There's totally nothing wrong going on with the climate guys
There's totally nothing wrong going on with the climate guys
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Who cares. We'll adapt if anything happens.
Why did you make a CNN poll into a climate change chart?
Global Warming is occurring and this is very obvious.
However, there is no scientific evidence linking global warming (remember, that's what it was called before they swapped to "climate change") to C02 or human activity.
No doubt though, human civilization is fucking up nature bigtime. Just not through global warming.
I actually think that environmentalism should be an issue that's owned by the right.
Agreed. What's more conservative than preserving the environment?
at least global warming will stop the ice age that we're overdue for
So why is changing natural climate cycles a good thing again? Not to mention living in pollution ourselves.
How come that graph shows a drop before a line that goes straight up???
I reckon it's following the previous trends.
so you'd rather have an ice age where nothing can grow and we all fight over rodents?
pollution is a real problem and nothing is being done about it, CO2 isn't a pollutant, but because it's tied to energy use which produces other harmful byproducts, that's what they'll use to control manufacturing
and they're doing it in the dumbest way possible, by making sure all manufacturing goes to china, where there is less oversight and they have less environmental standards
and if you control power, you control entire populations.
are you sure you want the UN to have total control and decide to turn off your heater in the middle of winter?
Feeling good in MN
natural cycle, temperature and CO2 go up and down in cycles
it is not clear how much we are deviating from previous cycles despite saturating the atmosphere with CO2
but we are not getting the sea level and temperature rises the alarmists predicted
nature continues to defy people who think they know everything
but also it's resulting in more plant coverage globally
data smoothing historical samples and throwing out extremes, and then using every single data point possible for modern data with the intent of pushing an agenda which was already declared prior to any research.
You can't adapt to radiation poisoning retard.
Considering the great barrier reefing is bleaching/dying at an all time high and many species of animals are in danger of being extinct, i'll learn towards believing we're causing global warming
How little empathy does someone have to have to literally not give a shit about the potential for committing a genocide of entire ecosystems because "muh coal mines".
you've either not thought about the potential consequences much or you're a sociopath.
It's fucking halfway through November and 70 degrees tomorrow. We used to get snow in October.
Who is stupid enough to not realize that the C02 levels used to be that high. It is also the building block of all life. Even if we fuck this planet up for us we have ensured life exists in some form or another on this planet long after we depart.
Now, fuck off.
Why does your graph start there? CO2 levels have been much higher in the past. What exactly does this prove?
Maybe liberals should stop screaming at every potential thing that can even alleviate it.
They hate Nuclear, hate Hydro-electric, cry about wind farms if they can SEE the fucking things, and have never fully backed solar cause it favors predominately south, conservative populations. they've bitched about lowering safety standards for cars at lower speeds so light weight air and electric cars could hit the road, all they do is bitch.
Plus, what the fuck was Hillary gonna do while China ignored her and continued pumping their skies black?
Don't you think measuring current atmospheric carbon dioxide might get a more accurate result than measuring prehistoric levels of it? You don't have to dig into ancient ice to know how things are now.
It's an El Nino year you retard, that's always warm
There's nothing we can do to stop it without sacrificing our comfortable way of life.
what's up with all the (((global warming))) shilling recently?
I'm a sociopath personally. It's the most redpilled way to be.
Geofag here. A lot of it is due to rapid deposition of carbonate rocks during the Mesozoic. That's when O2 levels started rising. Also the sea levels then we're way higher and there was a lot of seafloor spreading, thus more volcanic activity. Recall that dumb shit Pangea.
guess what
liberals have been failing to enact any climate change policy for 30 years, and even if Hillary had won total control of the government republicans and dinos would stall her.
if you're worried about the environment go into school right now and find a form of energy that's cleaner and cheaper than we have now. That's the only way.
Nobody in the US is gonna stop driving (it's not even an option in 95% of the US anyway.)
Nobody in the US is going to use significantly less power.
Nobody in the US is going to stop eating meat
if your climate change plan involves any of these 3 things happening, it won't be happening so fuck off
We're already past the "tipping point"
There is nothing we can do. We should instead focus our resources towards space exploration instead of futilely trying to stop it.
That's my position too. Whether human activity is a significant factor of climate change or not, humans have never used less energy. Therefor the solutions we seek either have to make our energy cleaner, or neutralize the negative aspects of our activities.
I'll be a ghoul and create the Necropolis.
All I need is to keep fuckers out who are after my waterchip.
>implying that measurements of todays accuracy are possible through ice core samples.
La Niña.
Just stop having kids goy
>However, there is no scientific evidence linking global warming (remember, that's what it was called before they swapped to "climate change") to C02 or human activity.
So now we just get to make shit up and it's true?
how do they calculate the climate 300k years ago?
I think I've heard at least 10 times in the last 5 years we are past the point of no return.
So it's fake, or these scientists are scam artists.
Either way, they should be fired
So you're saying that higher CO2 levels aren't beneficial for plants?
That's not global warming shit lord. That's from the carbon creating acid in the ocean.
We're already a the stage where doubling the amount does very little
Yes there fucking is you dumb cunt.
>So now we just get to make shit up and it's true?
Ask Al Gore what he thinks about that.
Its hot because a planet 20x the size of earth is reflecting the suns rays at us. Nibiru will be visible in Dec
Here's your (You)
Way to graphs...
No time over the past million years has co2 been over 300 ppm. Today we're sitting just over 400ppm.
>it is not clear how much we are deviating from previous cycles despite saturating the atmosphere with CO2
We are by a few metrics.
>CO2 levels have been much higher in the past
Right and temperatures were much higher too.
funfact. 9/10 of the hottest years on record have been since 2000. All El Nino years were they?
Indeed, climate changes naturally over the years. It does not need help from NASA adjusting temperature and CO2 data to back a carbon tax.
yes there is.
Fuckin jew scientists piss me off
the opposite is true. 400ppm is the lowest we've ever had.
source: my ass
There's a solution that requires none of these three things.
The original atmosphere of the Earth was CO2 and methane, for 98% of its existence.
The reality is O2 is an alien pollutant, a hideously volatile, extremely poisonous byproduct of biological infestation.
Hold Your Breath; Save The Planet
doesn't prove C02 bullshit
Neck yourself you cuck cunt.
You too.
nice line tool faggot
"It will be seen that there is no correlation whatsoever between carbon dioxide concentration and the temperature at the earth’s surface"
>co2 bullshit
Go on then you stupid fucking faggot. First explaining the theory then explain how is is bullshit.
fuck this thread
Why is Venus hotter than Mercury despite Mercury being closer to the sun?
I'm not your dad, I already gave you what you need to uncuck yourself.
Tell me at exactly what stage the theory falls down.
human activity leads to an accumulation of atmospheric co2
co2 is a greenhouse gas
greenhouses gasses absorb and re-emit IN OTHER DIRECTIONS infrared radiation.
What part of this do you dispute?
For the drumpfsharts who still dont get it.
So what? Doesn't mean the world is ending.
Good luck convincing the environmentalists.
the fact that it has fuck all to do with temperature.
You claimed 400ppm is highest ever in 1M years? 400ppm is lowest ever, you don't know shit.
Then promptly kill yourself. You dumb faggot.
>dat filename
> globalwarming isreal.png
I think NOT.
Earth isn't Venus or Mercury. When Earth's co2 level is 96% lets talk.
At least if the world ends, I'll never know it happened.
Where did I say it does? The most likely effects will be a billion or so shitskins being imported to Europe in my lifetime. Fuck that.
Climate change accelerates, turning the U.S. into a giant dust bowl and flooding the coastlines. Meanwhile, Canada becomes temperate and fertile with plenty of fresh water. They build a wall to keep Americans out.
>You claimed 400ppm is highest ever in 1M years? 400ppm is lowest ever, you don't know shit.
You're making shit up. See
>Plus, what the fuck was Hillary gonna do while China ignored her and continued pumping their skies black?
Probably tell them to 'cut it out'.
Climate change and LGBT issues are the popular topics for liberals to complain about since Trump's election.
previous cycles in the vostok ice record are thousands of years....
you show me some minor changes over 3 decades...
compare with conditions during the last cycle please
well given that at no point in the past million years has co2 been at 400ppm, this covers many cycles. What is different this time?
You only care if you're prepared to die invading developing countries/China to stop their pollution.
Satellite data shows that the earth is cooling, and has been for over 19 years--- which is longer than the last warming phase which only lasted 17 years.
Solar science tells us the next 25 years will continue to be cooling years, as the output of the sun will be diminished, meaning less energy reaching earth to be trapped by GHG. Solar science predicts with a high probability that the next 50 years will be cooling, and it may be as much as the next 100 years will be cooling (lesser certainty of this).
Perhaps you'd like to correct yourself? The fact that the earth has been cooling for about 2 decades is the reason that "global warming" was dropped and replaced with the phrase "climate change".
Right now, the biggest brains of climate and planetary research are concerned that human activity could cause an early beginning to the ice age. That is, they are peeing themselves over the possibility of "man-made global cooling". In about 5 to 15 years, this is what will be the buzz. Man made global cooling. So why don't you jump on the band wagon early and look like you actually know a little bit about climate science?
>Satellite data shows that the earth is cooling, and has been for over 19 years
Go on then.
Total bullshit. Satellite measurements do not agree. Satellite measurements are more accurate than ground stations, marine engine inlets, and buoys. They also don't suffer from urban bubble creep, bad placement, bad maintenance, which more than 2/3 of all the weather stations in the north hemisphere suffer from.
CO2 is not a significant GHG. Now if you want to argue that human activity is increasing the atmospheric concentration of methane (a very powerful GHG) or water vapor (the main GHG in our atmosphere and responsible for over 98% of all our retained heat by GHG action) then you'd be on firm scientific ground.
life finds a way
>Hillary was going to tell them to give her 10 million dollars or she'd block them getting all that American coal and oil.
Liberals can only complain about climate change and LGBT issues because they are dumbasses and haven't received any new marching order or talking points from their Soros appointed masters.
>Scientists pretend to know how the earth was like 300,000 years ago
lmao, science fags are so fucking gullible it's unreal.
Still waiting on a source for this claim here >Satellite data shows that the earth is cooling, and has been for over 19 years-
By what mechanism does human sctivity lead to an increase in atmospheric h2o?
Also methane rising but is still at a fraction the level of co2. Methane is measured in parts per billion, co2 ppm. Also methane degrades to co2 in the atmosphere.
When you study global warming, and it's history, you will find that it was started by a literal rothschild, then you will realize it's horseshit.
Posting data from adjusted ground station data. Data that was caught being adjusted to make it fall in line with the "hypothesis" of man-made global warming. How did the people adjusting that data respond when caught doing it? "Hey, that's our private email! Don't share it with the world that we are plotting to change the data to better match our requirements for continued research grants!"
Shill more.
They are oil spills and people degrading reefs.
NASA, Met office, royal society, IPCC, UN, Europea space agency. Who have you got?
Still waiting on a source, any source, for this 'we've been cooling for 19 years' claim.
>inb4 appeal to authority
Given that you have provided ZERO evidence of anything you've claimed, my authority is better than your empty claims.
Basic human activity increases the water vapor in the ecosphere. This is through the very simple mechanisms of just breathing and sweating to irrigating land (for their lawns or crops), building aqueducts, changing water ways, etc etc etc. In fact, the IPCC originally found that this was the PRIMARY way humans were impacting the environment. But they decided to not make it a significant issue because water usage and water husbandry was already covered in the UN by a significant number of committees.
In fact, the IPCC passed over the top 8 contributors/impactors of human activity until they got to CO2, including passing over methane. They passed over methane because 2/3 of all human related methane comes from growing rice, and there was no money in trying to regulate or tax rice. Of the 33% methane left after rice growing, 2/3 of that was from human livestock raising of ungulets (multi-stomached animals). The problem there for them was most of these animals were located in extremely poor communities and they wouldn't be able to get these people to give up their cows, oxen, goats, and other animals. But when they reached CO2, they decided to use it as the stepping stone to controlling human activity that impacts the climate because industrialized nations dumped a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere as a byproduct of being industrialized.
CO2 is a trivial green house gas, and its warming impact in the atmosphere cannot even be measured with the most precise scientific instruments. We can set up lab experiments to measure it, but you cannot measure its effect in the actual atmosphere.
You ok user?