White women are princesses

We have the best women, don't we fellas?
They brighten up our lives every day, take care of our children, and helped us elect Trump.
There is no better bond on this earth than the white man and his white woman.

>Inb4 cuck porn
>Inb4 "muh based asian women"

Our women are princesses.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Our women are princesses.
they certainty don't act like it


I always found that races tend to stay together and genders don't. This election was a prime example of this phenomenon.
>white women act like degenerates in pornographic films
>they are almost always fucking a white guy

Don't act like white men aren't degenerate.

>White women created feminism
They only did it for their own benefit and would throw us under the bus whenever they can

we spoiled them rotten, beyond our ability to fix the situation. It's up to them to fix themselves.

Spoilers: they won't

Solution: asceticism and stoicism

And sexbots and artificial wombs

agreed. The future looks acceptible.

eh...not really.

White women are whores. They get everything they want and everyone pampers them. So why put them on a pedestal?

It's only about having an alternative while keeping the others at bay


I thought she was naked from the thumbnail what the hell...

inb4 saying white women are trash, just think about abo women then you fucks can be a bit grateful

That's the point of that clothing.

>We have the best women

No we don't, for everything but childbirth men are superior in every aspect. Barren western women are an abject failure.


Yeah, it was actually jewish women who created feminism, try it. There was as much jews in the beginning of feminism as there was in the bolshevism.

I like a nice white woman with soft pearly skin that i can treat like a princess.

I am not so sure I would say that about my fellow Americans, but perhaps I have just been exposed to too many dumbass college sluts.
Eastern Europeans seem much more my speed.

>inb4 slavs aren't white

Look at all these low echelon males complaining about low echelon females.

Really fires those neurons

T. Proud loverboy

lol good luck finding a white woman that hasn't burned coal.

Especially those tumblrina landwhales

Maybe we should all just get gay together

>lol good luck finding a white woman that hasn't burned coal.

This is a meme, literally every white woman I know in my personal life has never burned coal and I live in fucking California, the most degenerate place on earth. The only white girls I have known in my life that were ever with niggers were either fat or white trash or both.
My white girlfriend and I even had a conversation the other night about race mixing and she said "With white men and Asian women, there's just something there, you know? Like fat white girls and black guys"
I love that girl.
Probably gonna marry her.

Maybe it's time for whites to get a monopoly on black women for a while, starve the white women out of betas/alphas.

They'll realize that getting blacked ruins your life and'll unfuck themselves rightly quick.

>Maybe it's time for whites to get a monopoly on black women for a while

That's a real downgrade for white men, Blanka.

You better be white, you shamrock fuck.

>This is a meme, literally every white woman I know in my personal life has never burned coal

This is what they tell you, secretly they burn more coall than Pennsylvania. I used to date a literal White Nationalist girl and a few months after we broke up she was dating niggers. You're setting yourself up for disappointment dude. Every single white girl in America is a coalburning slut.

my sister is a model white woman that the alt-right idolises - married since her 20s, two children, beautiful, intelligent, holds sensible political views, is into shit like twilight but can laugh about it acknowledging that's its just "girl stuff" and a fantasy that doesnt make sense in real life

I'm a dead end though, high-ish IQ but autistic and aromantic (disgusted by relationships), underachiever who shitposts on Sup Forums. I have fun with my life though

a real case of a man being eclipsed by his female sibling, my sister inherited the better genes


They deserve to be pampered, they are objectively the best women.

Most of Spanish middle/higher class, Central-Est Europe

White women are trash.

>I used to date a literal White Nationalist girl and a few months after we broke up she was dating niggers.

Shit that never happened: the post.
You're a jew.

GTFO weeb

>they are objectively the best women
Be that as it may, they don't deserve a damn thing for it. No one hands me a prize for being a white male despite what the SJWs would have everyone believe.

They need to give before they can take.

Don't be jelly, Tyrone.

Picture related

>Cuck in the Making
This is what happens when you watch Blacked porn

Kikes have ruined most of our women.

Oh certainly, I'm not saying we reward anybody just for their traits. There are plenty of white women that are absolute cancer and plenty of black/hispanic/asian women who are based.
I just can't bring myself to race mix. I want my children to look like me.

Don't be a cuck, Pajeet.

They are, they are sweat, humble, usually non-aggressive, and very effeminate and when older motherly.


White Irish catholic here. I love the glamour and angelic beauty of our women.



God, they literally are extremely privileged. The entire world serves them.

They've ruined basically all women except for South Americans, certain East Asians (although those are all shit anyway) and East Europeans, and even those aren't completely immune.

On that topic, my sister's children are actually whiter than me. Both Aryan blondes while she has brown hair same as me, its amazing.

Based. Come to America if you feel so inclined and capitalize on our momentum of nationalism. Plenty of opportunity for a young white man. Also, you can contribute to our white population by having lots of babies with a qt Catholic white gal. Trust me, they're everywhere outside the cities and universities. Many of them are of Irish descent.

Non-White sluts are subhuman toilets.

My Slavic cock is hard

No you don't. White woman is a holywood meme.

And yet they fail in every way.
90 % porn white women
Highest divorce rate
lowest birthrate
high mental health issue, more than 60% women on mental health medication.
Anorexia, bulimia, Self mutilation is predomniatly seen in white females
STD rate second only to Negros
High suicide rate

10/10 would waifu

You too. Seriously, if you're white get the fuck to America and start having kids. America is arguably the white man's greatest achievement.

>tfw no gf

Not to sell a filthy shitskin the appeal of our sisters, but at least we do not shit in the streets.

Yeah, but they're prettier than other races so there's good and bad.

>ITT: Worshiping females
Absolutely disgusting.

The age of the bugman needs to end as soon as possible, violently.

Any other woman would be the same in the white woman's place
The only thing that separates them is financial status. Well, that and she-apes and their inability to understand what a calorie is.

Thanks friend!

>Mfw when gf is pure blood swiss white beauty.
>Mfw lucky ass argentinian negro.


And then we've got faggots like you who act like little bitches to prove you're not gay. "I don't rally want to give her my credit card number," "What are you gay bro? Are you gay?"

White women are white man hating lying honey trapping stitch up feminist cunts but I love them.

Also that chick's ass is fucking misshapen.



>>and helped us elect Trump

OLD white women did that. Most young white women wanted Hillary purely to have a first female president and completely ignored all the emails/corruption allegations.

So piss off with this bollocks basically.

Lol that guys an alcoholic drug addict degenerate. He openly talks about how depressed he is in his skits.

I give him 10 years.


Trump won over white voters with and without a college degree: white, college-educated men; white, non-college-educated women; and young whites ages 18-29


Anything to keep the cuck meme alive eye nigel

She looks more pink than white.

Only Irish retards are worth raping apparently.

Anyway, don't believe this man

I live in Alabama and I have no hopes for finding myself any woman, much less a white one.

Go abroad, user.

Post cute white girls my friends

crycry, least they tried to do something

yeah, that "Princess" thing sure did cause Western Women to NOT become attention seeking airheads for the most part. it all worked out wonderfully as our current society shows all too well.

>white woman
>doesn't weigh 300lbs



Funny how despite villifying nobility you can't seem to think of better compliments.
Add to that a lebel of degenerate behaviour that makes even us blush and it becomes all the weirder...


Treating a women like a princess is the ultimate bluepill, unless she's a actual princess



Of course they're the best, they're white. We're the noble race. Once we fix the lost ones we'll be fine. We still need to kill the Jews to save the other races though.

An obvious one

Jamal, Abdul, stop talking about what you can't have.

We might leave them once we have artificial wombs tho

Women are fucking dumb. Women are so fucking dumb most of them are convinced they are oppressed by white men despite being the single most privileged™ group of people there is. They are so fucking dumb they have managed to become deceived into voting for their own interested which is the complete opposite of their counterpart the white male. (We have the same fucking interests)
Women need to be treated like the second class citizens they are.

The nose knows


Cringed. Kys whiteknight beta.

I agree, I just want to coddle a white woman and treat her like a princess. Too bad im not white tho, have fun folks

Behold today's woman. Offended because she was told to be offended.
Note: I haven't told her how I really feel.

She thinks she's supposed to be offended because Trump called a woman fat or something