Trump is a problematic bigot and is NOT my president
Adrian Young
Can Trump save Sweden?
Xavier Martinez
kek, the no snow is fucking up my thanksgiving plans actually
Xavier Miller
Kayden Roberts
Aiden Anderson
Any Louisianafags know how attractive Creole women are?
Caleb Young
Elijah Brown
Tyler Barnes
Hillary Clinton is not your president.
Jace King
If you live the US, yes he is.
Ryan Rogers
The only thing im nervous about is Trump saying hes only going to deport 2-3 million criminal illegals, not all 15-30 million.
Seriously why in the flying fuck is it so looked down upon to want ALL illegals immediately deported?? Fuck these republicucks trying to sway trumps admin shit pisses me off.
Ayden Flores
looks like r/sandersForPresident is back
Caleb Gray
theres not going to be a wall is there bros?
Sebastian Clark
Vad i helvete
Aiden Reed
Not sure if a joke or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a market for this.
Anthony Phillips
Nathan James
>2000, Trump supports gay marriage >2005, Trump supports gay marriage >Trump kisses a cross dressing Rudy Giuliani on the lips >2016, Trump says he will protect the LGBT community >2016, Trump says that gay marriage is settled law and he does not intend to change it
>MEDIA claims him homophobic. >LIBERALS claim him homophobic. >LEFT claim him homophobic.
He's only using ICE on the 2-3 million. The rest are basically going to be forced out due to E-Verify actually being used and removal of welfare.
Caleb Nguyen
That's 3 million illegals IMMEDIATELY. More to come in the future, no doubt.
Nolan King
Seems so.
Jaxon White
Levi Watson
Buddy, it spells T-A-R-D.
Isaiah Anderson
>sandercucks are going to funnel him money over 4 years for his election >he spends it all then dies in 2020
Lincoln Barnes
Your new emergency line.
Thomas Mitchell
Thanks for electing a dangerous piece of shit pol. Will Trump btfo out of congress and the supreme court when they get in his way? Will you Trumpanzees continue your zealous support for this demagogue when he rips down not only the institutions that underpin our republic, but the actual institutions of our republic as well? I hope you proceed with caution, keep an eye open and not just blindly follow this nutcase just because he says some funny things and makes liberal babies cry.
Angel Jones
>back to berniebros shilling for him here
Joshua Russell
Isaiah Phillips
Matthew Jackson
was kind of reasonable until...
Andrew Green
Matthew Miller
/r/ing the picture comparing Trump voters to Immortan Joe's crew and Hillary voters to leashed kekolds.
Sebastian Cooper
If he cuts all the benefits they get will they self deport?
Henry Richardson
Are you implying libs care about the truth?
Hudson Flores
WINNING. Winning is going on for the next 8 years.
Anthony Stewart
Levi Rogers
Elijah Peterson
Thank you bros that makes sense
Andrew Allen
I want to see these fuckers try it, only for them to get blasted to pieces by gun owners.
Gavin Perry
This man is gigamillion times more LBQGBUANBGFAISUFSA positive than Hillary "I support and take money from Qatar, Saudi, ISIS, ISIL" Clinton
Chase Brooks
Joseph Harris
Dylan Anderson
Juan Johnson
Is anyone else concerned that Donald might not get a second term?
I know that's something to not even start properly worrying about until at least 2 years' time, but I really think he needs all 8 years and it concerns me that he might not get them.
I put in an order after the election victory. I hope it won't take too long to fulfill. I'm sure they got swamped.
Tyler Morgan
>when Obama tells you about the aliens and you're trying to figure out how to build a space wall
Brody Barnes
Gotta get those donations going. I donated my dog and my wifes son. match me
Jose Richardson
Brayden Russell
I hope sandals doesnt die before 2020
he would be so easy to beat it will be ridiculous
Benjamin Bell
kek'd and checked
Landon Clark
same here, i want to see them just try and pull off an obvious start to a civil war they cannot win
Jackson Bailey
I was until the DNC came out announcing a radical left-wing Mudslime as their leader.
Liam Ward
Grayson Powell
Jonathan White
Has Hannity named him yet? I know based Dobbs can't get enough of naming him.
Anthony Morgan
>Soros trending on twitter WE STARTED THE FIRE
Zachary Martinez
Truth is chaos
Nathan Perry
>Trump ISN'T going to arrest Hillary for her crimes and corruption Okay then.
Asher Lewis
is that rudy?
John Thompson
Bernie can still win if we all write a letter or phonebank the electors. Time to chip in another 1200 bucks. MATCH ME!
Xavier Russell
CWC is the face of the radical left.
Hunter Miller
>tfw you and your elite buddies spend $10b and still lose
Noah Barnes
You have to be Jimmy Carter tier to not get a second term in America, I wouldn't worry about it much.
Austin Miller
Jose Wilson
please trump fix NYC gun laws so i don't have to store mine in maine anymore
Oliver Phillips
Oh dog what have we done. I'm with hell now.
Wyatt Cooper
Blake Brooks
The election is over and I still don't know what Hillary's platform was supposed to be. Trump's was pretty simple to understand (stop illegal immigration, renegotiate trade deals, bring jobs back, get corruption out of Washington, etc.) I just don't know what Hillary wanted to do, other than get into history books as the first woman president. Just compare the slogans. Trump had stuff like "Make America Great Again" and "Drain the Swamp". Pretty memorable and fun phrases. Hillary had shit like "I'm With Her" and "Deal Me In". What the fuck is that? How is that supposed to help the people? Then there's "Love Trumps Hate", which is fucking retarded because it has her opponents name in it. The only slogan that even approached being sensible was "Stronger Together" because that actually implied the American people. But it was just bland.
Benjamin Diaz
But that's not what he said. He dodged the fuck out of that question.
>Giving the target of a prosecution a 2 months head start to prepare a defense
James Garcia
dam, btfo
Isaiah Ward
Of course Hannity has named the Jew. Who do you think he is? Even Cuck'Reilly and the Bleeding Queen have.
Asher Perry
Dylan Williams
Sebastian Hernandez
so you don't actually believe in states' rights?
Jonathan Turner
Fox and Friends literally put George Soros' face on the screen yesterday.
Elijah Smith
It's only a matter of time before they see the writing on the wall, before they see their fortunes fade along with their relevancy. Soon these faggot celebrities will be jumping on the Trump bandwagon, and will probably end up turning people away from the movement.
Jeremiah Allen
Brandon Lee
Adrian Flores
Hillary's platform was "I'm not Trump" it's no wonder why she lost
Nathan Smith
State's rights does not supercede the 2nd amendment.
Elijah Reyes
help me stop laughing Sup Forums, our media just called (((Breitbart))) a neo-nazi antisemitic platform
Luis Morales
Honestly, who saw this coming a decade ago?
Jose Gonzalez
Former Trumpfag here. Once I found out he lied about the wall, I knew i would be living a lie if i continued supporting him.
Jackson Morgan
Remember when people used to say Donald was a Hillary plant?
Oh man yeah he really helped her win the White House
Christian Ortiz
Between his twitter shitting on leftists, and his show being the first to bring a lot of wikileaks and veritas to the MSM, I've gained a gigantic respect for Sean Hannity.
Joshua Lewis
Chase Allen
supremacy clause cuck boy
Samuel Phillips
Trump shouldn't have taken a neutral stance on gay marriage for the interview.
If he plans on having a constitution-following supreme court, he should be aware that Obergefell vs Hodges is one of the most illegitimate and lawless court decisions in American history, and is a complete mockery of the constitution and of states rights.
Thankfully any judge willing to overturn Roe v Wade(which Trump plans to appoint) probably knows this already, though.
Benjamin Mitchell
i hope they learn the hard way they don't deserve forgivness
Camden Johnson
i hope all this is getting retweeted out lmao
Noah Stewart
Henry Davis