We're for the little guy

>we're for the little guy

Robert De Niro: $200M
Bill Maher: $23M
Sarah Silverman: $10M
Ellen Degenerate: $365M
Kevin Spacey: $80M
George Clowny: $250M
Matt Damon: $90M
Leonardo Difaggio: $217M
Johnny Depp: $400M
Bradd Pitt: $240M
Cher: $305M
Pic related: $1M

And how about all those "broke niggers the white man is keeping down"?

Name any NBA player, rapper, or over-represented actor in media. Millions.

Remember, these are the people that want you to vote democrat, because somehow your life will improve by doing so.

Other urls found in this thread:


but we didn't vote democrat

How has he not killed himself

No integrity

Goddamnit, I was drinking heavily again and woke up to a nightmare. Thought I was having a dream Trump won, woke up, and found out Hillary won.

Damn I'm glad I'm not dreaming. Or at least I think I'm not.

>Cher: $305M


has he done a show yet since the election? is it worth watching?

Yes and of course not. I haven't watched it. I can't. It's always too cringeworthy and basic.

>not saying Brad Titt
Why even bother with the post?


not really he's in full denial

got prayer?

>that ending
holy shit meme magic is real

> muh popular vote
> muh nucular codes
> muh kkk
> muh wombat

Not a single argument. It's only the beginning and he's already grasping at straws ...

She was a big deal in the 70s. Probably made a shit ton and invested it wisely.

What's surprising is Bill Maher is only worth 23. That's entirely too low for how long that guy's been around.

He went full backlash on his CURRENT YEAR meme. He even had a "Fuck 2016" montage to close the show. One guy in the montage said "Fuck John Oliver" which was gold so it wasn't all bad.

It's a comedy show, user.

>Sarah Silverman: $10M
>Johnny Depp: $400M
subtle top kek

>Exploding CURRENT YEAR sign
No fucking way

I don't get it.

Why are you making me watch this shit.

It's that damn glass ceiling again. Poor women just can't get ahead.

it gets worse, he pretend to be politicofact and tells you to subscribe to washington post/nyt
>the sites that lied to you wont do it again, we promise!
hell, this entire show is misleading do to the things you pointed out.

>current year man wishes to go back
like pottery.

>current year man will never go back to 2015
Why live?

jfc lads, i'm crying here

Trump: $10B

Your point?

>Pic related: $1M
Unexpected. I thought he was worth more.


>MUSLIMS ARE EVIIL *tips fedora

Maybe he got tired of his liberal audiences constantly booing him and caved in

>implying they booed
>implying his audience isn't just told when and exactly how hard to laugh

And the early 90s or some shit. She's had some hits and has acted in a movie or two.
(((trigger warning))) old half dressed lady ridding a cannon.

Very troubling problematic video that objectifies women

His audiences would always cheer for his leftist panelists who are defending islam and then Bill would call them savages and get gasps and boo's

He's saying people are only supporting liberals because it's trendy to be seen as the poor and oppressed David against the rich and all powerful Goliath Conservatives. Yet, if they're poor and oppressed, then why the fuck are they rich and the loudest idiots? The implication is people are only supporting the democrats because it's "cool" and "all the rich kids are doing it", similar to cocaine in the 80s.

>implying they weren't canned boos

He wanted to seem like the edgy guy that was his act.

Are cuckolds the uks biggest export?

Do we have a full list of celebs to not give money to anymore?

>Robert De Niro: $200M

Robert Dinero

A friend of mine really likes that he called Islam a "backwards desert religion". I told him Maher should apply that same logic to Judaism.
>inb4 Atheist
It doesn't matter to a Jew. For an Aryan religion is a matter of thought and belief. For everyone else it is an expression of ethnic and cultural solidarity.

I'm pretty sure Maher got cucked by Madoff.

"Can you believe those CEO's take home 500 times the annual salary of their employees" says the A-lister who makes 10,000 times what an extra in their films makes.