Best X-Men story I ever watched.
Best X-Men story I ever watched
Ethan Rogers
Camden Barnes
You are such a fucking idiot.
Asher Nelson
Literally Sky High: The Anime
Bentley Reed
Cameron Diaz
You really need to see more things.
Seriously, that thing is worse than something done by bendis
Luke Flores
not Sup Forums
Matthew Richardson
Come on, hori is the biggest westaboo ever.
Levi Howard
wish Hori would give Ochako more space, while she was a late addition, I would like for that relationship drama to be wrapped up.
Andrew Phillips
I guess it's not bad to love a culture that is better
Zachary Gonzalez
Not really.
When I watched MHA I basically thought it was the reverse of X-Men.
People suddenly get powers but instead of being the minority, Mutants have become the majority.