What is the most and least respectable profession or industry Sup Forums?

What is the most and least respectable profession or industry Sup Forums?

Most respectable: Anything in the Army

Least respectable: Insurance broker

>Anything in the Army


Serving your country and putting your life on the line is the ultimate sacrifice, is it not?

I'm gonna go against the grain and say that anyone willing to enter the educational system as a member of the teaching staff is highly respectable for prioritising the future of their nation over their own personal gain in the long term.

It comes down to the teacher, I think a small majority of teachers legitimately feel this way and are quite passionate about this. However the vast majority of teachers are simply there because they aren't good at anything else - "if you can't do, teach"

I won't argue against that, but I think it's a stretch to say that's what most people in the army do today.

This is an American Christian board. Leave.

>Serving your country (the corporate elite) and putting your life (expandable pawn) on the line is the ultimate sacrifice (as we have been trained to see dying in war as), is it not?

Unless you´re talking about defending your own country, no.

>inb4 fucking up the middle east = defending your own country or freedom

What is more respectable than willingly sacrificing yourself to advance the wishes of those who run your country?

>Most respectable: Anything nursing/paramedic etc

Most respectable: charity worker
Least respectable: right-wing politician

What is at all respectable about that when your country is run by kike globalists?

Most respectable: Something you genuinely enjoy that doesn't involve fucking anyone over

Least respectable: Something you complain about until everyone hates you for complaining all the time

There are tons of people in the military with useless jobs. Every single job in the world has cunts and decent lads. A job is only as respectable or degenerate as the person doing it.

>Serving your country and putting your life on the line is the ultimate sacrifice

Fire service, police medics etc do that too, not to mention the grizzly first-on-scene shit they get to see in accidents etc

Liberals don't understand this because they were breastfed until 12 years old

Yeah they would all be up there, just behind serving in the army. I only have the army ahead due to the complete fuckery you would have to deal with when deployed.

>Most respectable: Army officers.

Least respectable: Lawyers and judges.
Our whole society is build around it.
We are being cucked by jews, but the concept of army make them usually more respectable people than some fag working for Goldberg Enterprises or something like that

>Most respectable: Education in areas regarding empirical truths

>Least respectable: Education in sociology

If somebody says to you "I work in x", do you not immediately judge them based off their profession?

Only if they actually fight wars, in most countries the army is just a bunch of parasites

What does Sup Forums think of librarians?

>your country

>Most respectable: Teacher
>Least respectable: Any job that doesn't contribute to society

Most: any trade

least: any lawyer

Generally if I'm talking to someone about their work I already know enough about them to have judged them already. If it's a first meeting and they decide to just talk about their work (because I'm not going to ask them about it) then they're a joyless cunt regardless of whatever it is they do.

Least respectable: anything to do with advertising.

Its the one industry that actively worsens people's lives, not as a by-product, but as a matter of course.

"Empirical truths"


Everything that feeds your famely

No respect:

Most respectable: Engineer, trades, or construction

Least respectable: Teaching

>Most respectable: Engineer, trades, or construction

not this
>Least respectable: Teaching
more like: cleaner

You're right, least respectable is probably career politician desu