Do you believe in free will Sup Forums?

If so, then why do you believe in God or religion?

inb4 "god gave us a free will".

We're entertainment. A huge game of dwarf fortress. Why do you play sandbox games?

Your god is dead. there is only kek

But thats exactly what happened.

The whole point of the Garden of eve story is showing that Gods creation had the option of going against him and was capable of taking that option.

Only the hardest core of evangelicals believe it was a literal event

>your opinion is trash

Even if you believe in free will you can't fly even if u want to. That's just one aspect though.

God gave us free will

>The whole point of the Garden of eve story is showing that Gods creation

is fucking retarded, fucking snakes and ribs and shit

what are you 12?

everyone's 12 at some point

I'm a theist.

I believe in a form of free will. Think parent/child relationship, but not infant aged children and parents (with the parent hovering and doing). Think adult children and older parents.

>I'm 30. I'm married, have a child and fend for myself. I pay my way.I know that my parents still have my back 'cause they love me, but my choices are now entirely my own.

That's the way I think of the guidance that God gives me. I'm not so important that he micromanages everything about me and so leaves me to be me, but does he have an interest? Sure. Do I hope he puts in place things that help? Yeah; I bring those things to him in prayer. Do I respect that balance he has struck in stepping back? Definitely.

God made us in His image - free will, urge to create.

If we didn't have at least some form of free will there wouldn't need to be any suffering or joy

because they're not mutually exclusive things?

I never understood why being a theist and believing in free will MUST go hand in hand. I'm not particularly religious(Agnostic), but I will take my free will to the grave.

I do believe in free will, however our hormons, instincts and genetics form an invisible frame of rules everyone sticks to

>do you believe in apples then why do you believe in trees?

free will is very real
causality and circumstance don't invalidate the concept
people latch onto modern scientific determinism for the same reasons they turned to deistic religion in the past
uncertainty and responsibility make most people uncomfortable

Because there is nothing to say that two are incompatible.

For all we know we're a science experiment and 'god' is simply a scientist observing a universe play out.

I always get shit for making that point in this debate but I think it is important. We have free will insofar as "we" is linked to some aspects of our compositional mechanisms, however some of those biological mechanisms are not easily altered.

Then why do we spend so much time and money on aircraft?

In a way they are. Why can't an Atheist get into heaven? Why is there only one way to get into heaven?

This flies right into face of the concept free will itself.

No, either the universe is deterministic and so I havr no free will, or the universe and my will by extension is subject to nondeterministic fluxuations and so I have no free will.

Why does a haven need to exist to religion or belief in a god to exist?

Sure some religions have that idea, quite a few don't though, especially once you get out of the Abrahamic sphere.

After Trump victory i'd bee a fool not to believe.

>free will

Is an illusion.
Everything we see right now including my thoughts are a result of trajectory particles took in the moment of big bang.

I believe there is free will in a sense that we have the ability to choose our course of action based on multiple possibilities but those possible scenarios we choose from are dictated by the circumstances and causal chains. There might be theoretically infinite possibilities on what I could decide on, but based on my past experiences and decisions it is highly unlikely that I would suddenly feel the urge to write a 30-page paper on theoretical physics.

Nothing is there to stop me from doing it but I would've never even thought of it if I didn't need an example. We have free will, but out of infinite choices there is always only a small set of realistic choices to be made.

And I don't believe in God, but I cannot exactly rule out the possibility of a higher power.

Oh god that got malformed, let try that again!

Why does a 'heaven' or related concept need to exist?
Sure some religions have that idea, quite a few don't though, especially once you get out of the Abrahamic sphere.

Recreation is another idea that doesn't require heaven
Simply ceasing to exist is another.

Ceasing to exist (soul/spirit? you, not corporeal though), your body decaying/turning to 'dust' and later being brought back into existence by divine miracle to stand judgement before god is another.

Hey, nice argument! I think you've really changed my view with that well thought out, insightful reply of yours!

Big bang and chemical reactions have nothing to do with thoughts and our will, big bang just allowed our bodies to evolve, our bodies are just vessels that allow souls to enter and have capability to live and think.

And therefor free will exists

Why the fuck does it matter. I've never tried to shove my religion down anyone's throat, but it seems like most of you edgy high school athiests get off on doing the exact thing you love to condemn religion for, because you're "smarter".

>inb4 I'm not in high school

Then it should tell you something that I think of you as having a child's mentality when you can't let someone live their life just because they have different beliefs than you, you HAVE to tell someone they're wrong

>inb4 Athiesm never caused wars and people have never been murdered for it

If a group has been around for as long as Christianity has, it's going to have a dark past. Rarely do things stay on the right side of history, especially when it's been around for hundreds upon hundreds of years.

>inb4 Your opinion doesn't matter because you believe in a mythological being
>inb4 Nobody except other athiests like to hang out with me because we're all smarter, not because we're arrogant pricks
>inb4 One day I'll realize I display the same behavior I condemn Christianity for and grow the fuck up

I believe in free will because of the story of Adam and Eve, and because I know most of the stories in the Bible are metaphors and not literal events. Now continue with your circlejerk.

>tl;dr Athiests are just as bad as the religions they condemn, for the same reasons

nice argument faggot

jk you're going to hell


not enough info to reach a conclusion


aren't quantum physics not deterministic?