This is Rowley Jefferson, the best character in the Wimpy Kid series. Say something mean about him

This is Rowley Jefferson, the best character in the Wimpy Kid series. Say something mean about him.

Pro tip: You can’t.
Hard mode: no “the new kid playing Rowley sucks”. Besides, that’s not true anyway.

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He's a pussy.

He's nothing without best boy Greg

I have a friend like him.

Guy gets annoying sometimes but jesus Greg what the fuck.

>best boy Greg

zoo wee mama

We both know you ate the cheese, freak.

I just finished rereading the online version the other day, I forgot how hilarious it is.

Also Rowley got fucked over HARD by Greg.
>Made Rowley eat his half of the cheese
>Broke his arm by throwing the football at the big wheel
>Gets him kicked off of safety patrol

His friend is a sociopath

He's fat...
...Though I'm grasping at straws...

I've always pictured Rowley as being slightly chubby but not outright fat, since he's drawn more barrel-shaped than anything.

>best boy Greg

>best boy greg

Don’t forget what he did with the time capsule.

Also the dumbell and the sombrero.

Elaborate. It’s been a while

He was sleeping over at Rowleys's and there was this sombrero in the basement where they were hanging out. Every time Rowley went to the bathroom, he'd kick the hat across the room when he cane back down.

So Greg put a dumbell underneath it so that Rowley would kick it.

His run of Zoo-Wee-Mama was fucking trash.

Okay, that was actually pretty funny

he's an asshole to greg because he's a damn pussy
t. greg

Its actually really scary how close to home the wimpy kid series hit
>Also had a fat best friend
>Everyone started liking him and he caught on to the school
>We stopped seeing each other as much as we used to and barely talked
>Demoted to "just friend"

His teeth look like two spooky eyes peeking out from inside a boy costume.

He's a literal mouth breathing retard.


Did you ever recover?

When you finally drop Greg like a hot rock, then you'll finally become the person you believe you can be.

This really fucked me up


>best boy Greg

I know the kid who played Rowley (well the first kid who did)

Pretty upstanding guy, thankfully child ""stardom"" hasn't fucked him up beyond leaving him without roles now that his balls dropped

you may be on to something

What's your head canon for how it goes down when they finally get to high school? mine goes a little something like this
>Greg and Rowley get to highschool
>Freshman year Rowley loses all of this baby fat
>Greg is jealous because Rowley is now more attractive than him (he already was but that's neither here nor there)
>Sophomore year Rowley comes out as gay
>Greg keeps hanging out with him anyway but makes fun of him for being a fag behind his back
>Junior year Rowley decides that she was really a woman all along and transitions
>Greg is wary of the social suicide that might go along with being friends with a tranny but he keeps her around anyway because it's not like he has any other options
>Senior year Greg doesn't want to admit it but now that Rowley's been on e for a year she's actually kinda hot.
>Rowley asks Greg to the senior prom
>Greg says no in a knee jerk reaction
>The days are ticking away until the prom
>Greg realizes that despite his efforts, he's still not popular in his senior year of highschool
>Greg reaches the conclusion that Rowley is the hottest chick that is ever going to want him
>It's either a chick with a dick or no chick at all
>Greg agrees to go to the prom with Rowley
>Later that night they end up in a motel together
>Greg stares himself down in the mirror has he wrestles internally with the hardest decision of his life
>last chance to run
>Greg takes the plunge and fucks Rowley
>The next day Greg writes his final diary entry, his own suicide note.
>As per his request his diaries are publish and find a very limited success with an ironic cringe culture following

You think the second kid playing him did the role Justice? I believe he did, too bad the movie shafted him with limited screening time

I’d see Rowley leaving his ass for good this time when Greg decides to be a dick again

My headcanon is that Rowley becomes attractive and instead of girls thinking he's cute or whatever they think he's hot and he becomes Chad while Greg keeps being an asshole and nobody likes him and Chadley forgets all about him.

Manny becomes school shooter tier because of the reputation Roddrick and Greg left

Greg is most likely going to be another Supreme Gentleman

It remind of a guy who said that Greg was a sociopath.

Is the serie still alive? i remember reading it a lot when i was younger, i stopped at the seven volume.

I saw a new book in a store during the holiday season. I kind of stopped paying attention to it around the sixth book I know they had that movie with the shitty new cast because the author doesn't believe in his character's aging (why not just make it animated then?)

New books come once a year

>It remind of a guy who said that Greg was a sociopath.
This guy?

Apparently Rowley cucks the fuck out of Greg in one of the newer books


He does. Rowley's a real ladies' man.

>His teeth look like two spooky eyes peeking out from inside a boy costume.

You mean like this?




Can't unsee that, now.