What are some Sup Forums next generation stories done right?

What are some Sup Forums next generation stories done right?

Not your childhood


If we could erase Maxine Gibson and prevent the bullshit reveal in JLU that Terry is literally Bruce's son, the show would've been perfect. If it had just come out one year before soccer moms started affecting cartoons to make the second season become total ass, people would still be talking about it.

This isnt
This is. And it doesn't matter that Terry was related to Bruce. He was his own Batman, with his own way of doing things, and didn't alienate people

Is there a reason Epilogue HAD to exist? The whole thing was literally just batwank, and it retconned the backstory of an entirely different show.

new x-men/academy x, leaving out house of m but including the post m day, pre utopia stuff. we get a nice slice of life story about teens coming up in a world thats much less hostile than the early x-men, and then we have it ripped away and the kids forced to come to terms with what it truly means to be a mutant in 616


Next Avengers is shit, A-Next is way better!


Not what you posted O.P., but Ultron in that one was rather good.
>None of that metal Joker garbage.

Best next generation is Avengers Academy, the comic, not the shitty game with waifus/husbandos.

Who signed off on that Mega-Mong design in the middle?

Oh man, I was so into Torunn as a kid.

That’s Juggernaut’s son J2.

More like J2manychromosomes

The heroes costumes in this look like garbage. Also Sylene is still best girl.

Batman Beyond is the GOAT.

Hitman kind of, he spun out of that crossover that created a whole bunch of new superheroes.
Super Sons has been great so far.

This guy gets it.
>tfw never getting Mayday back

I was gonna say this, once it gets to just the final team.

So how many times have these guys appeared in cannon?

a couple times under Bendis, which basically makes them not canonical appearances

Who can possibly play a live action Terry? I've been wondering this for the better part of three years.

>Everyone in Sup Forums complains about this episode
>Yet everyone on Sup Forums as a whole sucks dick to Metal Gear where the exact same shit was done but dumber

>a known drug-addict slut in charge of a group of children

This can only lead to a total retcon of the universe.


What manner of non sequitor is this?
Though I agree MGS4 sucks.

Does Johns' JSA count?

It was a nice way to tie in Waller's character, make the fortuitous events that led to Terry being Batman a bit more of plausibility than complete coincidence and it didn't damage his character since being the son of Batman meant jack shit if he lived through a completely different life experience that made him a completely different person.
It provided some closure for Bruce as well, since he now has someone close looking after him in his old age.

???? MGS4/MGS5 are literally considered disasters by their fanbase.

>If we could erase Maxine Gibson
Fuck no, you idiot.

Does this hombre count?

To bad none of us will still be alive in 2099 when Marvel has to think of what to do with Miguel now that time has caught up to him.

Todd Nauck doesn't get nearly enough work.



Move the year up a hundred years?