Remember this?

Remember this?

I wish I hadn't

I didn't until now. Fuck you, OP.

The CGI cartoon is far better desu.

>titling your promotional forced meme VIRAL VIDEO

>""""""""""""""""""""viral"""""""""""""""""""" video
>almost 45k views

these is porn of this why ?

I watch it actually. Pretty good Theodore and Simon. I don’t hear anyone talk about the show sadly.

>Faking a viral video
Loving every laugh

Why exactly did they think this was a good idea again?


I wonder if justin long feels any shame

Jason Lee looks dead inside.

>many people have jacked off to this

do those fucking squirrels have any original songs or are they just some kind of karaoke band?

>tfw you could have been giving My Name is Earl a proper ending

I'm gonna get you for this one user
You won't expect it either, but it's comin'

>Some poor soul was asked to take time out of their life to write these "lyrics"
>And then someone had to sing them afterward

Really butters your corn, I tell ya hwat

this is like a Deviantart anthem. holy shit chipmunks incest shota micro

Pitch it down by 50%.

Fucking godamnit OP

I am still royally pissed that they never finished his damn list

Damnit OP, my mind had repressed this shit

One of my go to videos for farming Sup Forums replies.
That, Shed 17, and Gen Zed never fail to get a reaction.

I had hypnotherapy to forget that. Thanks for bringing it back, dick!

>Pizza toots
I hate you OP.

2 lwed

How could you do this to me

The latter. Except they did GOOD songs in the 80s.
