, you can't possibly think of them as unilaterally evil. Lots of people look at degenerate black culture in the US, clusterfuck that it is, and they think that's all there is to people of different races, but a look outside your bubble lets you know it's not true. It's a big part of why I'm not as racist as a lot of you guys on here, I think.

That having been said, it's not going to turn you into a deviant leftist parasite either. You can interact with different cultures without giving up your convictions. You can learn to love certain cultures and to hate others. When you return home, that same American black culture you saw in the before you left will still be there, it will still be degenerate, and you will still recognize it as degenerate. What you will learn is not to love and hate people based on their skin color, but to love and hate people by the quality of their culture based on the way it presents itself in their actions.

Millennial here, fuck off cunt i've travelled and i'm xenophobic as fuck.

It is accurate
Both sides are
If you travel between "modern countries" and capitals you quickly become disillusioned with the world
If you travel between the countryside you can see good hard working people everywhere
Liberals however fail to see that rather than "charity" inject in poor countries and bring them over to your "superior" country
The only way to make these countries thrive is to leave them to their own thing

to your point.

Millenials do a lot of traveling, but it's not even Paris or Rome anymore.

The the elite leftist millenial, traveling is a game of social one upping. They dont' care about the cultures or the places they go. They go because it is a status symbol. They don't give a shit about the nuances of the cultures they visit.

It's all about the instagram, it's all about being there. It's all just to build social klout.

I know so many students who have studied for months in Florence, and can't speak a lick of italian or say they did anything other than drink wine.

I think the real lesson is:
>If all these people around the World are proud of their culture and heritage, why should I be ashamed of my own?

It's only accurate for Japan. Going to places like Japan and Korea make me wish America was more organized like there.

based injun

The point is that people all over the earth have a different culture and that is where people find their comfort. It is part of their heritage, their past and thus their future. You have to leave those cultures alone, because multiculturalism severs this link with the past and is thus suicide of your own heritage. It is an argument against multiculturalist societies. It is one of the reasons why people are only now starting to see that this multicultural society in the west is abhorrent because we, as Europeans, lose our future

Ive been to many US states, Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Finland, England, Greece, and Germany.

Im still a white nationalist.

Visiting countries down south redpilled me because all I saw outside the resorts was decrepid tin homes with lazy fucks on their porches doing nothing.

West is best tbqh.

Travelling is not what you would all think it is. The average tourist visits only the beautiful places from the specific country, not even glancing the truth, let alone delving into the so-called non-touristic areas.

I am not a fan of tourism because I am not willing to see things I can see on the internet as well and everybody wants to see them. I would take anytime a trip to Svalbard, to the Aleutian islands or to some secluded Siberian village, but those are not seen as "tourism", and it's quite difficult to reach those areas.

I've been to at least a single country LG every macroculture and I have only become a more convinced nationalist

the point of the comic is that if everyone celebrates their own culture and act nationalistically then his own country is his own and their country is theirs and they can visit and learn from or simply view each others traditions and customs rather than immigrating and dilluting each other's cultures
currently everyone is being turned into brown with no culture and no history and no heritage
the comic says that having culture, history, and heritage, and being proud of it and your country is a good thing

it is why hitler got along with the japs, because they are proud of their heritage, he never had any illusions of "honorary aryans", notice he also praised muslims, because while being savages they are at least proud of their heritage and constantly make up lies to protect it "the armenian genocide never happened". (also keep in mind hitler really wanted muslims to ally him in ww2 so it helps to give them some lip service, too bad they didn't help him out)

note also that nationalism has nothing to do with race, it simply has to do with the border of a country and the culture within, you can have visually and racially different people being nationalistically equal with the same traditions and culture

>Millennial here, fuck off cunt i've travelled and i'm xenophobic as fuck.
You're hardly a fair test case, desu, Bruce.


I grew up in a mixed race, ghetto ass trailer park and we weren't racist and instead just beat the shit out of people from other shithole neighborhoods. we basically just mistrusted anyone we didn't know and for good fucking reason.

eventually got out of that due to a variety of circumstances and it took me a long time to be able to function properly in a middle class suburban environment. i didnt trust a damn thing and the idea that people weren't going to fight me at the drop of a hat made zero sense.

aint about race, to me at least. its about class. don't get to see the world and realize everyone isnt out to get you if you live on shit wages and welfare in a slum.

i bet some of those people i grew up with in the trailer park white, black, mexican whatever are in prison right now for murder, robbery, or drugs.

don't know a single person from the suburbs who is is in jail. some of them aren't doing as well as their parents and are sliding back into being working class, but not poverty. most are living nice lives with college degrees and good jobs.

race is easier, though. lets go with that.

My dream is to travel across Afro-Eurasia
on foot, preferably alone or with a m8. I adore the diversity and variety of the world, and I desperately want to preserve it, and I first preserve it by focusing on my own culture and civilization.

Many people here hate other races, but I don't. I want them to stay in their part of the world and flourish. I'm a Perrennialist in that I think that all peoples are capable of succeeding, but only by their own way of existing. A nigger has a different set of values than a gook, and both excel at what they evolved to do, but fundamentally, they both desire the same things in life.

I hate those in my country, with my same color of skin, who are against this desire for preservation and respect for other cultures. I wont rest until I see every single traitor hanging from the gallows.

just happens sometimes that shithole is all one race* im drunk and kinda got lost along the way

People who travel a lot are rich westerners or rich third worlders who were born into the elite class and have slaves n shit

Anyway they travel around and see everyone as inferior to them, because they are economically inferior, and probably health wise too.

So they develop a superiority complex and decide that all these people are more or less noble savages; people deserving of sympathy.

They then return home and share their stories of how those overseas are simple people, they're good people who just live for family, food, fun and their gods.

They think this is a novel discovery. They think because these people did not actively harm them they are good people. They think because they were hospitable they must be good people. Because they are rich and travel the world they forget that people treat the rich well because they are not likely to rob you or harm you, and they will pay you for your goods and services, and may be charitable.

But they ignore this, because they are the personification of the just world fallacy, and everything they experience is a confirmation bias.

If you have made your own way in the world, staked a claim on a career or a livelihood and can pay your way, then travel opens you up to the experiences of other people.

The more you travel, the more you return and see yourself as no different to the workers in other nations - slightly better off, perhaps, because you're in the west - but still a "regular Joe". You start to see the corrupt elitists in your own nation as being different to you - much more different than you are to the regular Joe/Pablo/Pajeet/Fritz in other nations.

This is why you are uncouraged to fear and despise random groups of people whom you have never interacted with. If you gain too much exposure to the common aspects of all men around the world, you will realise that the real negative influences on your own life are the people at the top of your own country - and not at the bottom of some other, far off country.

That said, if you are a trustfund millennial, or a NEET whose parents bought them a holiday because they were worried you were about to flip out and shoot up a cinema - chances are you will take nothing of value from your experiences.

No it's not accurate. It comes at an issue from an angle that oversimplifies everything to prove a point that is so hypothetical that it can't be applied to any argument. It's as lofty as "everything will be fine once we blanda up" but it's more like "I will still find a way to be upset once we blanda up."

>completely misinterprets comic that promotes nationalism (ethnic identity, culture, heritage, etc.) and denounces multiculturalism
>"wow Sup Forums is racist because they don't travel despite the fact that they have nationalist views"

how retarded can you be? you literally just played yourself.

My dad travelled the world, and that is exactly why he hates niggers. And the French.

basically this.

its like how white and black servants had to be banned from fraternizing in colonial america because all they'd do is talk about how shit the bossman was. eventually that turned into pittances for poor whites and blaming the niggers for everything, because hey you're just like us landowners: you're white too. ignore the fact that you're a peasant who's life is shit, though. its the niggers.

oh now go die in a civil war for us so we can keep our free labor. because hey your not a nigger, right?

The difference between the left and right is that left is a rich guy who can afford to just get the good and ignore the bad, and the right is a normal guy who's actually forced to experience everything like the people who are living there are experiencing.

Life is the same everywhere for the underclass.

I was a lot happier back when I was working and in college.

Now I don't have a job and am miserable and I take my frustrations here. I'm not even a racist I just type racist things because it makes me feel better about myself.

*to clarify a bit: both of the worlds depicted in the comic actually exist right now, you don't even have to imagine a nationalist utopia and a multicultural dystopia. You can get both experiences at this very second, depending on how much money you're willing to spend.

no, the comic compares a world of nationalism to a world of "multicultural societies free of hate"

the person on the left side (the nationalist side) learned a lot about the world from the differences of other societies, while on the right side (the multicultural side) everywhere he went was the same and he ended his trip feeling like he didn't belong anywhere because it was all the same wherever he went, thereby returning to his "racist ways".

Clarified in because I realized in the meantime someone will explain it like this.

If you have money, you can create targeted "cultural experiences" for yourself, if you understand what I mean. And they'll look just like the left column.

>be racist
>travel to africa
>come back even more racist
seems more likely

So far the only places I haven't visited are Europe and Antartica.

Traveling was how I became red pulled in the first place, as it's allowed me to see how shit everywhere else was compared to western countries.

I don't have the money because its too expensive but I would like to see some areas of the world, the other parts of the United States (west coast and east), Netherlands, scandinavia, Israel, and canada.

yes I agree that is the case, but that wasn't necessarily the point of the comic.

The person started out as racist, but got a "round-the-world ticket" to correct his racism. This is where the story branches, in the world of nationalism he learns from the differing cultures and is "cured" of his hateful racism while still maintaining his cultural and ethnic identity.

However, in the alternate branch of the "multicultural" world, everywhere he went was the same "big modernist city with every different race with global name brands". In the end he didn't feel like he learned anything and wasn't able to realize the "separate but equal" mentality, thus returning to being hatefully racist.

Traveling the world is heavy redpill yes. You need to experience (or at least learn about) other cultures before you can really consider culture in the abstract and be able to analyze your own culture.

going to rich white european countries is not "travelling the world"

this pic is pretty accurate, but because i respect other peoples cultures in their countries also means i want to kick the shit out of people who dont respect my culture in my country.

Made me kek

>yes I agree that is the case, but that wasn't necessarily the point of the comic.
Oh yeah, I know, mine was just a comment on the current state of affairs.

If you're rich enough, you can afford "nationalism" if you want to, you can afford any ideology or any state of society you prefer as long as you don't stray too far from the bubble. It's very postmodern, it's like those sci-fi dome cities in the middle of slums, except the domes aren't actually physical but metaphorical, they denote various lifestyles that don't even have to come into contact with each other anymore.

Of course, they're fake, but in a post-ideology world, what isn't.

globalism lifestyle is the same everywhere for the middle class.
same shit in the past too. they have bureaucracies and everyone wearing business casuals
ive just realized the comic edit is deluded as fuck

Lol, Millenials haven't been anywhere, they grew up in a massive recession.

I've been to China, Chile, Serbia, Greece, Germany and the UK, and South Africa. I've been to every State on both seaboards and to Texas and Montana, Nevada and Utah.

You know what I learned? People are all similar in some ways, but not in others, and Whites are clearly the masters of civilisation, perhaps tied with the Chinese if they get their shit together.

but doesnt mean you cant experience culture. if you go to thailand for example, youll still be eating their food, learn their language and experience cultures specific to their nation like the kid dolls hanging in the undercarriage of cars

What kind of trustfund bullshit do you need to travel around the world to multiple places like that without working at all or contributing anything except wasting random natives time posing for fucking pictures?

DESU it is extremely common for euros to travel around the world because it is in fact not expensive at all

I've been all over the world, many times. It made me more racist.

Why don't you post the original comic, you fucking leaf?
The original idea was that
>no matter where I traveled, all people in every country were of the same race
>why am I supposed to house multiple races in my own, if none of those other nations do the same?

You can be racist without being full KKK.

There's alot to like everywhere, if you go around the world with a shit attitude then you will learn to dislike anything.

>be sheltered leftist murrican cuckboi that only believes the biggest of mainstream media
>plan according to Lonely Traveler
>end up in tourist traps that cater completely to leftist murrican cuckbois like you while pretending they're really special and different from your home
>believe you know everything now because Lonely Traveler told you so

>The average tourist visits only the beautiful places from the specific country
Not even that, he only visits the limited selection the media and the government have chosen to show

im pretty sure Africa surpass Brazil, its just Africa doesn't have enough cameras.

Listen to this mexican intelectual, fuckboi, he knows what`s up.
Go travel the wide world, just stab pinpoints into the map and go where it landed, we`ll see how non-racist will you be in the end.

>do this
>end up in Mexican drugslord home
>get shot

I've seen over a dozen different countries due to my work (some I also visited during my spare time). If anything it solidified me in my right-wing views.

How dare you appropriating these katanas ? God, can't white people ever stop stealing culture ?