Rada rada rada.... rada rada rada rada rada rada

Rada rada rada.... rada rada rada rada rada rada

I mean, you’re not wrong, but it’s not a good idea to use such offensive ethnic slurs if you wanna be taken seriously.

This is a Christian board, Schnitzel, watch your mouth.

what region?

What the fuck was his problem

But Schnitzel, he totally enjoyed it! He just doesn't know that he did!

Ok out of the things that are ok, that is not ok

Really? Well I'm from rada rada and I've never heard anyone use the phrase "rada rada rada".


It's a rada phrase

Was Chowder kino, lads?

Take that to Sup Forums Schnitzel

Every time Schnitzel opens his mouth on Sup Forums it's like I'm having an epiphany.

Rada rada rada? yes and you rada rada despite the fact they are obviously rada rada rada rada.



What's that Schnitzel? You're allowing me to marry Chowder? No matter if he consents? ALL RIGHT!

CocococoCO coco coCOCOcoCO cocoCO COcocococo coco coco COCO.


But that's fucking wrong!

For the last time Coco, there is no way to revive Chairman Mao as a cyborg. At least not yet.



It was one of last great shows on CN