Best X-Men story I ever watched.
Best X-Men story I ever watched
You are such a fucking idiot.
Literally Sky High: The Anime
You really need to see more things.
Seriously, that thing is worse than something done by bendis
not Sup Forums
Come on, hori is the biggest westaboo ever.
wish Hori would give Ochako more space, while she was a late addition, I would like for that relationship drama to be wrapped up.
I guess it's not bad to love a culture that is better
Not really.
When I watched MHA I basically thought it was the reverse of X-Men.
People suddenly get powers but instead of being the minority, Mutants have become the majority.
So the total antithesis of X-men. Complete with ostracized minority becoming a part of the majority.
Its a different take on the same base scenario. You can't deny certain parallels.
past the most supercial elements of super kids at school.
The "what if marvel citizens weren't fucking cunts" scenario.
It's what the X-men would be in the future, if Scarlet Witch hadn't depowered 99% of them and then the inhumans hadn't holocausted the rest into sterility.
Gotta love rulefags who turn around and break the "don't announce reports" rule.
Encouraging others to report things is not the same as admitting that you reported it, retard.
MHA is supposed to take place hundreds of years after powers started appearing.
>Deku as a Xeno
>Not Mina
Missed opportunity.
best girl btw
Great taste desu
I wouldn't say our culture is better
you mean Avengers Academy
Infinitely better name than what they went with
>a fucking westaboo marvelfag writes the best depiction of Superman in recent memory.
What gives?
At least Hori only fucks up his own shit.
he is not a good character at all, he is just your typical ''corny speeches save the day'' animu character.
No it isn’t. It’s not X-Men at all since almost all the normies are extinct and supers are the norm
>Complete with ostracized minority becoming a part of the majority.
You mean the mary sue lead?
>I have no powers :(
>Now I have unique powers better than anyone elses!!
Did you miss the part where he can barely even use them?
So he's Superman.
It at least has refreshing takes on fighting and developing one's powers, like copying your peer's style and using it for your specific ability. Knowing One for All is already OP let's us get over the power creep shit at least which makes me get tired of a lot of other anime.
i read like 3 or 4 chapters of MHA and don't remember anything.
I totally remember Krakoa THE ISLAND THAT WALKS LIKE A MAN though
I like to think that she got the name Pinky from the Doom creature.
Deku's one of the least mary sue heroes in modern shounen.
>Going overboard for the sake of pride gets him knocked out of the tourney early and scolded, not rewarded
>Grows in strength through actual tactical considerations, not handwave "training arcs".
>Main girl just stops chasing after him for her own reasons one day instead of pining after him for no reason until the finale
>best depiction of Superman in recent memory.
>biggest Westaboo ever
Who is Predator supposed to be
Read more comics, you fool.
>but he said "watched"
Precisely my point.
I'm sick of hearing about green Naruto and how it being a boring safe shonen is revolutionary, not as worse as idiots unironically liking Black Clover but still
pedophilia isn't okay not even on semichan
Tenya. Check the hands.
>boring safe shonen
>plot actually moves forward at a reasonable pace
fucking stupid u are
I mean it's a pretty safe show so that's fair I still like it though.
But that's exactly what I wanted.
>Not the natural DC metahuman future centered around Captain Marvel and an Asian mantle.
Here is the best X-Men story.
It's funny, you said "best girl", but that's not a picture of Ochaco.
>Recent memory
>"Let me just fucking selectively ignore DCEU's Justice League and JLU so I can sleep better at night"
Alright, user, don't know why you worded it like that but we won't hold it against you. Whatever helps you.
Nobody likes JL Superman.
Newfag to Sup Forums here what's the point of reading comics if the things I might like, could be erased from continuity with reboots. This series from example doesn't have a small dick syndrome, where everyone is universe tier destroyer because that's cool stuff
Don't read capeshit, you dummy, and if you're going to read capes, read creator owned ones.
>"I can't prove him wrong so I'll just go (you)"
Was he supposed to read the anime?
Are you being deliberately obtuse
From left to right: Todoroki, Ibara, Deku, All Might, and Nana
You say it like if it was a bad thing
It is if you're not Americuck
>Character whose entire public perception is being an op hero
>can't fight crime for more than 30 minutes a day or else he dies
>Everyone at school realizes he's a total moron and shit teacher who just happens to be the strongest man
>loses power, has to figure out how to be valuble without punching shit
>best xmen story I've ever watched
>it's not hamatora
Hamatora is a better BNHA and xmen story than BNHA and xmen
If you read a good story that's later retconned away you've still read a good story.
I love these threads for how butt blasted Sup Forums gets. They'll quickly jump into defensive mode when it comes to manga despite talking about how shot comics usually are.
no it isn't you degenerate scum
This is the best X-Men story of all time. Accept no substitute.
Age of Apocalypse
I would
Yet it is burger slab
>getting triggered over a reaction image
Go be a crybaby somewhere else
>thinks fantasizing about fucking children is ok
>m-muh triggered when called out
enjoy living life knowing that the vast majority of people you see everyday would happily tear you limb from limb if they knew who you really are
>legit getting this mad cause some dude posted a reaction image
Yes you are triggered, I will happily enjoy life knowing what I fap to makes people like you seething
>this mad
you're autistic aren't you? man, life really dealt you a bum hand.
Hundreds of years? I got the impression from the anime that Quirks had only been around a few decades at most.
All for One and One for All is second or third generation quirks.
The manga even mentions the generational growth rate, which turns into a nice curv that ends up at 80% in current age of MHA.
>X-men story that skips all the racial prejudice part and jumps straight into a future where muties have naturally displaced normies
They're flatscans.
You mean Ochacuck?
let's assume for a minute that you are right, that I am in a state of pure rage, tears streaming down my red face, spit flying as i scream at the screen. imagine the twisted expression on my face. picture it in your mind.
now, imagine the expression on your father's face as he finds out about you. imagine your gf's face, your sibling's, your best friend's. what do their faces look like as they learn who you really are? don't bother answering; we both know your reply won't be worth reading.
manga is shit too
Nigga stop dick sucking this show.
Seething this hard jeesus
>bnha only made on Sup Forums to shitpost or waifu posting
>surprised Sup Forums feels some kind of way
>league of people that punch things very hard.
>Main girl just stops chasing after him
Main girl never was chasing after him in the firat place.
Shonenshit is the capeshit if Japan. WSJ is the DC/Marvel of Japan.
Sky High was better honestly.
Ufff that Outback era. Patrician taste
Yeah remember when WSJ decided to populate 90% of the industry's catalog with the same battle shonen story?
tell me more about the outback era pls. looks comfy
Yeah. Have you seen the manga bestselling lists? The entire top 20 is shonen action series with a sports manga like Hiakyuu popping in occasionally
she's only Ibara powerwise, as far as the plot is concerned she's the Ochako of the movie since she's the "best friend harboring feelings for the protagonist"
The X-Men fucking die during Fall of the Mutants (literally), then they get resurrected and a very powerful chick called Roma who watches over the Multiverse offers them a chance to keep fighting the good fight undercover while everyone else thinks they're dead. Looking back, the set-up doesn't make that much sense, but it leads to a very fun era for the X-Men where Claremont is allowed to tell some cool, pretty unique stuff with some top tier Marc Silvestri art.
And yes, they do hang out in the Australian Outback, they even have an Aboriginal buddy, Gateway.
>Killed 30+ people brutally
I can't think of a single moment where a corny speech saved the day
why don't you head back to your safe space and hyperventilate into a paperbag untill your feefees don't hurt anymore
BnHA is X-Men without being convoluted as fuck.