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minorities and liberal whites are no longer pals. lib-whites will never have their savior complexes redeemed :(

But black women love white dick. I really think it's a case of wanting what you're not supposed to.

>Stop asking me to empathise with the white working class
Then stop expecting to win elections.

>i watched snl

>Ended friendships with darkies
>Now hitler is my best friend

But Whites are supposed to empathize with #blacklivesmatter?

100% of blacks voted for Obama, twice.

Totally not racist though..m

We lost the election? What can we do to improve? I know, let's run more anti-white racist clickbait articles!

How is a black person (or any minority for that matter) supposed to empathize with people who'd prefer that they didn't exist?

stop asking white working class to empathize with you

How about empathising with the working class full stop
>DRUMPF only won because of the POOR UNEDUCATED Americans voting for him! THEYRE RUINING THE COUNTRY


>DRUMPF only won because of the POOR UNEDUCATED Americans voting for him! THEYRE RUINING THE COUNTRY
t. modern leftist

At what point do minorities realize they are minorities and that the majority is white ?

I really can't comprehend the mindset of these apes, it's like they think they live in a country where they get to make laws n shieeett.

B-But black supremacy isn't racist because it's not institutionalized!


OOOoooooohh YeeEEaahh

Nice get there M8

It's so convenient.

Soros has created a business starting and perpetually funding minority supremacist groups. They are institutions unto themselves.

>Stop asking me to be self-responsible.

>not openly supporting positive discrimination
>white supremacy



digits for truth. the average person gets sick of being called racist, sexist etc.

>Stop asking me to empathise with the white working class
another nigger can't empathize with someone who works. what a shocker

So she would better empathize with the black non working people right

>stop asking me to have empathy for my fellow country men

Then enjoy trump type idelaogues for the next 30 years or at least until whites are a minority

She could never empathize with actually oppressed people.

>Stop asking me to empathize with the white working class

ok. you are great, and i appreciate your progressive demeanor

We'd empathize with the black working


Well keked my friend.


I love how Trump destroyed the Democratic party by taking away their main base. Although they did a great job at that themselves by pandering to dindus with this SJW and identity politics nonsense. How the hell can you vote for this?

Then stop asking me to empathize with black criminals.

I don't even care about articles like this anymore. Now I know that this kind of talk will be the death of the Republican Party.

I like how he was quoting someone else while saying this, yet the quote gets attributed to him.

Huh? I remember watching the debate live. I still know how Sup Forums went crazy after he said that.

No he is not, he is saying that because he believes it.

>Be a 10/10
>Marry a 10/10
>Adopt African negro because muh white guilt

I h8 white ppl

I read a couple of articles that alleged that basically the way Trump won the election was by taking identity politics and turning it around to work for him by essentially turning white working class people into a interest-driven voting block that votes Republican in the same way nigs and fags form voting blocks that always vote Democrat. If that is indeed what happened then the Democrats are well and truly fucked from now on.

Stop calling me racist when I don't give a fuck about your skin color.

australia delivers again

Positive discrimination is a fucking oxymoron.

Tell me this is an edit

By the time the adoption application forms have even been sent, a million more niggers will have spawned.
GJ cuckwhites

haha its cross-eyed

>read pol every day
>learn the depths of anger and frustration felt by white men who are desperate to rationalize their personal failures
>just like niggers blame whitey for their problems, whites blame DA JOOZ and shitskins

>realize trump is playing on this
>realize trump will win the primaries with ease
>realize trump will win the general election in a landslide
>called an idiot by everyone i know because i based my opinion on "stupid web sites"
vindication was sweet. thanks for the entertainment guys & keep it coming

t.nigger that reads Sup Forums