What the fuck was her problem?

What the fuck was her problem?

It's really shitty how we're meant to root for her despite her personality being clearly horrible.
>someone one-ups her
>she gets mad
>gets the spotlight again and says HO YEAH XD
Anyone who thinks this bitch isn't a horrible character can fuck right off.

>it's a peggy hill episode


>that episode where she got mad at Bobby for being a better housewife than her

A Rover Runs Through It

All women are like this though. They fucking HATE when men are better at doing their menial jobs that are oh so hard, being a mother is the hardest job in the world!


She tries to be the more "dominant" parent when she clearly does a shit job at it. Hank may not be perfect but he will always be a better parent than Peggy will ever be.

I am ashamed to admit that something about her saying "ho yeah" is kinda hot.

You know she screams that when she orgasms.

That's borderline her worst aspect, it's obnoxious as fuck.

She has a chip on her shoulder. Her mom always made her feel bad for not living up to their expectations and she felt like she was snubbed out of sports and work for being a woman. Because of that she works hard to prove how capable she is. But a counterpoint is that because she wasn't allowed to do any of these things, there was never anyone to say "hey, you're not very good at this." so she just assumes she's perfect, and any shunning/snubbing is based on some prior prejudice rather than her own lack of talent or horrid personality.

>get cozy to watch king of the hill on adult swim
>maximum comf, best drink and food equipped
>it's a peggy episode

Would you fuck Peggy though.

>people still miss the point of this episode
Peggy wasn't jealous of Bobby because he was better than her at being a homemaker (considering she encourages his more sensitive side), she was afraid he was replacing her as Hank's "wife". Hank says right at the start of the episode, what's the point of Bobby getting a wife if he's the one doing her "job"? Of course we know Hank doesn't think a man only needs a wife to clean house and cook for him, but he's not romantic or open with his feelings. Spend 20 years married to someone like that and you might start to believe he's only keeping you around because of your homemaking skills. Peggy loves Hank, but they don't have a lot of common interests, so of course she tries to throw herself into doing that sort of thing to win back his attention.

That's why Hank makes all of those dishes at the end, to show her he didn't marry her because she can cook and clean, but because he loves her. In retrospect it's probably one of their weirder episodes. A break like that would usually call for therapy at best.

I liked her in season 1

It's a Lucky episode

She swallowed a bus and has many anuses ahead of her.

>slipet odd bebe XD
why was this even a running gag

she has no testicles

I like him, he's good natured
hank, remember what i told the doctor.

>pee pee money is not a history of employment

I kek'd only once

she could be an adult and talk with him about it, instead of taking bobbys turkey and making hank be the one to fix it

Dunning Kruger effect that's her problem.

She's literally retarded

Isn't she like... the character the show makes fun of?

her worst episode is on

She's just really fucking unlikable.

Mommy didn't hug her enough.

Peggy Hill did nothing wrong.

Her ego is probably in the top 10 worsts, for cartoons at least.
>character asks if she has any faults
>"nope uh uh mm mm, but hank on the other hand,"

It was her purse, and Bobby knew her.


Thta’s not any better. Losing a subjective status in the household isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
It’s people like you that give tripfags a bad name

>durr why won't bobby say i wrote his essay? it's not like his teachers will get mad and give him an F
When parents help you with your homework it's to be nice, not to get the fucking credit, god damn Peggy is the worst

Tripfags give tripfags a bad name.

Shut up baby, you love us.

I don't like peggy's mom retcon, they could have found a different excuse

Explain the joke, what did Bobby do to the third girl whose name I can't remember, Luanne, Minh, and the girl under her

No you idiot, she's a horrible person, not a horrible character. The fact that this thread was made and you responded is because Peggy Hill is a good character.

Wrong, using your logic it'd be if her character flaws were commonly brought up in the series, instead it's almost always meant to be endearing, it's almost unbelievable how they try to portray her right when if another character did what she does they'd get the losing end of the stick.

>she could be an adult and talk with him about it
Hahaha yeah she could just talk to Hank Hill about emotional issues.

What fucking show did you watch because it wasn't King of the Hill. Stop talking out of your ass.

Peggy kept a tight figure and was a rider.

>instead it's almost always meant to be endearing

Peggy Hill was written to be an insecure know-it-all who likes to pretend she's the smartest person in the world even though shes only smart enough to know she's garbage.

You probably don't like Peggy Hill because she reminds you so much of yourself. Christ, how pathetic.

Who also is meant to be endearing in some capacity or else she’d have growth as a character.

>it's a "Sup Forums apes the opinions of YouTube cartoon reviewers and get triggered over flawed characters and "justice" in cartoons" thread

All bobby had to do was read a fucking magazine
Bitch has been cooking before he was fucking born and all he had to do was read a mother fucking magazine to do a better job than her
And what's her reaction? Realizing she is not nearly as good as she thinks she is and taking Bobby's example? No is throwing a tantrum and stealing a dinner she didn't make

She doesn't know she's garbage because the few people to tell her that usually get one-upped in the end

You're reaching for something to get mad about here.

She doesn't even work hard, she just assumed she is good at everything

It's a cotton puts hanks wife in her place episode

Didn't Bobby start taking assignments from other classmates and have Peggy do them for him and then he started acting like an arrogant douche about it?

I still end up hating Nancy more.

She did try the magazine thing but she really fucked it up with her centrepiece. I think it's also the fact that Bobby is able to do that shit really well by just reading up on the subject as well.

she used to be cute

Considering I don't use youtube and have been watching king of the hill since the first couple seasons go kill yourself

>not that cringe-inducing ear-rape """spanish""" of hers


muh beef wellington

nah, that is /sometimes/ legit funny

her NEED to stab her own family in the back at every given opportunity and either call it "for their own good" or turn it around and say they dont support her enough.

honestly, she's the type of mom who if their adult son had won the lottery. she'd steal the lottery ticket and try to pretend she has no clue where it went

or she'd steal the ticket and say "oh you'd never know what to do with all of it anyway"
not just taking it but being outright and snooty about it
i can actually see that being a plot

I really don't remember any prominent episodes that cement Peggy as shit. Bill is way shittier than Peggy.

Is it because her episodes aren't funny?

Peggy is always full of herself and thinks she is the best at everything but slightly less than mediocre at everything. Thats the reason people hate her. And it is fun to watch her fall time and again and if it was not for Hank, she would be Billette.

At least with Bill, we feel better about ourselves.

To be fair, she actually IS good at softball.

More or less. At best, she just works off of other characters and any episode actually dedicated towards her are either intolerable or just meh.

Depends on who's writing, of course.

>the thanksgiving episode
>the one where she smuggled a girl in from mexico
>the one where she was so stupid she kept bringing cocaine to a convict
>the entire arch of being substitute teacher of the year and the fact she created the award just for herself
there's evidence aaaaaaaaaaall over, user

>only Bill can make her orgasm

Bill has shown time and time again that he can be bought with a little attention and/or money.
> that time when bill enjoyed the popularity of being a gay barber
> that time when bill got buff from doing wheelchair basketball and started ignoring the gang
> those times when bill wanted to fugg Peggy
Bill is along for the ride, but he's not a good friend.

She doesn't always fail and when she does there's times she ends up putting down whoever put her down, or they do it in a way where a shitty snobby prick put her down so when she either does or doesn't get past them, it's either "rich people are fags poor peggy" or "they had it coming because they were rich peggy was in the right", and it's not just the rich types, it's the snobby prick ones in general that might shoot her a sly look or say something pretentious, but it's bad when they do it but when she does it its fine

When is Peggy shown to be in the right? The only time I can kind of think of is the end of the episode with the genius test.

Usually when she's confronting Cotton, because he is a huge piece of shit so she's right by default.

If she grew as a person she wouldn't be able to be used as an antagonist. Christ how do you people miss that she's one of the primary villains of the show?

Outside of beating bobby in a wresting match when Hank's nuts were sore, I cannot think of a win for Peggy. Oh shit, thats right. Cotton episodes.

no the wheelchair basketball thing was him.. growing as a person. you are thinking of the Army fitness exam thing where he and the dude from The Drew Carey show and then went full asshole to everyone else.

That's only because Cotton is a bigger jackass than she is.

Seriously almost every Peggy-centric episode paints her as a self-absorbed moron. That's the joke.

>Takes a full force kick directly to the cunt
>Feels nothing
Her vagina is made out of fucking iron

She got away with stealing Bill's flag, and everything that happened after: it getting run over, torn, burnt, and soaked.

And that episode where she wanted to sit with the realtor guys and instead of it being an average "want" it was revenge stemmed from that girl giving her a smirk, in the end she won.

bill is grade A shit, so is nancy
peggy is just irritating as fuck

The only explanation I can conceive of is that Hank savages her every night so she's used to taking a rough pounding.

She was reeling from it, but she used to ride horses and shit.

I don't think her episodes were written with the intent that shes supposed to be right.

Man, I wish they kept Jordan around. The episode even ended in a way that allowed her to be Bobby's recurring girlfriend, but nope, never heard from ever again.

Gosh, look at the hope in Hank's face. Not to worry, life will take that from him.

Never forget that Peggy killed a man and kidnapped a little girl from Mexico

Judging a person's quality based on one satirical posting is not very quality in and of itself.

The one on the left? She’s the girl Bobby met at the shoe department where Boomhauer showed how he picks up women.

>being frozen in shock as the man that was going to murder her niece is pulled into a meat grinder is the same as murder

>the thanksgiving episode
Watching her get her comeuppance was fun and it was written well.

>the one where she smuggled a girl in from mexico
The episode and her comeuppance was hilarious.
>the one where she was so stupid she kept bringing cocaine to a convict
Also funny
>the entire arch of being substitute teacher of the year and the fact she created the award just for herself

Watching her make a fool of herself was fun.

The way KOTH kept thinking up new ways for Peggy to fail showed the talent of the writing staff.

The first one can be explained as shock from nearly being killed by the very same machine the Pig Man got munched by. The second one is blatant stupidity.

Lucky's introduction to the show felt so desperate. You could tell the writers had run out of ideas and were bringing in a new character as a last result.

>mfw Luanne didn't succeed in beauty school or college
>mfw she ended up becoming trailer trash and not escaping her origins
That annoyed me so much. Luanne was one of the only pure-hearted characters in the show besides Bobbie and they wrapped it up in such an unsatisfying way.


Because she is a cheating whore who thinks she deserves it all and has no problem being a hypocritical cunt.

Peggy may have an ego the sixe oc a small country with the arrogance to match, but she at least stayed faithful to Hank with no minor, let alone DECADES LASTING affairs.

God the part where Luann finds the steer skull when looking for Peggy kills my every time.

>she ended up becoming trailer trash and not escaping her origins
She has a house, a devoted husband, a nest egg in case something goes wrong, family next door who love her, and she has a semi-successful career in children's media under her belt. Lucky sure as hell isn't much to look at but Luann did get a good ending.

that was cringe inducing

It's rather interesting how her character developed. She was relatively normal in the earliest episodes.

In the earlier seasons Hank wasn't as bad as he would get. Remember his heartfelt confession during the tornado at the trailer park in public? All Peggy would really have to say is "i feel like you're replacing me" which isn't an emotional bomb, Hank might realize what she means and the episode is over
king of the hill was the show i had on repeat 24/7 for months because I wasn't getting bored of it, I've seen every episode over a dozen times, don't tell me where i'm talking from


She found out about that time Minh made a pass at Hank, as well as the time Buck Strickland's wife tried to make soup with Hank in a hot tub.

ah forgot about that one

>I've seen every episode over a dozen times, don't tell me where i'm talking from
And your hard-hitting evidence is...
>Hank wasn't as bad as he would get
Maybe it just looks like you're talking out or your asshole because you're so full of shit. Hank was emotionally stunted. He and Peggy didn't talk about emotional stuff.

>she slept with someone before Hank
>afterwards the guy turned gay

I think Buck Strickland's girlfriend at the time even tried to have a go at him. If he was less of a devoted husband he could have smashed both and no one would have suspected him.