1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
2. What do you think of abortion?
3. Should monarchies still exist?
4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
6. Should marijuana be legal?
7. Should pornography be legal?
8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
9. Do you support nuclear power?
10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
11. Free trade or protectionism?
12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
17. Do you support the death penalty?
18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
Sup Forums survey
Other urls found in this thread:
NSA pls go
>mfw /brit/ is the NSA
t. rasheed
Didn't read a word of this
1. Live and let live
2. Uncomfortable but rather have it as an option
3. Only as cultural leftovers, living museum pieces
4. Promoting liberal democracy and capitalism everywhere
5. As many as can reasonably be accomodated, with pressure on Gulf nations to also do more
6. Yeah
7. Of course
8. Stupid question
9. Yes
10. You have that question backwards but in essence yes
11. Free trade
12. Liberalise the planning laws, free cities NOW
13. No
14. Don't know
15. Secretly back the kurds, let Putin stew in his own shit
16. Not sure
17. No
18. Yeah
19. Depends
20. NSA-style, yes
>he actually thinks people are going to waste their time with his bent survey
>1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
They a'ight. I say nothing, get state out of marriage.
>2. What do you think of abortion?
Let the states decide. I'm not for it.
>3. Should monarchies still exist?
>4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
>5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
Some refugees, no access to citizenship, must go back after specific amount if time.
>6. Should marijuana be legal?
>7. Should pornography be legal?
>8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
>9. Do you support nuclear power?
Needs to be studied more, cleanest power source thus far.
>10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
>11. Free trade or protectionism?
Free trade.
>12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
The two major parties should be replaced by puppies and kittens
>13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
>14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
Yes, no reason to hate them though...
>15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
What is a Leppo?
>16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
>17. Do you support the death penalty?
>18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
>19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
I think ppl can do what ever they want as long as they not muslim or think they need safe zones and speciel bathrooms
1) marriage
2) it's fine, better than unwanted babies
3) obviously not
4) interventionist
5) an agreed number based on population of receiving state and total number of refugees, aiming to take every refugee in
6) yes
7) yes
8) individualist mostly
9) yes
10) yes but not much
11) mostly free trade, agricultural goods tariffs to support local farming
12) convert about half of all cash-paid benefits into a system of food stamps
13) no
14) it can be, others are just depressed
15) ""FSA"" are the least shit option
16) yes
17) no
18) yes
19) yes but only on STEM education and transport and communications infrastructure
20) yes
>people actually wasted their time with his bent survey
Sup Forums thinks paid CTR employees troll them when it's nearly entirely just Sup Forums generals having a laugh with the rorkes
>1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
Don't have a problem with it
>2. What do you think of abortion?
No issue with it, but should be a last resort and not a method of contraception
>3. Should monarchies still exist?
No, out dated model in current form. Fine as a symbolic thing but shouldn't have power
>4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
Non interventionism
>5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
Should focus on the root of the problem, pool resources and build camps in the mean time instead of costly relocation that causes more problems than it solves
>6. Should marijuana be legal?
>7. Should pornography be legal?
>8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
>9. Do you support nuclear power?
>10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
>11. Free trade or protectionism?
free trade
>12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
dissolve the Scottish parliament (I am Scottish)
>13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
>14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
>15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
Back Assad and clean up the mess
>16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
>17. Do you support the death penalty?
Yes, in extreme and concrete cases
>18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
>19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
>1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
Not a priority, don't care either way
2. What do you think of abortion?
Don't care about it, doesn't matter to me when I'm voting
3. Should monarchies still exist?
4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
Only Christians
6. Should marijuana be legal?
7. Should pornography be legal?
8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
9. Do you support nuclear power?
10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
11. Free trade or protectionism?
I have no opinion on this, I don't know enough about it.
12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
Bin every single nogunz law we have
13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
They can spend whatever they want on it, it's not my place to say.
14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
By every objective measure it is.
15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
17. Do you support the death penalty?
18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
No, religion is an important part of all of our cultures and traditions and should be recognised as such.
19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
Yes, but only if racial profiling is involved because monitoring the communications of racial groups that obviously aren't prone to terrorism is invasive and a waste of resources.
fill in my survey and I might tell you fatty
1. Absolutely fine, gay marriage should be legal
2. It's the the woman's right, abortion should be legal because if it's illegal people will still get them done but it will be alot more dangerous as it will be an illicit activity.
3. It doesn't matter, as long as they have no political influence or take up taxpayers money
4. A mixture, every situation is different
5. We should either take in no refugees at all and have a country with immigration policies. Or take in absolutely everyone and have no immigration policies.
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Individualist
9. Yes
10. No.
11. Free trade
12. Nothing, let nature take it's course in a democracy and the best policies/systems will flourish
13. Yes, war is never a good thing
14. Yes
15. We should have never gone into the middle east, but now we're there we need to side with whoever's fighting ISIS
16. Yes, for the same reason abortions should be
17. No
18. Yes
19. No, let the economy take a hit. If there is a free market in place it will heal.
20. No
1. Should be states right. No marriage IMO
2. Should be states right. Murder, but should be legal IMO
3. yes
4. Mix of the two
5. Either only christians or none
6. no
7. should be states right. Yes IMO
8. Individualist
9. YES, but only in developed nations
10. no
11. lil bit of both
12. More states rights
13. No, I think it spends it inefficiently though
14. Yes
15. Kill em all
16. yes
17. YES
18. no
19. Depends on what
20. Only on the muslims
1. no, let them be diseased party animals till they commit suicide
2. before fetus is too big it's okie dokes
3. yeah but they should generate more money than they are taking as de facto welfare
4. non-interventionism, social darwinism all the way
5. 0
6. yes, it should be taxed
7. yes, some women have no other talents
8. individualist
9. yeah it's good we should work towards making it more efficient
10. no
11. free trade
12. bigger focus on technical universities and future technologies
13. yes
14. yes
15. Assad
16. no
17. no
18. yes
19. yeah we should spend money on money making things so we could have more money later
20. yes
Do not respond to this shit. Sage
1. Don't care
2. I think it is murder, but I also think it should be legal.
3. Don't care. If a country doesn't like it, it's their prerogative to change it.
4. World policing is fine as long as we are doing it for the benefit for everyone, and not because some politician has been bought by a foreign government or an oil company.
5. Refugees from barbaric countries should be turned away.
6. Don't care.
7. Yes.
8. I wouldn't put myself in either category.
9. 100% yes.
10. Only if they are also lowering costs. There is no point "lowering your carbon footprint" if it costs twice as much money.
11. Balanced and pragmatic approach.
12. Stop allowing congress to tell the military and other agencies like NASA how to spend their money. Give them a mission, but don't tell them how many tanks or which airplanes they have to buy.
It's just asking for corruption.
14. Outside of rare medical cases, yes.
15. Should try to come to a deal with Russia.
16. Yes.
17. Yes.
18. Yes.
19. Not necessarily. We should do whatever is best for the economy in that situation, and I am not an economist.
20. Yes.
1. civil unions at most, marriage over my cold dead body
2. oppose in general, allow for extreme cases (rape, danger for mother)
3. idgaf
4. limited interventionism with the focus of stabilising countries in the immediate neighbourhood (so no bombing of Arab countries for muh freedumbs)
5. real refugees should be welcomed. But if you can afford travelling from Turkish camps to Germany, you clearly are not a refugee.
6. leaning towards no, but i don't really care enough
7. leaning towards no, but i don't really care enough
8. neither, i endorse individualism that is grounded in common values
9. nuclear weapons yes, power plants only on a limited scale (if green energy can power 100 percent of our energy needs, it is clearly preferable)
10. yes
11. free trade within Europe, protectionism against outside forces
12. more direct democracy
13. They are wasting money on wars that shouldn't be fought, but a strong army is good in general
14. yes
15. Assad all the way. He's the least bad option.
16. no
17. no
18. yes, but keep civic religious practices like in the US. Religion should clearly not be dependent on state actors or you get dependent cuck shit like lesbian bishops.
19. yes, but the state should generally work without accumulating debt
20. yes
>1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
Don't give a shit either way
>2. What do you think of abortion?
Let degenerates cull themselves
>3. Should monarchies still exist?
No reason to destroy your culture if you still have one
>4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
>5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
>6. Should marijuana be legal?
>7. Should pornography be legal?
>8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
>9. Do you support nuclear power?
Fuck yes
>10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
>11. Free trade or protectionism?
>12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
Not sure, maybe change the electoral college so that each states votes are destributed by %of vote and not a winner takes all
>13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
Probably, but we're effectively the military of the entire western world
>14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
Yes, don't think they should be gassed or anything though
>15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
Stay out
>16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
Why not
>17. Do you support the death penalty?
>18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
No, religion is an undeniable part of culture/history and i say this as an atheist
>19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
Get a warrant you fat fuck
>don't care
>don't like it
>better than democracy
>only Christians
>free trade
>abolish it
>leave Syria
>idk. If you are going to have a death penalty, it should be done by a firing squad.
1: Do what you want, but don't expect everybody to approve or attempt to mandate that everybody approve and cater to you.
2: Limited legal
3: Yes
4: As a rule of thumb, non-interventionism
5: Case by case. Err on the low side.
6: Yes
7: Yes
8: Somewhere in the middle
9: Generally. Research much be continued because we cannot continue on the path of Fission.
10: No
11: Keep markets as open as possible. Most of the problems we have today stem from idiot state tinkering.
12: The voting age
13: Generally, yes
14: Yes
15: Stay out
16: Yes. But a doctor should not be compelled to kill you.
17: Yes
18: There never will be. This is naive idealism.
19: In select instances yes. As a national policy, no.
20: No.
>marriage over my cold dead body
It's only a matter of time Hans.
I read somewhere that Germany and Australia are the only countries in the world where more than 50% support it but they don't have it.
1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
2. What do you think of abortion?
3. Should monarchies still exist?
4. What foreign policy should the west have?
Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees,
only Christians or as many as possible?
6. Should marijuana be legal?SAGE
7. Should pornography be legal?SAGE
8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
9. Do you support nuclear power?
10. Should the government subsidise
companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
11. Free trade or protectionism?
12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the
Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
17. Do you support the death penalty?
18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>12: The voting age
higher or lower?
1. Dont care.
2. Mostly pro-life, but its a nuanced enough subject and I see both sides.
3. No
4. Isolationist, unless a direct ally our interest is in danger.
5. Zero
6. Yes.
7. Yes.
8. Individualist.
9. Dont care much about the environment; not informed enough to have an opinion.
10. No.
11. Free trade.
12. The IRS
13. Probably not. There is a reason I dont have to worry about war being fought on my own land. Our military might is a virtue.
14. Probably.
15. Don't know enough to say
16. Yes
17. No strong opinion. While I believe a society taking the high road and not killing someone, even if they deserve it, is the right thing to do, its hard to justify the public paying for that person to live forever. Forcing them to rot in jail is probably a stronger punishment than death itself. Many of them would likely opt for that.
18. Yes
19. No.
20. No.
1. i don't care what anybody does in the privacy of their own home. no marriage though, for them or any other form of deviant/degenerate.
2. murder. a child should not have to pay for it's mothers irresponsibly with it's life.
3. sure, as long as they aren't tyrannical.
4. never forget that war means killing enough of the enemy that the last few standing will do anything you ask to stop the endless bombing.
5. zero refugees.
6. no, but it should not be criminalized either.
7. yes, but not online as it can't be kept away from minors.
8. individualist.
9. yes, properly regulated and controlled.
10. no, that is unfair.
11. free trade.
12. totally eliminate campaign contributions. anyone can run for any office by clearly stating their positions on issues with a basic website.
13. no, but the amount of money does need to be spent more wisely.
14. absolutely.
15. Syria is Assad's problem and no one elses.
16. yes, as it's a personal decision.
17. yes, when it's richly deserved.
18. yes, always.
19. not if it means raising taxes or wasting taxpayer money.
20. suspected terrorists only, and only after permission from a judge.
>1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
Nothing. Fags can be common-law if they want, but they shouldn't be able to adopt.
>2. What do you think of abortion?
I approve of it in three scenarios. One is a rapebaby. Two is a serious health risk to mother. Third is if the baby would be born literally retarded.
>3. Should monarchies still exist?
Yes. Culture sprouts around them.
4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
>5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
Help refugees in their home countries if you must. Don't bring them here.
>6. Should marijuana be legal?
>7. Should pornography be legal?
Sadly yes.
>8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
>9. Do you support nuclear power?
Why wouldn't I?
>10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
>11. Free trade or protectionism?
Free trade. Within limits.
>12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
Foreign affairs.
>13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
No. They need the might to discourage a fight.
>14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
>15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
Stay out.
>16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
>17. Do you support the death penalty?
>18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
>19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
>What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
Against adoption rights, but I don't care about marriage equality
>What do you think of abortion?
Should be legal
>Should monarchies still exist?
>What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
>Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
As many as possible
>Should marijuana be legal?
>Should pornography be legal?
>Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
Something in between
>Do you support nuclear power?
>Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
>Free trade or protectionism?
>If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
Foreign policy
>Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
>Is transgenderism a mental illness?
>Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
Back Assad & the Kurds
>Should assisted suicide be legal?
>Do you support the death penalty?
>Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
>Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
1. They're alright
2. Pro choice
3. If they should they would
4. Mixture
5. Split the refoogies but not as many social benefits as germany gives and send them back ASAP
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Individualist
9. Yes
10. Only if all their other resources are managed (i.e. infrastructure, defense, trade)
11. Free trade
12. Eliminate the two party system move towards Euro style coalition government
13. Yes
14. Objectively yes as only legitimate trans people are those with gender dysphoria, I would call it a disorder more than an illness
15. Assad so long as they maintain good grace of Russia and do not antagonize NATO members
16. Yes
17. Yes
18. Yes
19. Yes
20. Yes
>6. Should marijuana be legal?
It should be illegal to keep the British tourists out.
>1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
gay marriage should NOT be allowed.
>2. What do you think of abortion?
I think we should have a eugenics program, so that blacks will be forced to have abortions, and whites can't.
>3. Should monarchies still exist?
only constitutional monarchies
>4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
no world policing
>5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
Yes, but no muslims, niggers, etc.
>6. Should marijuana be legal?
7. Should pornography be legal?
only amateur, the porn industry is harmful to society
>8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
have a guess
>9. Do you support nuclear power?
Hell yes, very efficient.
>10. Should the government subsidize companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
No. Global warming caused by humans is a hoax. It is a natural occurrence, and there is no link between CO2 and climate change.
>11. Free trade or protectionism?
Protectionism in some cases
>12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
One party, semi-democratic system (fascism).
>13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
Not for me to answer, but yes.
>14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
Without a doubt.
>15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
We should back Assad until ISIS is gone.
>16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
In rare cases
>17. Do you support the death penalty?
Of course.
>18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
It shouldn't affect the law, but it should be a solid part of our culture.
>19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>20. Does a government have a right to spy on
its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
No it does not. The NSA doesn't spy for terrorism anyway.
1. I'd like them to have the same opportunities as the rest of us, which includes marriage. Though I do see the point against it being that the govt's incentive to give tax breaks to married couples is in their interest in making babies. With gay marriage theyre giving tax breaks and getting nothing back.
2. I believe it's murder, but I don't care. The way I see it, if the mother doesn't want it, the child is better off being terminated before it has a chance to realize whats going on.
3. Because people like them.
4. I think we should help allies when it's needed and if a significant threat pops up we should take care of it. Otherwise we should just chill and build up our country.
5. We shouldn't take any of them. Theyre mostly men who are fighting age from a culture that not only doesn't share our values, but hates ours. Let Europe get cucked.
6. Yes. All drugs should be legalized, it would destroy the drug cartels and end 90% of crime. We could then do actual police work.
7. Yes.
8. Im a collectivist when it comes to individual rights. I think the rights of the individual are important because they can determine the rights of the collective.
9. Yes. Bad things happen, but it's mostly safe. Im hoping we can move beyond the need soon.
10. Sure.
11. Free Trade.
12. I'd find a way to end corruption and remove the govt from as many aspects of life as I could.
13. Our military is our power, it's better to have a massive military than a weak one. Would be nice to take a bit of that and spend it on other things though.
14. Yes, and encouraging it is horrendous. These people need help, not to be told that their delusions are true when they obviously arent.
15. Let them fight each other, we should MAGA
16. Sure.
17. I don't like the govt having say over who lives and dies.
19. I don't know
20. To a point. I think if it's warranted, say if they had a tip on someone, they should be able to target that person up to what their rights dictate.
1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
2. What do you think of abortion?
womyn can do abortion if they want
3. Should monarchies still exist?
4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?colonialism of 3rd world with the intetion of westernising it or non-interventionism. definitely no world police
5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
i don't care. they can take few
6. Should marijuana be legal?
7. Should pornography be legal?
8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
9. Do you support nuclear power?
10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
i am for lowering carbon footprint, but i don't know about subsidising
11. Free trade or protectionism?
whatever is better for the world in the long run
12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
can't think of anything specifically
13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
i don't know
15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
don't know
16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
17. Do you support the death penalty?
18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
don't know, whatever is better for the economy
20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
2. I would like to say something as a fater of a child. K bros,thx.
3. Depends on society model.
5. Christians only.
6. Yup.
8. Individualist.
9. Yup.
10. No.
11. Free trade.
12. Stronger president's position.
13. Yup.
14. Nah.
15. Based Assad and Kurds, altough do not mingle in inner affairs.
16. Yup.
17. Yup.
18. Yup.
19. Nope.
20. Nope.
1. Don't care
2. Bored with pro-life arguments
3. Sure
4. Mostly non-interventionism
5. Take some but no obligations
6. yes
7. yes
8. individualist
9. mostly
10. somewhat
11. free trade niggas
12. I'd catch a body...
13. yes
14. mostly
15. the Kurds 100%
16. yes
17. yes
18. no need for %100, but yes
19. if they have a good plan, fuck buddy bailouts
20. who cares, government is the enemy anyways.
Her left eye is lower and slightly crooked where as her right eye is perfectly placed
Enjoy that
>1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
Any attempts to control or stop them are futile and silly.
>2. What do you think of abortion?
Seems morally wrong to me, don't know if it should be illegal though, definitely shouldn't be tax funded.
>3. Should monarchies still exist?
>4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
>5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
No refugees
>6. Should marijuana be legal?
>7. Should pornography be legal?
>8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
>9. Do you support nuclear power?
>10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
>11. Free trade or protectionism?
Free trade
>12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
I'm content with our system, I'd rather focus on changing things about our society / culture
>13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
Yes, but I also think the military is the most important government program
>14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
No. I think they're just histrionic and they want to go around like "I have an illness, feel bad for me, I'm special, lalala".
>15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
Stay out
>16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
>17. Do you support the death penalty?
No, only because I don't trust the government with that power.
>18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
>19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
More often than not, they only abuse this power, and don't use it to spy on legitimate threats.
>1. What do you think of gays? Marriage, nothing or illegalise it?
dont care as long as they keep to themselves
>2. What do you think of abortion?
legalize it but dont government fund it
>3. Should monarchies still exist?
>4. What foreign policy should the west have? Non-interventionism, world police or a mixture of the two?
mixture but mainly non interventionism
>5. Should western nations take in 0 refugees, only Christians or as many as possible?
>6. Should marijuana be legal?
yes but tax the fuck out of it
>7. Should pornography be legal?
>8. Are you a collectivist or an individualist?
>9. Do you support nuclear power?
>10. Should the government subsidise companies that try to lower their carbon footprint?
>11. Free trade or protectionism?
free trade
>12. If you could change one thing about your nation's government/governmental system - what would it be?
>13. Do you think the US spends too much money on its military?
>14. Is transgenderism a mental illness?
>15. Should we back Assad, the FSA, the Kurds, a mixture or stay out of Syria entirely?
>16. Should assisted suicide be legal?
>17. Do you support the death penalty?
yes but change it to hanging to reduce costs
>18. Should there be a 100% separation between religion and government?
>19. Should the government spend more if the economy is under-performing?
>20. Does a government have a right to spy on its citizens to stop potential terrorist activity?
1. marriage equality, let states decide, or hold national referendum. repeal the case that backhandedly legalised it and polarised the nation
2. keep it. whites don't get them anyways. its modern day eugenics.
3 yes
4. carry big stick
5. none of them. only the christians who are wealthy or have skills
6 yes. let states decide.
7. yes absolutely.
8. be whoever you want to be, but dont do things that go against the needs of the nation.
9. yes dedicate as much money into cold fusion as possible. it is a top priority and will secure our nation as more than just a superpower, don't share it with anyone else.
10. yes but incentivise nuclear not shitty wind and solar.
11. protectionism. make the rest of the world dependent on us. china strategy, but we'll do it 2x better
12. i want congress represented by different parties that form coalitions and be elected by preferential voting. but we should keep the electoral college.
13. right now yes, we need to cut back and focus on internal infrastructure, lick our wounds, and become greater than ever before, and then spend a lot on our military.
14. maybe? i don't know. I'm trans but i think most trans people arent mentally ill because they're trans they're mentally ill because they're poisoned by marxism. i don't think its mentally ill.
14. assad 100%
15. no
17. yes as long as there is undeniable proof and the crime is henious enough, unless the family requests that it not be done.
18. yes, but an encouragement of beliefs like buddhism, taoism, shinto, confucianism. they breed the best societies
19. case by case basis
20. yes. hi nsa *kisses*
1. aids is the future
2. love it
3. butterflies are stupid
4. nuke the middle east and canada
5. only sexy christians
6. death penalty
7. only in sweden
8. im a racist
9. nuke the middle east and canada
10. subsidize nuking the middle east and canada
11. nuke china
12. remove california
13. is the middle east and canada nuked?
14. YES
15. nuke the middle east and canada
16. YES
17. of course not, thats horrible
18. nuke the middle east and canada
19. nope
20. nuke the middle east and canada
its Annika Boron
I remember she was butthurt about Trump on snapchat
pls don't ruin her for me
They can be whatever they want as long as I don't have to know about it. No marriage because it's a religious tradition and all the places a religious marriage is done in, abhore gays. So unless they live in some country with no predominantly religious marriage, they have nothing.
Is wrong after month 5 and should be illegal for babies 6 months+.
Depends on the country/culture/traditions.
Non-interventionism. If you want to intervene, don't parade it as being peace-keepers when the intervention is a silent war.
No males between ages 10->70. Other refugees should be fine
I think it's equivalent to tobacco and alcohol, so yes.
Of course, it's the only way we can depend on clean energy in the future.
Protectionism ofc
Oslo accords
Yea, like what? 60% of its budget?
As long as the person is keeping his private parts intact, then yeah. Taking hormones is fine I guess.
Assad with no doubt.
Nope, but there shouldn't be any "forcing" of connecting the two as well.