Since Black Panther is the blackest Sup Forums movie ever, does this hold the trophy for the whitest Sup Forums movie?

Since Black Panther is the blackest Sup Forums movie ever, does this hold the trophy for the whitest Sup Forums movie?

It is the most hipster movie.

Why is Kim best girl?

Are there no black people in Canada?

Too cold out there nigga. They got a weakness to coldness


Why so many in NY?

Well, there are asians in it at least...

Can confirm. Am black and hate cold.

Might as well because there are no black hipsters

i think it's more a matter of a certain style of nerdiness and music that makes it "white" than the colors of the characters

Makes sense

Chiptunes and 80s retro videogame nostalgia are the whittest possible things

it is most popular city.

But he likes the blues and draws black people all the time.

No, that would probably be the Frasier cartoon movie where Seattle is psychically displaced into Maris' and then Eddie's mind.

>most popular city
>lots of crime
>lots of drugs
>incompetent police
>liberal government
>public transportation

No idea user.

there's a small handful in metro vancouver but to americans it probably seems like none

Black people in Vancouver is a myth. There's more black people where Scott Pilgrim lives than in Vancouver.

There are and the author has stated publicly that he regretted making only white people (minus Knives and her friend) as the main cast, as he was living some sort of subconscious desire to be white through his characters.

The reason why there are more noticeably non-white characters in his comics lately are because he's making a conscious effort to address this.

Woolie is out there.

>main character in a relationship with an Asian girl
>bad with women but still gets laid
>is in a rock band
>has gay roommate
>falls in love with a Manic Pixie Dream Girl
>wins over jocks and other archetypes to get Manic Pixie Dream Girl
I could keep going but I got bored. The answer is yes. I mean it's fucking based on an indy comic which is overflowing with whites and their shitty stories.


police are incompetent everywhere and most of the "crime" moved out of the city years ago, not that I expect you Sup Forums dipshits to know terms like "gentrification" or "suburbanization of poverty"

I've noticed most Sup Forumsacks live in shitty rural areas and are too scared to go to the city.

If you let a urban development drive you away from an area that's your own fault. Fucking learn to adapt.

black panther can't be the blackest ever because he doesn't have lightning powers

Well, when you put it that way...

Kitchener/waterloo native here

I live about an hour and a half from toronto, this user has it right. Even where I live, there's a shitton of africans, jamaicans, and even more indians,koreans, and chinese here.

>as he was living some sort of subconscious desire to be white through his characters.
I wonder if other Asians have this problem.

>Fucking learn to adapt
That isn't helpful advice when your rent doubles overnight.

>crime, drugs and terrible police attract black people to places
Other way around user.

Black people have low cold resistance BUT enough black people in an area can generate enough heat to overcome this weakness.
Think penguins.

Then, why is it still cold in the D?

perhaps, but O'Malley is also half-white if i recall, so it makes more sense that he'd have that sort of anxiety than your average fully Asian dude

Because niggas workin' and doin' time

Only in the french part

God I want to impregnate Kim.

As an Asian that lived in the city then moved to a place with few Asian people, I can kind of relate. Though it was mostly because I got sick of standing out for being racially different that I decided to assimilate more. Plus all the Asians that I knew at the time were such faggots anyways.

It's Canadian, therefore super white (even though they're nearly as diverse as us.)

No, clearly you should just earn triple through user's patented IDon'tKnowHowWagesWorkBecauseIDon'tHaveAJob Method.