Is Black Lightning the show more important and more socially relevant than Black Panther the movie?

Is Black Lightning the show more important and more socially relevant than Black Panther the movie?
>BP is an African king that is rarely involved American affairs and has never dealt with real black issues.
>BL faces things like racism and police brutality frequently and addresses them in straightforward manner.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is The Flash the show more important and more socially relevant than Justice League the movie?

>JL are a group of vigilantes who hate each other and were brought together by a psychotic drunk billionaire furry to kill someone who eventually joined the squad anyway
>TF is a white nerd working in a super laboratory surrounded by superheroes who travels in time and dimensions like a bootleg Doctor Who spinoff complete with shitty acting, plots, and super gay leads

Yes to both

I don't care about OP's shit, I just want to say that he use of "negro" as an obviously family-friendly way to say "nigger" is just silly.

Well, is definetly more important and socially relevant (and better) than Luke Cage

Does it matter? Can't the spooks just escape from reality for once? Watch crime rates drop for only a bit upon the BP debut day. Nothing holds a jigs attention like loud noise and pretty visuals.

I thought it was "Darkies"

I like this show.

So if DC wanted to make a show about a black guy with lightning powers, why not make it about the one they own that people have actually heard of? The one who doesn't have the least imaginative name they could come up with.

for violence*

the JL was not brought together to kill Superman. In fact just the opposite. You're retarded as shit.

>the use of "negro" as an obviously family-friendly way to say "nigger" is just silly.
Black user here, it's more common than you think. Black folks obviously do not call each other niggers and some don't even use the word nigga, so negro is a perfectly applicable term.

Is the show good? By good I mean is it at least on the same level as the other shows.

Yeah I don't know why they didn't make a Black Vulcan show

Or brownos.

Anissa a cute. Tobias Whale actually cool and a real threat, plus he harpooned one of his nignogs. Also they introduced Grace this week but not as a heavily tattooed brawler amazon but as a librarian weeaboo who likes comics and cosplay. The only thing I hate is that costume. The puffy neon lightning bolts need to go.

So far no relationship bs and a decent non leather costume so that's good

What the fuck even is this series. I never fucking heard of it before until it popped up on Netflix.
Is this Arrowverse or something?

Sounds at least worth a watch. Thanks.

All I know is they started singing Amazing Grace and that's black as fuck.

>Tobias Whale is actually played by an albino guy

It's much better than the others. I say go ahead and watch, but probably emotionally prepare to bail if it gets another season and that one is shitty since with these CW shows the first seasons tend to be more tightly written than the following ones.

The actor looks more light skinned than albino to me.

He's got red hair.

>The actor looks more light skinned than albino to me.
Right, because of all the light skinned blacks with naturally blonde hair and zero melanin
>Krondon in real-life is an African-American with albinism


I really like Tobias' voice. He's charming as hell.

The guy is cold as fuck. His line about blacks wanting to go to heaven but not willing to die for it was delivered perfectly.

>Justice League the movie

Oh yeah, that happened

>What this user said.

Only the most ghetto trash retards use nigger when talking to one another. In my neighborhood, mostly made up of Black and Hispanic families, a lot of the racial slurs that "the media" presents us as using against one another never occurs.

Fuck, the other day I was shopping and some teenage punk used nigger and was immediately asked to leave the store.

>police brutality
So he's facing something that doesn't exist
Oh wow such relevant much wow

Where can I watch all episodes?

I don't know, all the black kids I knew CONSTANTLY said nigger to refer to anyone and everyone. I didn't live in a bad area or anything, it's just how they talked.

That's just teens being edgy, like calling each other fags or whatever. It's not considered acceptable.

No, it’s “niggas”

You and all the other shitposters on Sup Forums just pretend to not know the difference of context so you have an excuse to say “nigger” with a built in excuse.

Did they do that stupid joke that writers insist is funny, where they look at the 70's costume and call it stupid looking?

I hate when they do that. especially since i really think his old costume was an awesome design.

>Black folks obviously do not call each other niggers

His old costume in the show is different, but I don't remember any of that. He actually likes the silliness and thrill of being a superhero though so I wouldn't expect him to deride himself.

If I were a hench in the 100 I'd be more afraid of Tobias hurting me than Black Lightning, for the third episode in a row he's been brutal to his underlings

Don't blacks WANT something scifi and new for a change? Do they ever get tired of the same old two genres blacks are ever featured in, gang stories and "slavery was bad" stories?

An old guy said his old costume looked like something out of Parliament

Comics have no cultural importance you dumb fucks

What are you doing here if you know it offends you?

The show that comes on literally right before this one features a black family who have never once been near a ghetto