Would you let your kids watch currently airing cartoons or read comics being published right now?

would you let your kids watch currently airing cartoons or read comics being published right now?
if i ever have kids i will just download everything i know its good and wont let them near tv or the internet
not for any political reason, its all just so low quality, i wouldnt want my kids becoming morons

I look forward to your kids spending all their time at friend's houses watching things they actually want to watch.

im not letting them hang out with bad kids

You sound to obsessive

how so?

I am going to let my kids read Clarissa to show them that at least I'm not that kind of father and they should be grateful.

You sound like one of those parents who won't let their kids trick or treat because it's satanic.

Hopefully you never have children.

>being responsible makes you a christian
enjoy being 12 forever peter pan

Policing the cartoons your kids watch for reasons that aren't even because of X being appropriate but literally just "I dun like it :(" sounds like a surefire way to turn them into resentful manchildren.

Even if you show them something good, there's gonna be the impression they're being "forced" to watch it. There's always just introducing your kid to your dumb thing without presenting it as the only option

>but literally just "I dun like it
thats not the reason
i think letting a kid watch early simpsons can get him interested in comedy, watching hey arnold maybe can get them into film making, even watching something with cool animated action could get them into ilustration or acting
but what kind of creativity does modern cartoons/comics motivate? a show with people so lazy they think that characters being colored propperly is enough even if their proportions change every frame? a show where a fat guy gets beaten up by his wife and spends 5 minutes grabbing his leg and moaning?
i wouldnt want my kids mindlessly watching crap, i have seen what that does to other kids

*i wouldnt force them to watch anything either but if they want cartoons they can just play a dvd

>but what kind of creativity does modern cartoons/comics motivate?

Well I mean that's kind of a subjective judgment right there.

Let the kids decide for themselves what's good and what's not if it's just a cartoon aimed at their age group; show them the stuff you want to show them too. If they like something that's shit maybe they'll grow out of it; either way it's letting them develop their own tastes

Also maybe those kids who watch stuff mindlessly were already stupid

What if they don't want one of your DVDs though?

im pretty ok with whatever my kids watch. We talk about it and they are pretty clear about what is right and wrong, stupid or otherwise.
Its better to have discussions than to get your kids acquainted with censorship.
you wanna talk about fucked up kids, look at the ones with helicopter parents

they can do something else then

>Let the kids decide for themselves what's good and what's not
hey kiddo, do you want vegetables or icecream as a side with your dinner?

But not watch something that's on TV, or else Daddy will have to smack them across the head.

i just wont get cable

I'm talking about cartoons aimed at kids specifically. I even differentiated between something actually for kids; I'm not at all saying to let them watch hentai or something aimed at adults that a parent would judge inappropriate.

My point was that parents already exercise control over stuff like what their kids eat (and that's normal and fine); at least let them have some sense of agency when it comes to the media that's specifically targeted at them.


if my kids arent allowed to do something and their friends try to get them to do it anyways then i dont want them hanging out together at all

Imagine being a kid and be bullied for something as dumb as your dad being an autist.

yes. well.
Let us know how that works out for you.

>I'm talking about cartoons aimed at kids specifically
how is this an argument? plenty of things aimed at children is garbage, just look up those creepy youtube videos

>Cartoons: the gateway drug of the 21th century

ok, can i have your phone number so we keep in touch?

just make a new thread. . . we will all still be here. no one gets to leave

>not letting your kids trick or treat because it's satanic is responsible

That wasn't the adjective I was thinking of, no.

The only thing I'm arguing for is cartoons on actual TV, not Elsa/Spider-Man videos or whatever the fuck.

If a parent thinks something is too violent or something and doesn't let kids watch, I'm not judging them here. Just the concept of a parent being like "no TV for you, MODERN CARTOONS are garbage" sounds retarded

Just watch cartoons with them and if you don't think it's ok then turn it off.Or just watch a bunch of shows with out your kid to see what you think is ok for them.
I feel that parents should test out movies,games and tv before writing angry letters at how the games they bought their kids ruined them.

are you done attacking your own strawman?

it goes beyond cartoons
its not only modern either, there is stuff i wouldnt want them watccching from the past either
well, im not ruling out better shows being made in the fututre

>it goes beyond cartoons

I'm not arguing with you there, though. I mean just as an example, I'm pretty sure youtube, in the past at least, actually had notices on the site itself saying it was for people 13+ and would be inappropriate for younger children. So in that case I'm not against saying that a little kid can't browse youtube unsupervised and just watch whatever they want.

But forbidding something on TV that's not inappropriate for them and that the hypothetical kid actually wants to watch because of Sup Forumspinions just seems a little much, trying to regulate every form of media they encounter etc. The kid might even up end disliking something you think is stupid too, if given the chance to actually judge it themselves

you mean actual parenting?

Keeping your kid ignorant of media that's popular in their age group will just cause them to be isolated from their peers.

All children grew up watching stupid pointless crap on TV. Yours will be no different.

>on TV that's not inappropriate for them
that was never my point
>because of Sup Forumspinions
i dont give a shit about that

>All children grew up watching stupid pointless crap on TV. Yours will be no different.
wrong and wrong

I know; that was MY point. My original post was in the thread was trying to get across that not letting something be watched because it's inappropriate is one thing; "THIS CARTOON IS DUMB" is another and will probably make your kids hate you

I'm saying they're your opinions. Like if planning out your hypothetical future kids' regulated cartoon consumption is a #1 priority, maybe lay off the Sup Forums

its not this is dumb, its low quality trash designed to be watched mindlessly, there is better quality entretainment, it would make them better happier kids

*you dont understand my point
its not about things i like vs things i dont like
take harry potter for example, i think after book 3 it got super lazy and boring, i didnt read book 5 until book 6 was finished because i hated it and then i read it fast to get iot done with, then book 6 was bad too.
but even then i wouldnt have a problem with harry potter because i dont like it but its not trash

>its low quality trash designed to be watched mindlessly

Well, I hope you at least say those exact words when your kids ask why they can't watch [MODERN CARTOON]

Still, "trash" seems like a broad way of saying "thing I don't like."

What are your standards for trash/non-trash?

every parent worth something has to be able to say no

effort put into + talent behind it is a good starting point

Just feel there's a difference between saying no to a kid getting drunk or something and a kid watching, like, Cartoon Network.

What do you consider trash today?

pretty much everything on children entretainment, i would have to think about what its not trash because trash is the norm
also effort + talent is only a starting point, its possible to have both and still fuck up, its possible to run out of budget, its possible to miss the mark or ruint the tone or even focus on something thats not interesting at all

did you never watch trashy entertainment as a kid?
I did. My parents hated it, but whatev.

>did you never watch trashy entertainment as a kid?

sorry do I not have the right user...?
you did but you wont let your kids?

i didnt have a real family growing up

Sounds like you want your kids to be 12 forever.