So how dangerous is Cyclops? Are his eyebeams better than superman...

So how dangerous is Cyclops? Are his eyebeams better than superman? Is he supposed to be the heavy artillery of the xmen?

Also who are some underated xmen with cool powers?

>Better than Superman
>Heavy artillery of the X-Men

Dude could final flash the earth like Vegeta and end it.

His eyes aren't heat based like Superman's. They're a massive concussive force when unleashed.

It's always a good " oh shit" moment when he goes full blast

Superman has heat beams, Cyclops has punch beams that can be pretty strong if the plot calls for it
he's also a high level martial artist and master strategist

One of the joys of reading Cyclops is seeing how artists interpreted his eyebeams. Would have loved to see some of Marvel's modern talent like Shalvey or Ward take a crack at him.

He does alright but nothing to write home about

any decent feats of Cylcop's eyes. The best I have seen is taking out a sentinel and some nearby trees.

Cyclops can beat up Wolverine without using his eyebeams, and his eyebeams are fucking broken when combined with his ability to bounce them around more than Cap with his shield.

He's good enough to be a Batman/Daredevil style superhero and then he also has a superpower that can one-shot anything under the cosmic tier.

I mean Storm once beat Cyclops while she had no powers

X-Men hand to hand combat skills are iffy and inconsistent

Cyclops's eyebeams in the modern era differ from his original appearances.

There was some inconsistency in the 60's in which they did function as heat vision, but after kinetic force was brought up they've more of less stayed that.

Superman's heat vision is pinpoint lasers that can operate on an interplanetary scale or be used to perform surgery.

And yes, he is the heavy artillery of the X-Men both for the power his beams bring to bare and the secondary mutation allowing him to pull of angled ricochet shots.

Some notations. He is not generating these beams, his body absorbs solar energy and converts it into a sustained portal to a dimension of kinetic energy.

2, he's been training in being a superhero since he was 16. Though inconsistent he is a very competent leader and damn dangerous.

>Also who are some underated xmen
Angel. People just write him off as the guy with wings even though he's a human-sized raptor with super-strength and a healing factor. When it comes down to it, all of the O5 are pretty fucking dangerous.

>So how dangerous is Cyclops?
Power-levels are retarded and always in the hands of the writer. If I was writing, he'd be the most powerful being on Earth. And no, not because of his eye powers.

>Eyebeams better than Superman
I've always thought they were more powerful. I compare it to like Superman being super fast, but not as fast as the Flash.

Wasn't that retconned as Cyke wanting to lose though? Anyway, he is portrayed far more consistently as being almost as good as Wolverine in hand to hand after deciding to "git gud"

>I've always thought they were more powerful. I compare it to like Superman being super fast, but not as fast as the Flash.
Not even remotely close, at max Superman can destroy a planet with his beams, at max Cyclops can destroy a mountain range with his. Vastly different scale.

You will, once Disney gets the xmen rights back.

Scott is an Omega Level mutant who has secretly been kept in check by telepathy his whole life. An unchecked Scott could blow up the planet.

Wolverine: "snikt"
Cyclops: "zorp" "zram" "zoop" "zack" "ZKOW"

Not Black Bolt crazy but still pretty crazy

What matters is that he is right.

>Also who are some underated xmen with cool powers?
Off the top of my head Dazzler, Siryn, Madrox, Cannonball, Magma, Husk, Chamber

There's so many X-men characters who never get any focus in spite of being ridiculously powerful

if his eyes were portals, wouldn't it not matter if he was angry, it'll just be as powerful as if he was just opening his eyes wide?

>better than superman?

He is big guy

The portals are unstable, his control of his powers affects the rate at which energy can pass through them, which is affected by his emotional state.
Also the energy of generating the portals comes from him, and the more energy passing through them, the more energy it take to keep them stable, which is why extended use can tire him out.

>So how dangerous is Cyclops?
His sperm alone creates omega-level mutie kids, so the guy is pretty danged dangerous.

I remember teen Cyclops running out of energy and getting tired out a few times but I thought that was just Bendis

can't believe nobody has posted the 'Get off my lawn' scene

Cyclops is more dangerous by virtue of efficiently leading very powerful people and keeping them on line rather, his optic blasts are fast deployment artillery with too many drawbacks to be used consistently unless he wields the visor

Husk was goat in Generation Next

He can beat wolvie's ass

during the fight he was conflicted, he didn't really want to lead the X-men again then. He just wanted the stability he used to know. Though Storm is no slouch, remember this is after she beat the shit out of the Morlocks leader to rule them.

Only when with Jean. His kids with Emma aren't Omega level

The virgin sound effect vs the chad cacophony

Like every comic character his power level depends on who's writing him. I never found his powers that impressive because he has no defensive skills. I'd rather be able to take a punch then give one.

He is dangerous because he isn’t USA government dog.

You're a retard if you buy into the being defensive meme is better than being offensive. Wanting to take hits is how you fuck yourself up in the long run

How the fuck does Sinister keep coming back from shit like this?

He has enhanced spatial awareness that allows him to target every object in a room.
Writers should really expand on this and give him something akin to spider-sense where he can sense and dodge almost anything.

clones are kinda his thing

have an idea for a cyclops story. You know how his beams come from an alternate dimension of kinetic energy? What if some shit lives there, and every once in a while small creatures come out of his eyes too?


He'd also just been in an argument with his wife. Storm also didn't really win, she just put him in a position where winning would have required him to kill her. On top of that, the simulation Cypher programmed in for the fight was specifically designed to give Storm a lot of cover. The deck was stacked for Storm. It was also bullshit because team leadership shouldn't be resolved with a fight. Cyclops has superior strategic and tactical skills. Just because a Private can beat up a General, that doesn't mean the Private should be leading the army.

Facing an army of Sentinels, I know which one I'd have leading my team.

There ain't at least one instance that he used his eye beams like a laser scalpel or something? Pulling from memory, was during that fatal attractions arc or something.

I agree with all you say, and will add that Claremont was pushing his strong girls thing, and despite that in-story Storm was a hippie nudist all of a year ago and likely paid precisely zero attention to her danger room combat training, the second she went all leather she became a martial badass. Its almost like the mohawk triggered a secondary mutation of girl power.

I don't mind this version of Storm, the naive outsider bit was going to wear thin in very short order. But there was precisely no build-up for it, no character development over time, it felt as hacky as it was.

And again, Cyke was mentally in a dark place. But mostly Storm was given the win to cement her new characterization.

love this scene

also the one where he blasted the shit out of Apocalypse during that x-factor story

He is really powerful sometimes, but not too great most of the time. Both of his brothers are much better at going full DBZ on a landscape and fucking everything up.

X-Factor also shot a hole right through Blob just to make a point.

In the first issue he showed that he can force more power out of his eyes but it drains him to do it.

Very dangerous, and not just because of his optic blasts.

Optic blasts alone are best described as the peak of shit mountain. He's incredibly powerful as an earthling, but nothing on the cosmic level.

His tactical abilities and ability to come up with a solid plan on the fly make him truly dangerous. As a field leader, he arguably better than Captain America, and has back ups and contingencies like Batman.

As good as he did with leading Utopia, I think he was out of his element there. Yet no one else was willing to take ownership. Beast would have been the perfect leader of a mutant nation as a respected doctor and Avenger, even if only as a figurehead. Instead he would rather sit back and be the opposition without offering solutions.

Also implied that Maddie was fucking with his head at the time too.

Pretty sure the brothers are more destructive because they are reckless. Scott is a ridiculously
repressed control freak.

I distinctly remember Angel actually having shit hollow bird bones in his early days, he only went strong after Apoc fucked him up.

More like
Wolverine: "snikt"
Cyclops "VAM" you're off my team, creep.

I don't remember exactly who, but I've read this exact same story with at least two characters (I wanna bet on Nightcrawler and Magik, but I might be wrong)

Fantomex. 3 brained asshole(he even has a fake french accent to piss people off even more) who can make people hallucinate with his powers

He's supposed to be not a whiney bitch who gets cum in his laser beam eyes, but that's the only way he can stop the eyebeams from destroying anything and everything in his path: a thick coating of mutant semen

He's that shitty "even when I lose I win" kind of villain.
He'll always be back.

Man, that was around when I got seriously into comics. I was like 12, so far had read only tpbs from a uncle and manga, and while I was used to weirder stuff, I literally couldn't grasp what sort of absolute madman would come up with Fantomex's whole origin arc, from the UFO-who's-also-himself to him living in a modernist chateau in a underground dome to him being literally Diabolik. Turns out is the kind of madman who becomes my hero eventually, fucking bald cunt.

Well I know as early as the O5 days there is stuff of him cutting cake with his optic blasts